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Joe Biden Put on Trump 2024 Hat During Visit With Pennsylvania Firefighters

Joe Biden Put on Trump 2024 Hat During Visit With Pennsylvania Firefighters

I cannot wait to hear the explanation.

President Joe Biden visited firefighters in Pennsylvania.

I don’t know if someone handed it to him, he picked it up without knowing what it said, or if he did it on purpose.

Either way, it’s funny!


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alaskabob | September 11, 2024 at 5:13 pm

Trump-tastic. Good to see “Smil’n Joe” having a good time. Almost as good as Psaki wearing that pretty and pink ushanka given to her by Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov.

healthguyfsu | September 11, 2024 at 5:34 pm

Just your daily reminder that the current commander-in-thief is completely senile and the veep that enabled this charade is trying to convince everyone she’s a moderate.

Well Trump did say that Biden hates Harris….so maybe he was on to something? Anyway it’s hilarious!

JohnSmith100 | September 11, 2024 at 6:12 pm

Maybe Biden has barely enough marbles. left to understand that both the party and his wide have used and abused him.

When your staffers have no respect for you they do something like not vet hats people want to hand to you.
This person is the President and will do such damage between now and next January. His attempting to pack the DOJ with late appointments that will carry through to Trump, if he wins, is just the start.

Why did Biden put on a Trump hat?
To cover up his “We Don’t Respond to Vets” hat.

scooterjay | September 11, 2024 at 7:17 pm

Give him a break…c’mon man, he has to wear a lot of hats to avoid wearing his big boy britches.

It might just be fun or it might be ironic. I’d guess fun.

RandomCrank | September 11, 2024 at 7:52 pm

Senile Joe.

Watching 9/11 videos all day, interviews with firefighters…

I think, 9/11, 9/12, Muslims did this and George Bush prostrated himself to America and the World and told us they were the religion of peace.. and then he let millions into this country, only to have them protesting in the very streets that 9/11 filled with destruction. Marching with their signs of death to Jews, Israel, America, calling the police pigs, assaulting people.. throwing Molotov cocktails into police cars ( blm, doesn’t matter, same people)

The white rich kids who join, idiots all, abusing Jewish kids at school, getting away with it of course

23 years is not that long of a time

When the towers fell down, the black smoke we saw streaming through the streets like thoroughbreds from the apocalypse… that was Satan, and that black smoke, like a snake, has spread all over America

destroycommunism | September 11, 2024 at 8:16 pm

fjb confided in his bff

and said

look kamala was good for the laugh

but trump is the man to maga

Maybe he’s as bitter and petty as McCain was in the end.

Look at Cheney.

    gonzotx in reply to Andy. | September 11, 2024 at 10:51 pm

    they did their damage

    Bush is painting pictures now

    What an artist

    I did protest the Iraq war with Cindy Sheehan at his ranch up near Waco.

    I actually had a friend who’s ranch butted up to his

    Not pleasent, they bought theirs before he did.

Quite a few people have memory holed that one of Bush’s responses to 9/11 was incessant speeches about “the religion of peace” and opening the floodgates to a muslim invasion. You know, Little Mogadishu and Dearbornistan? The same people shouting Death To JOOOOOs in the streets right now?

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