Harris Won’t Say if She Still Wants to Legalize Prostitution

Kamala Harris 2020

I have to credit Alex Thompson for asking VP Kamala Harris’s campaign if she still supports her 2019 positions.

As we’ve found out, Harris has either flip-flopped or remained silent.

Thompson asked the campaign if Harris still wanted to legalize prostitution, as she said during her 2020 presidential campaign.

No one responded to Thompson when he asked the campaign if she aligned more with her 2008 or 2019 position.

In 2019, Harris told The Root she thought sex work should be decriminalized:

Driving the news: In February 2019, The Root asked Harris whether she thought “sex work ought to be decriminalized.” She responded: “I think so, I do.”

But in 2008, then-San Francisco District Attorney Harris lashed out at Proposition K, which would have legalized prostitution in the city:

The measure seems particularly abhorrent to San Francisco’s district attorney, Kamala D. Harris, who has made fighting human trafficking a priority.“I think it’s completely ridiculous, just in case there’s any ambiguity about my position,” Ms. Harris said. “It would put a welcome mat out for pimps and prostitutes to come on into San Francisco.”Central to Ms. Harris’s objections is the theory that prostitution is a victimless crime. Instead, she said, it exposes prostitutes to drug, gun and sexual crimes, and “compromises the quality of life in a community.”She also dismisses the argument that prostitutes would be more likely to come forward if their business were not illegal.“We’re in the practice and habit of protecting victims, not criminalizing victims,” Ms. Harris said, adding that she often reminds juries that the law protects people even if they are prostitutes or drug users. “Our penal code was not created just to protect Snow White,” she said, noting that 65 percent of cases handled by her department’s sexual assault unit involved sex workers as victims.

Even then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom rallied against Proposition K.

The voters defeated the proposition, 59.06% to 40.94%.

Harris has tried to portray herself as a moderate compared to 2020. The Democrats tried the same thing with Joe Biden in 2020, but we’ve seen him move far left.

Granted, has Biden been in charge for the past four years? Doubtful.

Harris’s history is full of far-left views. I highly doubt she has changed on any of them.

After all, Harris told CNN that her values have not changed.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, 2024 Presidential Election, Kamala Harris