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Hollywood Bowl Cancels Show after Heat Wave Melts Southern California Grid

Hollywood Bowl Cancels Show after Heat Wave Melts Southern California Grid

Rolling blackouts are back, baby!

The bill came due to California’s insistence on ignoring the realities of physics and engineering so that its politicos could push forth green energy schemes premised on climate change pseudoscience.

Karma, at least, had a chuckle. One of the first places impacted by the recent heat wave melting the southern California electrical grid was in the heart of eco-alarmism: Hollywood.

In a weekend marked by power outages due to extreme heat, the Hollywood Bowl had to cancel its Sunday program after the historic venue lost electricity.

No details were available about the cause of the power outage or how long it was supposed to last.

On the social media platform X, Hollywood Bowl officials said “if a new date for this performance can be confirmed, details will follow and tickets for the original date will be valid for the new performance date.”

Grouplove and Tiny Habits were scheduled to perform.

The response to this development has been less than sympathetic.

Thousands in the region were without power during the weekend, where temperatures soared over 100 in many areas.

As of 5 p.m., Southern California Edison was reporting 66 outages affecting 8,840 customers in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power reported at 2 p.m. Saturday there were 7,042 customers without power and around 100 outage incidents in mainly residential areas. As of 3 p.m. on Sunday, 6,610 customers still were without power, utility spokeswoman Terinn Holman said.

“It will take time for crews to respond to and restore all affected areas as safely as possible, the LADWP posted at 4:45 p.m. Saturday. “Please be patient with us as our crews continue to work around the clock.”

Closer to my home in San Diego, over 14,000 homes went dark (mercifully, not mine).

An outage at the Jamacha substation impacted roughly 10,500 customers. The initial outage was reported at 3:15 p.m. and power has been restored to a majority of the customers in the La Presa, Spring Valley and Rancho San Diego neighborhoods.

As of 6 p.m., roughly 6,100 people are without power throughout San Diego County, a spokesperson for SDG&E told CBS 8. It’s most prominent, they said, in eastern San Diego County and Center City.

SDG&E is still investigating the root cause of the problem but said investigators are confident it’s weather-related.

It looks like rolling blackouts are back, baby!

Some Pasadena families may be left in the dark as the city is implementing rolling blackouts.

The Pasadena Water and Power has a map showing the areas impacted by the scheduled power outage. At last check around 5:30 p.m. Friday, the rolling blackout impacted more than 1,400 customers.

The Pasadena Water and Power told the City News Service that those without power in the area are expected to have lights back on within an hour.

Take-home lesson: If you want rock concerts with acoustics and lighting at night, you need civilization-worthy power sources. Currently, there are only two: fossil fuels and nuclear power.

As California seems intent on gutting its fossil fuel industry, perhaps someone in Sacramento can start getting Generation IV nuclear power in place.


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When do the EV mandates kick in? Prepare yourself for that “fun”, California!

Let them listen to their car stereos in their Teslas, until the charge is dissipated.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 12, 2024 at 8:14 am

Within my lifetime, this totally amazing, beautiful state has gone so far down hill I don’t recognize it.

Only in California can a power outage cancellation be publicized on an illuminated sign…

Invest in a generator. Mine has saved my bacon after many a Nor’easter.

Gotta agree with Grizzly. It’s sad to see such a beautiful state in such disarray on so many fronts.

JackinSilverSpring | September 12, 2024 at 10:27 am

Power outages affecting a few thousand homes for a day or so are not going to have any effect on the California mindset. It will take a blackout that affects several million homes for a week or so to do that.

of course there is natural cooling
called sweat.

or Nuclear power plants.
or coal fired plants which require
far less delays and requirements
and can be built much faster.

destroycommunism | September 12, 2024 at 11:55 am

power outage= the left wants you to regress back into the stone(d) age

while the live in comfort

Dolce Far Niente | September 12, 2024 at 1:33 pm

Heartwarming stories like this make me want to shake Karma’s hand and say “Thanks for doing your job.”

The progressive fascists trying to force us to be more reliant on electricity.

The vile and wretched Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks bring the “magic” of “green” energy to all who possess the distinct misfortune of living under their despotic, callous, impoverishing and destructive rule.

Peasants of the proletariat don’t need air conditioning, hot showers, lawn sprinklers, effective dishwashers, etc., comrades!

    henrybowman in reply to guyjones. | September 12, 2024 at 10:30 pm

    When I was a kid I used to watch the Jetsons and dream about how my life would be in the future,
    My bad. I should have been watching the Flintstones.

The folks in CA might wanna take a look at Germany to see how things turn out for them in the near future if they continue on their current path. Just some friendly advice to my friends and relatives who still reside in CA. Glad I left the west coast so long ago.