Judge Rules ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Hoodie Violated School Dress Code
“Because Defendants reasonably interpreted the phrase as having a profane meaning, the School District can regulate wearing of Let’s Go Brandon apparel during school without showing interference or disruption at the school….”

Oh, give me a break. From The College Fix:
According to Jonathan Turley’s blog, plaintiff “D.A.,” a student at Tri County Middle School, was told last spring by Assistant Principal Andrew Buikema (pictured) and teacher Wendy Bradford to take off his “Let’s Go Brandon!” hoodie as it violated school dress code.
The dress code states school officials can “determine [if] a student’s dress is in conflict with state policy, is a danger to the students’ health and safety, is obscene, [or] is disruptive to the teaching and/or learning environment by calling undue attention to oneself.”
Western District of Michigan Judge Paul Maloney believed the “obscene” part, saying there is little-to-no difference between the two phrases.
“If schools can prohibit students from wearing apparel that contains profanity, schools can also prohibit students from wearing apparel that can reasonably be interpreted as profane,” Maloney wrote. (The district noted it also had banned shirts with the phrases “Fet’s Luck” and “Uranus Liquor” on them.)
Maloney noted administrators and teachers could prohibit apparel that reads “F#%* Joe Biden” or uses “homophones for profane words … [such as] ‘Somebody Went to HOOVER DAM And All I Got Was This DAM Shirt.’”
“Because Defendants reasonably interpreted the phrase as having a profane meaning,” Maloney said, “the School District can regulate wearing of Let’s Go Brandon apparel during school without showing interference or disruption at the school….”

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These people can get second jobs screening proposed vanity car plate letter-number combinations.
(On more than one occasion I had someone ask me how to pronounce the letter-number combination on my license plate. It was in fact my amateur radio call sign, and those are not considered vanity plates.)
agree with the ruling
and since its a political statement
then anything related to blm harris trump etc should also be banned
Their policy says nothing about political statements. Nowhere. I’d like a further explanation as to how “Let’s Go Brandon” is “reasonably profane”, however.
thats why they have those catch all /vague policies in place
well since the thought is that lets go brandon is a political statement and meaning in popular parlance
again,,if the district or even in the whole state at anytime allowed blm to be broadcast at schools or events these people should continue on in pursuing justice against the one sided biased pro left
and since its michigan the odds are blm was allowed as an “official” state religion
Wrong. They can’t ban political statements. What they can ban is profane language, and this shirt was banned because everyone knows what “Let’s Go Brandon” actually stands for.
It’s the difference between the Tinker siblings’ black armbands, which schools must allow, and Paul Cohen’s “fuck the draft” jacket, which court houses must allow but schools can ban.
This decision is saying that not only can schools ban “fuck the draft”, they can also ban “fudge the draft”, or “to heck with the draft”. I’m not sure I agree with that; the whole point of euphemisms is that they are not profane, and can be used in polite company as substitutes for profane language. Treating them as profane too defeats their purpose.
I wonder how this would have turned out if the student’s “Let’s Go Brandon” hoodie had had the image of a race car near the phrase? It was at a race track, after all, that the phrase originated.
I don’t think it matters where it originated. The original meaning was the same one it has now.
thats how they get around any stipulation they *might* follow when it comes to banning political speech
with certain vagueness
sure,they arent banning free speech
they just wont allow you to turn on the mic
What are you talking about? You’re even more incoherent than usual.
however the “calling undue attentions to oneself”
is specious
Considering the allowable dress in high schools wearing a silly tshirt should be the least of their worries.
It’s not the silliness the school objects to, it’s the profane language that it evokes in the reader’s mind. Like “Fet’s Luck” or “French Connection UK” clothing, it’s not actually profane, but it’s intended to make you think of profane language. Everyone knows what “Let’s Go Brandon” really stands for, and that’s language that is protected speech in court houses but not in schools.
I’d rather the principal concern himself with the ability of students to read and write.
you cant change dna and the welfare state
Perhaps he does. Do you have any information about the quality of the education at that school?
Reminder: You don’t have to subject your child nor yourself to any of these silly pissing contests.
Homeschool your children.
You have virtually infinite flexibility designing the curriculum. Many options available , start looking online.
By age ~16 , an American teen should:
(a) have gotten established with regular part-time work,
(b) have passed the SIELE A1 in Spanish or the equivalent in another language.
Another reminder: This is not a dress rehearsal, Your kid doesn’t really get a lot of second chances to acquire foundational skills.
homeschooling is not enough to stop the takeover
the gop must stop allowing funding of these places
If I believed that the principal and the school applied this policy evenhandedly I’d be more comfortable with this ruling.
But we know they’re not being evenhanded.
And how do you know that?
we have seen public schools embrace the politics of communism and racist polices
while working hard to stop “whites only” groups etc
In other words you have no idea what you’re talking about.
This is not “public schools”; this is a public school, about which you have no information whatsoever.
This is exactly like describing a specific person as a thief because he’s black, and “we have seen” black people steal things.