Joe Biden Rewrites Story of His Exit From 2024 Race in United Nations Speech

Joe Biden gave his final address at the United Nations on Tuesday and rewrote some recent history. In his remarks, Biden suggested that he voluntarily dropped out of the 2024 race, saying, “I decided, after 50 years of public service, it’s time for a new generation of leadership to take my nation forward.”

That is completely false.

Joe Biden was forced out of the 2024 race by the Democratic party’s power brokers and major donors.

From the White House transcript:

“We the People.” These are the first words of our Constitution, the very idea of America. And they inspired the opening words of the U.N. Charter.I’ve made the preservation of democracy the central cause of my presidency.This summer, I faced a decision whether to seek a second term as president. It was a difficult decision. Being president has been the honor of my life. There is so much more I want to get done. But as much as I love the job, I love my country more. I decided, after 50 years of public service, it’s time for a new generation of leadership to take my nation forward.My fellow leaders, let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power. It’s your people — (applause) — it’s your people that matter the most.

Here’s the clip:

Biden also defended his administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which cratered his approval rating in 2021.

FOX News reports:

Biden reflected on the global order when he was first elected as a U.S. senator in 1972, saying the world was at “an inflection point” and a “moment of tension and uncertainty.””The world was divided by the Cold War; the Middle East was headed toward war; America was at war in Vietnam at that point — the longest war in America’s history,” Biden said. “Our country was divided and angry, and there were questions about our staying power and our future. But even then, I entered public life not out of despair, but out of optimism.”Biden said when he was elected president, the world was in “another moment of crisis and uncertainty,” referring to the ongoing U.S. presence in Afghanistan…Biden said he needed to put the United States “in a position to see the threats, to deal with the challenges, and to seize the opportunities as well.””We needed to end the war that began on 9/11,” Biden said. “I came to office as president, with Afghanistan to replace Vietnam as America’s longest war.””I was determined to end it,” he said. “And I did.”Biden said it was a “hard decision but the right decision.”

Dana Perino of The Five on FOX News reacted to Biden’s claims about voluntarily leaving the 2024 race by calling out the lie.

This video is cued to start at the 4:54 mark. Just press play:

Trump is fact-checked constantly by the media. Joe Biden is allowed to lie whenever he pleases.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2024 Democratic Primaries, 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, History, Joe Biden, United Nations