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Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah is Dead, IDF Confirms

Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah is Dead, IDF Confirms

Jerusalem Post: “During Nasrallah’s 32-year leadership of Hezbollah, he was responsible for planning and executing multiple terrorist operations in Israel and abroad.” 

The leader of terror group Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has been killed in Friday’s Israeli airstrike on Beirut, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed Saturday morning.  

“The IDF on Saturday said it can confirm that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in the strike on Beirut,” the Israeli news website YNET reported. 

Nasrallah, along with several top Hezbollah terror commanders, was eliminated in a precision strike by the Israeli Air Forces (IAF) on the terrorist stronghold of Dahieh, a suburb in southern Beirut. 

“Following precise intelligence from the IDF and Israeli security establishment, IAF fighter jets conducted a targeted strike on the Central Headquarters of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, which was located underground embedded under a residential building in the area of Dahieh in Beirut,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported. 

“Also killed in the massive strike on the jihadist group’s south Beirut bastion were Ali Karki, the Commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Front, and additional Hezbollah commanders,” the TV channel added.

The elimination of Nasrallah and nearly the entire Hezbollah leadership is a devastating blow to the Iranian regime which has poured in billions of dollars of its oil revenue to prop up the world’s biggest terrorist group.

Hezbollah “boasts a troop strength of 20,000 to 25,000 full-time fighters, with additional tens of thousands in reserves,” the Israeli military notes in an assessment published on its website. “It boasts over 150,000 rockets and missiles, including the Iranian made Fajr-5 and Zelzal-2 rockets. These armaments underscore the threat that Hezbollah poses to Israeli security, as their arsenal is capable of reaching deep into Israel’s territory. Hezbollah has built itself into the world’s most powerful non-state actor.”

Nasrallah, the 64-year-old terror chief, was the founding member of the Iran-sponsored Hezbollah and became its leader in 1992 after his predecessor Abbas al-Musawi was eliminated in an Israeli airstrike. “During Nasrallah’s 32-year leadership of Hezbollah, he was responsible for planning and executing multiple terrorist operations in Israel and abroad,” the Jerusalem Post reported Saturday. 

The Hezbollah chief was also responsible for dragging Lebanon in the conflict by launching a terror offensive along Israel’s northern border after the Hamas-led October 7 massacre. “Under his command, Hezbollah joined Hamas in its conflict with Israel on October 8th, 2023, further escalating violence in the region,” the Israel newspaper noted.

Iran’s Khamenei moved to ‘secure location’ after Nasrallah’s death 

Iran’s Shia-Islamic despot Ayatollah Khamenei was reportedly “moved to secure location” after the news of Nasrallah’s death. 

“Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been transferred to a secure location inside the country with heightened security measures in place,” Reuters report cities Iranian sources. 

Khamenei threatens to unleash terrorist proxies against Israel 

While hiding in an undisclosed location, Iran’s Ayatollah renewed threats against Israel. With his biggest terrorist asset, Hezbollah, in disarray, he vowed to unleash Iranian terror proxies based across the Middle East. 

“Zionist criminals should know that they are too small to cause significant damage to the strong structure of Hezbollah in Lebanon. All the resistance forces in the region are standing by Hezbollah and support it,” Ayatollah threatened

“The Resistance forces will determine the fate of this region with the honorable Hezbollah leading the way,” he declared. 


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Now we await the inevitable response from the real enemy.

Iran must act at this point. The Israelis have decapitated their proxy group entirely.

I think this is going to be very bad, unfortunately. A sum of all fears moment in which a weak horse in the White House (and a horse’s ass on the campaign trail) cannot intervene to stop a conflagration.

    CincyJan in reply to Peter Moss. | September 28, 2024 at 6:02 am

    You might be right. Certainly seems from the sidelines that Isreal is forcing Iran’s hand, having destroyed their proxies. However, given the unexpected, massive success of the October 7 massacre, Israel had to do something to prevent itself becoming a perpetual victim.

    Oct 7 was a brutal hostage-taking mission meant to incite Israeli reaction. The Master Planners (Iran?) behind the Hamas raid do not care about Hamas or Gaza. They are clearly being sacrificed to the goal of eliminating Israel. Incredibly, the Master Planners had agents on university campuses throughout the West to encourage support for the Palestinian cause – somehow based on the killing of Israeli babies and the feral rape of women. If this success is allowed to stand, every living Israeli would have a target on their back, even as there would be fewer and fewer of them every year. The only viable alternative to Israel’s fierce response would be to leave Israel – to find a different safe port. And where in the world would that be?

    So Israel has no choice but to present an overwhelming response. If this leads to a war between Israel and Iran … then so be it. It will be difficult for the Master Planners to transfer sympathy for the downtrodden Palestinians to the Shia Iranians, but I’m sure they will try. Given the level of stupidity on America’s college campuses today, anything is possible.

    The only real deterrent would be Trump winning the presidency in November. That assumes he’s still alive in November.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to CincyJan. | September 28, 2024 at 8:05 am

      I expect Iran to disrupt our election with some kind of attack. That is why I intend to vote early as soon as the satellite voting locations open up in late October. They are probably behind the assassination attempts on Trump, and if they fail at that, they will do something big. I don’t know what exactly. It could be an EMP strike, a bioweapon attack, a devastating cyberattack, or something else. I don’t know. But we do know when – right before election day.

    diver64 in reply to Peter Moss. | September 28, 2024 at 6:05 am

    There is no weak horse in the WH. Jill and the Obama Cabal are firmly in charge.

    Joe-dallas in reply to Peter Moss. | September 28, 2024 at 8:05 am

    I thought appeasement and sending pallets of cash to Iran was supposed to stop Iran’s terror funding.

    At least thats what neville chamberlian told me

    mailman in reply to Peter Moss. | September 28, 2024 at 8:44 am

    Keep in mind Iran has been funded by the WH.

      Milhouse in reply to mailman. | September 28, 2024 at 9:17 am

      Not directly, but close enough. Lifting sanctions allowed them to sell more oil and get money to fund terror. And releasing their money that we’d been holding for decades precisely because a succession of presidents decided it was too dangerous to give it back to them didn’t help.

        Joe-dallas in reply to Milhouse. | September 28, 2024 at 2:05 pm

        Multiple inspections reported that Iran had stopped their nuclear development program due to the JCpoa. Further intelligence reports stated that Iran did not restart their nuclear program until Trump scuttled the deal.

        Personally , I thought those inspections finding Iran was complying to be dubious (if not outright false)

        Milhouse – your thoughts?

          Milhouse in reply to Joe-dallas. | September 28, 2024 at 5:17 pm

          The inspections were a joke. “You can inspect anywhere you like, but not here, here, and here. Oh, and not there either. Other than that, feel free.”

          The one thing I liked about JCPOA was the snap-back provision, which Trump should have triggered immediately upon being sworn in. Instead he withdrew and then tried to trigger it, so the other partners said you can’t have it both ways. Bolton tried to tell him this, but he wouldn’t listen, which is why Bolton went off him.

    TargaGTS in reply to Peter Moss. | September 28, 2024 at 9:04 am

    I really don’t think Iran is going to respond, at least not in a conventional sense, in a way that can clearly be linked to Iran. IOW, they’re not going to launch a bunch of missiles at Israel giving them an undeniable casus belli for Israel to respond in-kind. Why? Because they know they’d certainly lose. IDF would take out their air defenses while destroying their ports – sea & air – and then their oil fields. What happens next is obvious to them because they just watched it unfold in real-time in Gaza & Beirut. When Mossad did what they did in that IRCG ‘safe house,’ that was also a signal to Iran that they know where everything is, even their most secure locations. Iran understood that message. They’ll have no choice but to revert to what they’ve always done best: Terrorism. Having said all that, your “Sum of All Fears” analogy is a worst-case possibility, unfortunately. I do worry about nuclear terrorism, particularly a dirty bomb.

      Sanddog in reply to TargaGTS. | September 28, 2024 at 4:39 pm

      I imagine Iran would do just about anything to make sure Kamala is elected so the money continues to flow in and the terrorism continues to flow out.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Peter Moss. | September 28, 2024 at 3:23 pm

    Sorry- meant to upvote this but hit the wrong button.

Every time I see the photo attached to such an article, I ask myself if the same guy isn’t being killed over and over again.

irishgladiator63 | September 28, 2024 at 8:06 am

Oh man. Joe, Kamala, and the Squad are going to be pissed.

I have several thoughts; First, with all the leadership gone, who has all the bank codes,and access to the money? Second, with Iran prodding both Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Isreal and then when it looked like the Isrealis were getting the upper hand, leaving them hanging, who would trust the Iranians?

Iran’s Ayatollah is crawling deep underground, waiting to be entombed, maybe by bunker busters or possibly one or more nukes. Another dead man walking.

Someone on X smartly pointed out that Netanyahu’s feint at the UN was exactly like the baptism scene in the Godfather.

For those who’ve studied military history particularly tactical and strategic decisions, you’ll recognize that IDF has rewritten urban combat doctrine in a profound way. They had their own experiential knowledge and clearly watched our own operations in the region over the last 20-years and took information and reformulated methods of kinetic deployment in a novel & genius way(s). Unlike the US which struggled in deploying munitions against an inferior adversary out of a misplaced fear of political optics, Israel fully leaned into their strengths and wasn’t fearful at all. They did what they believed they had to do…EXACTLY like Churchill did, as did FDR & Truman, in fairness. We’ve lost that instinct and we’ve paid the price in blood & treasure in unspeakably horrible ways.

    Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | September 28, 2024 at 9:29 am

    If Israel were really willing to do what it has to do and not afraid of political optics, it would have imposed a total siege on the Gaza strip immediately on October 7, and made good on that one minister’s statement that until the hostages were released nothing would enter: not a drop of water, not a watt of electricity, no food, medicine, or anything else. In that immediate aftermath of the massacre the world would have accepted it, because it would have had no answer to the obvious justice of it. Either they would have got the hostages back, or the whole population would have starved and Hamas would no longer be a problem.

    But Israel immediately caved and the opportunity was lost, and as a result it took a year of fighting and hundreds of soldiers killed, and Hamas still survives.

    The real problem is Israel’s own left, which is treasonous but powerful, and the elected government can’t do anything about it.

      Check. You have it exactly right. Supplying food, medicine, and energy to an enemy communicates weakness. Especially an enemy who has just committed unspeakable atrocities on innocent civilians. Anyone who even suggested we supply anything to Japan during WWII would have been branded a traitor.

      Israel’s response to Oct. 7 needed to be quick and absolutely devastating. No matter what Israel does the Arab world could not hate them more. We have saturation of hate to borrow a term from communications engineering. Israel should have used thermobaric weapons to level Gaza. We used them in Vietnam. Look at what the Allies did in Dresden, and Hamburg or the US did in Japan. The Allies never worried about civilian casualties, why should Israel?

      You wrote: “The real problem is Israel’s own left, which is treasonous but powerful, and the elected government can’t do anything about it.” Yes, yes yes. Some Jews, particularly secular and Reform, seem to have a suicidal instinct. They have a tendency to eschew their friends, and embrace their enemies. Why is a subject for another discussion. BTW I am Jewish too, having grown up in a Jewish milieu.

      TargaGTS in reply to Milhouse. | September 28, 2024 at 12:10 pm

      Everything is relative. What I’m saying is IDF’s ROE are materially different than the ROE we operated under for the vast majority of our GWOT. Right before Israel moved into Gaza, a lot of military commentators and vets (including me), said that it’s going to be very bloody for IDF and they can expect to take significant casualties. We said that because our presumption was they would fight under an urban combat doctrine similar to ours. They didn’t. Where we would fight building-to-building, floor-to-floor (which generated a lot casualties), they simply took down the entire building and called it a day. We had a 2nd Battle of Fallujah because we didn’t do the job in the 1st Battle of Fallujah which was only 10-mos before. There isn’t going to be a 2nd Battle of Gaza for a very, very long time just as there wasn’t a 2nd Battle of Dresden.

        JackinSilverSpring in reply to TargaGTS. | September 28, 2024 at 9:21 pm

        If you look at pictures of Gaza today, it looks like a scene from an apocalyptic future. Nothing but skeletons of buildings.

    CincyJan in reply to TargaGTS. | September 28, 2024 at 9:45 am

    When I think of the horrible burns and injuries sufferred by our soldiers in Afghanistan …

I hope he somehow managed to suffer at the same level as his victims had suffered.

He hasn’t left the building, but he’s not answering his pager.

An austere scholar, no doubt.

Iran says, “Israel has opened the gates of hell”

Well, yeah. They sent so many terrorists there this past week that there is not enough room to hold ’em all.

One of my favorite parts of these are AoS headlines.

Terror chief dies from exposure to COVID, hate speech and a JDAM, but mostly a JDAM.

My family, as physicians, have treated military veterans in San Antonio for decades. My granddad treated military vets with PTSD, neurological injuries, and the like, and we, his grandchildren, have treated military active members and vets according to our various specialties. We treat them for free when VA won’t step up to the plate, without hesitation. I don’t want to see the injuries I saw coming from the Gulf again—ever—on American serving military or vets because of stupid Democrat policies. Never.