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Harris-Walz Campaign Adds Policy, Trump Sections to Website

Harris-Walz Campaign Adds Policy, Trump Sections to Website

Summary: The government will pay for everything.

Oh, look. Kamala Harris finally added a policy section to her campaign website. Like anyone with Trump Derangement Syndrome, she also added sections devoted to Donald Trump.

“Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda.”

Harris probably did that because she cannot run on her positions. The fact that the Democrats continuously lie about Trump’s connection to Project 2025 shows they’re weak and scared.

Anyway, the issues page is filled with lies, hot air, and dog whistles:

  • Fair share
  • Big Pharma
  • Unions
  • Reproductive freedom
  • Student debt
  • Climate change
  • Green energy

I’m not feeling well so expect my posts to be spicy and grumpy.


Fair share, you guys:

Unlike Donald Trump, Vice President Harris and Governor Walz are committed to ensuring no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay more in taxes. They believe that we need to chart a New Way Forward by both making our tax system fairer and prioritizing investment and innovation. They will ensure the wealthiest Americans and the largest corporations pay their fair share, so we can take action to build up the middle class while reducing the deficit. This includes rolling back Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, enacting a billionaire minimum tax, quadrupling the tax on stock buybacks, and other reforms to ensure the very wealthy are playing by the same rules as the middle class. Under her plan, the tax rate on long-term capital gains for those earning a million dollars a year or more will be 28 percent, because when the government encourages investment, it leads to broad-based economic growth and creates jobs, which makes our economy stronger.

I already wrote about how corporations and wealthy people lower their tax bill. You want them to pay this fantasy fair share? Scrap the tax code. Don’t allow deductions or write-offs.

Until then, no one will pay their “fair share.”

Also, if you don’t take advantage of those deductions and write-offs you’re an idiot. Taxation is theft.


Ah yes. Giving people money to buy a home without informing them that house costs don’t end after you put down a down payment. Mortgage, property taxes, utilities, maintenance, HOA, etc.

They’ll likely pressure banks to award people mortgages who shouldn’t receive one. They won’t be able to make their mortgage payments let alone property taxes and anything else.

Artificially inflating the housing supply will surpass the demand, leaving waste and debt.

Democrats want to repeat 2008 with this fantasy of a housing shortage.

Price Gouging

Harris wants to start a food crisis to match the housing crisis. I don’t even like the state laws against price gouging.

Supply and demand.

But yeah, Harris promises a federal ban on grocery price gouging even though stats show the grocery stores have done an awful job at price gouging since they have a 1% to 2% profit margin.

Next up would be evil Big Pharma. I don’t know about you but my medical costs have skyrocketed since Obamacare. My family chose a high deductible to keep our insurance costs down.

Why? Because my Adderall and rheumatoid arthritis medicine helps us meet the deductible by mid-February. I’m not kidding. I make sure I can refill at the beginning of January and February. Boom. Done.

Look, I don’t know much about why medicines cost so much money, but I imagine it stems from research, studies, and production.


Harris wants to sign a bill that makes abortion legal.

Did…did she not read Dobbs? The law would be unconstitutional. Derp.

Also, murdering unborn human beings is not a fundamental freedom.

You know what is a fundamental freedom? The right to bear arms.

It’s so weird. Under her “fundamental freedoms” section she only talks about abortion, voting, and gays.

NOTHING about our actual fundamental freedoms: free speech, right to bear arms, unlawful searches and seizures, etc.

Safety and Justice for All

Everyone point to Harris and laugh.

There’s the guns! No, not under fundamental freedom. She admits she wants to ban “assault weapons,” which they cannot define. Yeah, come and take my AR or try to stop me from buying another one. Bring it.

The border czar claims she will act like a border czar when she’s president. Uh huh. whatever.

Guys, I cannot write more about her policy page because it’s just fantasy and stupidity.

Summary: The government will pay for everything.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


“Everyone who votes for me gets a free bag of Gummy Bears.”

“Look, I don’t know much about why medicines cost so much money, but I imagine it stems from research, studies, and production.”

Because Mary, the American citizen pays 10x what all
Other countries do for the same drugs, because WE support the world.
They have drugs, from the same companies at a fraction of the cost and
Our government helps them out by making it illegal to import the same drug from other companies!

And yes, insurance has gone up ridiculously since Obamacare

You can keep your Dr, but you’ll see a nurse practitioner with less knowledge, less skills and you’ll die sooner because of it.

It was all part of the plan, and we will be overrun by millions and millions of illegals and pay for all their health care, insurance, drugs

See you get to pay for that too!!!!

Hope your feeling better Mary

A couple in upper management earning 2 or 3 million a year, including company stock options, has no way of lowering its punishing tax bill. The fancy, magical deductions alluded to here do not apply, and the ones mentioned have been in place for years, and are business deductions already fully utilized. Those already-ready taken deductions and credits do not offset in any way an increase in rates. Stop the nonsense.

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 9, 2024 at 3:06 pm

    I am looking for a spot on my busy schedule that I can set aside to mourn the “punishing tax bill” of a couple making $2-3M annually.

      E Howard Hunt in reply to henrybowman. | September 9, 2024 at 10:09 pm

      Typically, they have 3 kids in expensive colleges, have well over half their income taken in taxes, struggle to maintain their non-castle 2 houses and German cars that they purchase as some solace for their hard toil, and have no more political pull than you.

I saw a story where a journalist desperately tried to prove there was “gouging” by citing an email from a Kroger exec. That exec stated that the prices of eggs and milk had increased faster than the cost of them to the company.

Which sounds like gouging, except those are loss leaders — stores sell them at a loss to bring people into the store, hoping they’ll buy other things. So it wasn’t gouging, but the company losing money slower.

Make Poverty (and head lice) Great Again!

I really want to hear their plan for preventing criminals from getting guns. When they have that plan, and can prove it works, then I’ll maybe listen to them. Until then I expect they have no clue about logic but if they did then by their logic pencils and pens and keyboards create abusive documents/blogs/tweats/etc. there for they need to be banned.

    Communists don’t have a plan because they want criminals to have guns. They don’t want the law-abiding to have guns to defend themselves against the criminals. If you do defend yourself, then you can expect the full weight of the “justice” system come down on you depending where you live, e.g. Rittenhouse, Perry, and Penny.

When will she allow the peasants to ask her questions about these ‘policies’? Or even allow the tame eunuchs of Big Media to ask questions?
Mmmm…never and never.

She shoudl run how she supported Buy Large Mansions and supported bailing them out.

Bernie Sanders has already let the cat out of the bag. These policy statements mean nothing because Harris will say anything to get elected. So she will “evolve” after getting elected giving her license to do the opposite, or nothing at all.

On taxes. Just warmed over old stuff about the rich and corporations paying their “fair share” without telling us what “fair share” means in terms of economic principles. The wealthy invest most of their income, so higher taxes will reduce investment, not consumption. Is that a good idea? Will that stimulate “innovation?” The amount of revenue collected is not sensitive to the highest marginal tax rate. One can look at historical data to see that.

Climate Change (AKA global warming). The same old stuff from the green lobby. The best book (in my opinion) on this subject for the general reader is “Unsettled” by Steve Koonin. Koonin has the experience, and the ability as a physicist to write in a serious fashion on this subject. He uses mainstream sources, mostly the IPCC reports, and corrects many of the misconceptions and lies. Yes the lower atmosphere is warming at a rate less than one degree Centigrade per 100 years on a global basis. Not a crisis. As for green energy, a vast subject, just the usual flapdoodle. If our readers want to understand some of the fundamental flaws in the whole green energy paradigm, study Poynting’s theorem from electromagnetics, or wait for my book.

Harris is a complete fool A perfect Democrat, in other words.

Taxes: a flat tax is the only fair tax. Period.

Housing: see the exorbitant price of lumber since Biden took control and also drove up interest rates.

Price “gauging:” it stops hoarding and makes sure everyone has something in a crisis. High prices are bad, but being out of food, water etc. is worse, and it is temporary.

Abortion: ’nuff said. Sanctioned murder for convenience more than 95% of the time. What happened to safe, legal and RARE?

Safety and justice? LOL! They just let criminals run free with high limits on permitted theft!

The definition of terms is as fluid as the delusional sex of Democrats.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 9, 2024 at 1:34 pm

I don’t even like the state laws against price gouging.

All of the so-called “anti-price gouging” are completely BS and totally retarded. Guess what, in the aftermath of a natural disaster, water is worth $10/bottle (though I think lots of water already sells for $10/bottle every day in New York, these days). The government has no right to force people to sell things for some price that the government deems “correct”. That is the genesis of 95% of all shortages.

These laughable price gouging laws don’t go after the $20 aspirin you are forced to have in a hospital or the $12 cookie you are hostage to considering at an airport – where they don’t let you bring anything in, yourself, have your flight delayed 12 hours, and won’t let you leave once you’ve come in without going through a multi-hour hassle to get back in.

Anytime someone says “price gouging” seriously he should be beaten with a wet noodle.