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Harris Repeats Lie That Admin Inherited ‘Worst Unemployment Since Great Depression’

Harris Repeats Lie That Admin Inherited ‘Worst Unemployment Since Great Depression’

Harris also once again placed January 6th above 9/11 and the OKC bombing as the “worst attack on our democracy.”

Another lie.

Then again, Kamala Harris cannot say people are better than they were four years ago because we’re not.

Instead, Harris says the administration inherited the “worst unemployment since the Great Depression.”

She also once again placed January 6th above 9/11 and the OKC bombing as the “worst attack on our democracy.”

(Please do not forget the OKC bombing. I get why 9/11 receives the most attention but do not forget the 1995 OKC bombing.)

Harris said:

HARRIS: “Four years ago when we came in, we came in during the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. We came in during the worst public health epidemic in centuries. We came in after the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. And a lot of it due in large part to the mismanagement by the former president, as it relates to Covid and obviously January 6th. And we had then a lot of work to do to clean up a mess. As of today, we have created over 16 million new jobs, over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. We have the lowest black unemployment rate in generations.”


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Is she retarded like her current boss? Or just a gaslighting c*nt, also like her current boss?

They inherited an economy that had no way to go but up. Somehow, they managed to defy reality and make it go down.

Am I the only one who noticed she was hammered during this event? Sober people don’t slur their words like that.

When you say you inherited something it connotes the idea that you receieved it legitimately.

They didn’t inherit it. They stole it. And the economy they stole doesn’t look anything like the one we have now.

“Another lie.”

That’s all she has.

Let me address her blatant lie Trump had the highest trade deficit. He did not. Bush managed that before Biden or Trump by allowing China to destroy American industry. Every single year of the Biden administration had a deficit higher than Tump’s highest, and the new record was Biden 2023.

The Nubian scribes duly noted.

“(Please do not forget the OKC bombing. I get why 9/11 receives the most attention but do not forget the 1995 OKC bombing.)”

When I started out collecting data as a 2A activist in the late ’80s, the largest mass murder on US soil was the Happyland Social Club fire, an arsonist with a jar of gasoline.

Then came Waco.
Then came OKC.
Then came 9/11.
Then came COVID (much less qualifiable, but clearly the record-holder).

In a country with 250 years of history, all this escalation in just 30 years. My God.

You’ll notice that NONE of these mass murders were committed with guns… but at least two of them — the ones that involved housewives and children — were committed by our own government.
Government democide — entirely exclusive of wartime deaths — has killed more humans than all wars combined.

    henrybowman in reply to henrybowman. | September 17, 2024 at 8:31 pm

    (quantifiable, sorry)

    TargaGTS in reply to henrybowman. | September 17, 2024 at 8:59 pm

    I forgot about the Happyland fire…probably because no one in the media brings it up anymore. I would add that the worst school spree murder happened way back in the 1920 or early 1930, the Bath School Massacre, which was also perpetrated entirely by firebombing. Close to 40-dead (mostly children) and another 60(ish) injured. I’m always fearful firebombing might come back into vogue again.

It’s galling and contemptible how these anti-business, anti-wealth, anti-prosperity, neo-communist Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks brazenly take credit for creating jobs that the private sector and entrepreneurs have created IN SPITE OF the Dhimmi-crats’ crushing, wealth-destroying and investment-undermining taxation schemes, anti-corporate attitudes and vilification and general hostility towards businesses and investors.

It’s like Karine Jean-Pierre is running for president. They could probably trade places. Nothing between the ears.

    Actual supporters with any sense must know she is unqualified, but support the idiotic, authoritarian policies, across the gamut. What they create is havoc. They know who is running the show, a man great at destroying the system because of his inherent hate for it, after he used it to become a wealthy artificial god.

destroycommunism | September 17, 2024 at 10:59 pm

perpetual victims playing their perpetual lies

I’d say if you refer to our republic as a democracy I’m no longer going to take you seriously, but that would suggest that I ever did.