Harris Once Again Struggles With Basic Economic Questions
Harris: “Well, if you are hard working, if you have the dreams and the ambitions and the aspirations of what I believe you do, you’re in my plan.”
Oh, man. VP Kamala Harris survived that one-on-one interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle!
What a softball interview, as we expected, especially since Ruhle said a few days ago that Harris doesn’t need to answer tough questions!
Ruhle excused Harris, even though Chris Hayes expressed frustration with the lack of answers:
RUHLE: “And one could watch that and say, well, she didn’t give a clear and direct answer. That’s OK, because we are not talking about clear or direct issues.”
HAYES: “The question about inflation and prices, this to me is one of the — it’s sort of one of the most frustrating aspects of this campaign.”
Stephanie Ruhle reacts to her interview with Kamala:
"One could watch and say she didn't give a clear and direct answer. And that's okay, because we're not talking about clear and direct issues."pic.twitter.com/4tGef67xGJ
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) September 25, 2024
OK let’s dive in.
Of course Harris brought up that she came from the middle class!! Of course she did.
Of course.
But could someone explain her answer to the question, “What do you say to Americans who don’t feel like they fit into your policies?”
(I’m rush transcribing!)
I hate this:
RUHLE: But still, there are lots of Americans who don’t see themselves in your plans. For those who say these policies aren’t for me, what do you say to them?
HARRIS: Well, if you are hard working, if you have the dreams and the ambitions and the aspirations of what I believe you do, you’re in my plan. You know, I have to tell you, I really love and am so energized by what I know to be the spirit and character of the American people. We have ambition, we have aspirations, we have dreams. We can see what’s possible.
We have an incredible work ethic, but not everyone has the access to the opportunities that allow them to achieve those things. But we don’t lack for those things, but not everyone, you know, gets handed stuff on a silver platter.
And so my vision for the economy, I call it an opportunity economy, is about making sure that all Americans, wherever they start, wherever they are, have the ability to actually achieve those dreams and those ambitions, which include from middle -class families, just being able to know that their hard work allows them to get ahead, right?
I think we can’t and we shouldn’t aspire to have an economy that just allows people to get by. People wanna do more than just get by, they wanna get ahead. And I come from the middle class.
Look, my mother raised my sister and me. She worked hard. She saved up. By the time I was a teenager, she was able to buy our first home. And homeownership for too many people in our country now is elusive. You know, gone is the day of everyone thinking they could actually live the American dream.
So part of my vision for the economy is, let’s deal with some of the everyday challenges that people face and address them with commonsense solutions, such as affordable housing.
JUST IN: Kamala Harris turns into bumbling mess after she is asked about how Americans will fit into her plans, mentions how she is from the middle class.
Question: What do you say to Americans who don't feel like they fit into your policies?
Answer: Well… if you are… pic.twitter.com/L9QVtwKvyL
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 25, 2024
Corporate taxes! Fair share! People have to pay their fair share or something so the government can keep spending:
RUHLE: And expanding that child tax credit, or you mentioned housing before, giving that extra money for a first home. If you can’t raise corporate taxes or if GOP takes control of the Senate, where do you get the money to do that? Do you still go forward with those plans and borrow?
HARRIS: But we’re going to have to raise corporate taxes, and we’re going to have to make sure that the biggest corporations and billionaires pay their fair share.
That’s just it. It’s about paying their fair share. I am not mad at anyone for achieving success, but everyone should pay their fair share, and it is not right that the teachers and the firefighters that I meet every day across our country are paying a higher tax than the richest people in our country.
WATCH: MSNBC’s Ruhle to Kamala Harris: If you can't raise corporate taxes, where do you get the money to fund these programs?
Kamala: "Well… but… we're going to have to raise corporate taxes." pic.twitter.com/Acz693fGd0
— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) September 25, 2024
This part cracked me up. I have no idea what she’s talking about but how many times can one say a form of holistic in one sentence:
And assistance to state and local governments around transit dollars, and looking holistically at the connection between that and housing, and looking holistically at the incentives we and the federal government can create for local and state governments to actually engage in planning in a holistic manner that includes prioritizing affordable housing.
NEW: Vice President Kamala Harris says "holistic" three times in a 15-second period.
The VP proudly showed off the word during an interview with MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle.
"Looking holistically at the connection between that and housing and looking holistically at the… pic.twitter.com/Z9DMdR97Qj
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 25, 2024
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“Harris Once Again Struggles With {enterwordsaladhere}…”
That is actually exactly what America is supposed to be about. Brava to her for saying so. But she doesn’t understand that every single one of her policies is deliberately designed to make such an economy impossible!
I expect that everything she “knows” about economics she learned from her father the economics professor. The Marxist economics professor. Marx was thoroughly wrong on every issue.
Why should she be complimented for preaching boilerplate aspiration to mislead voters? Not to mention her terrible policies themselves.
You know she didn’t write those answers. “My mother raised my sister and me.” That’s not Kammie, that’s actually correct grammar.
My favorite Kamala Harris Economic Policy is “middle class people are proud of their lawns.”
What’s yours?
That one is a classic “It’s true, but she has no idea why.”
Middle Class people are proud of their lawns. Because it means their station and income is stable enough they can devote either time or money to maintaining the appearance of their home and property. Even if they’re renting. It’s a way of showing they’ve “arrived.” It’s similar with folks who live where fishing boats are ubiquitous. Or the Cadillac in Billy Joel’s “Movin’ Out.”
She said the words, then cackled at her profundity.
The same is true of regulations against pollution; caring about ones immediate environment is a luxury that poor people can’t afford. Only once people have enough that survival is no longer a struggle do they start seeking less urgent things like clean air or a pleasant view. So environmental regulations start out as a means of signalling newly achieved prosperity. (Then the human-hating greens take over and they become a means for destroying that prosperity.)
Mine is when she told the young couple complaining about the price of food that her “plan” to correct that was to “lower the price of groceries.”
“What should we do to address crime?” “My plan is to reduce it!”
“How will you avoid a Social Security collapse?” “I’m against it!”
If you’re looking for thoroughly wrong on every issue, I give you the Biden Harris administration.
Wrong and proud of it!! “Bidenomics is working!” she once blathered. Then cackled.
She can’t make the transition from “holistic” to specifics. Or reality.
Yes, she’s certainly unburdened by intelligence. Or reality.
“Holistic” doesn’t actually mean anything, at least not as it is currently used. It’s a clatter word, inserted to give an intellectual air to a stupid idea.
No, it’s not what America is supposed to be about. See, she replaced “opportunity” with “ability” in this line:
all Americans, wherever they start, wherever they are, have the ability to actually achieve those dreams and those ambitions
America is not, nor has ever been, about giving you the ability to achieve your dreams. It’s been about the opportunity to pursue your dreams (legal, proper dreams), with only your own ability or drive preventing you from achieving.
And that’s where she gets it wrong. And it’s where the Marxism shows through.
A father she essentially erases in her public speaking. Her description of her mother strongly implies that she was raised by a single mother not a married one.
“That’s OK, because we are not talking about clear or direct issues.”
Odd she says that. When I get to check-out at Home Depot or Publix, the cashier asks a clear, direct question, “How will you be paying for these things?”
I don’t know who was worse, Harris in her non answers or Ruble and
Her “
That’s OK, because we are not talking about clear or direct issues.“
Dear God
Komrade Kamala does not seem to know what the words “Dreams”, “ambitions”, and “aspirations” mean or how to use them in a sentence.
Meanwhile, she keeps telling stories of her life in Canada without mentioning that she’s talking about Canada and NO ONE in the media or in the public sphere is bothering to correct her. Most people are under the mistaken impression that she grew up in Oakland and that the house she loves talking about her mother having bought, after slaving over the hot coals of test grading and directing lab research, was somewhere in America, surrounded by Americans with their “dreams and ambitions and aspirations” (a phrase that she repeats ad nauseam) … but, NO!. Those “middle class” stories are tales of Canadian life. And not a single person in the media or commentator seems to bother pointing that out.
Most Americans don’t know that Kamala grew up in Canada (from age 12), graduated from high school in Canada and started college in Canada and that most of her “middle class American” stories are about … CANADA!!
I lay that at Trump’s feet. Instead of calling her Komrade Kamala, he could be calling her Kanada Kamala whe grew up in one of the ritziest suburbs in all of Canada. People would get that. It is clear from the polls that her policies do not matter – but nobody like a phony.
Trump should explain that Komrade Kamala’s story of growing up and home ownership is a Canadian tale … but it is still, actually, the job of the press to do that. That is what the press is really for.
And she most certainly is “Komrade Kamala” more than anything. She is a despicable, America-hating commie traitor.
As to your last point – democrats/leftists love phonies and liars. And the dead and the disembodied mail-in ballots don’t really care about democrats’ lies and false claims.
She’s drunk and retarded. God help us.
She can’t be a substance abuser. She has no substance to abuse.
Middle class? Mrs. Emhoff’s mother was a high caste Hindu(Brahmin), although her campaign materials never mention that fact.
What’s that got to do with it? She was a single mother supporting herself and two children on a nice but not extravagant salary. That’s middle class.
The neighborhood they lived is not a sign of their lifestyle. Supporting a family on a professor’s salary yields a very middle-class lifestyle.
And that was only from the age of 12. Till then she grew up in California, where busing was a thing.
Her mother may have become single, but her father supported her, too. In fact, you have no real information how much was paid in child support and how much visitation there was. Not to mention, as the daughter of two professors, she differs from the normal middle class families.
From USA Today:
“Kamala Harris would go to visit her father’s family in Brown’s Town, Jamaica, and her mother’s, in Chennai, India.
Her parents separated while they were living in Madison and Shyamala returned to California with the two girls in 1970.
Donald Harris remained in Madison until 1972, when he left to teach economics at Stanford University, where he remained until 1998 and is now a professor emeritus.
Once both her parents were living in California again, Harris and her sister would live with her father in Palo Alto on the weekends.”
“In 1976, Shyamala got a job at Jewish General Hospital conducting breast cancer research and teaching at the McGill University medical school in Montreal, Canada.
Kamala and Maya would go back to California to stay with their father during school breaks.”
They apparently did not have a deadbeat dad at all, and the mom was not the sole support.
Evidently, Kamala’s mother did as much as she could to keep the father and the kids apart. Donald Harris wrote about this in his 2019 essay, Reflections of a Jamaican Father
It’s kind of weird how Komrade Kamala never talks about her father, at all. Not even one little word. Nothing. And the guy is still alive. Meanwhile she talks about her dead mother all the time but has mostly abandoned “being Indian” for the Presidential run.
She clearly is an exemplar of a matriarchal upbringing.
She’s probably lucky transitioning wasn’t a thing back then.
No, she wasn’t. Kamalamadingdong doesn’t mention her dad because he disowned her,
It’s sad to realize you have more brains and sense than many people who run to lead us. Not mentioning names.
This lady is frightening in her stupidity and is evidence that on the Democratic side a cabal, influenced by Obama, is actually running the Administrative State. That cabal comes from the anti-American strain of the 1960s Left, and they are proceeding to do their duty.
Speculation, of course, except for the stupidity, which cannot remain hidden forever, and voters better notice, assuming the election is not already fixed.
That’s the main problem with a democratic form of government: The people who crave the power and prestige of high office enough to undergo the rigors of attaining it, are the very LAST people you want to have in charge of anything.
The people who would be great in office, wouldn’t abuse their authority and would actually strive to protect the liberties and freedoms of the people are the ones who rarely even consider running for office because they have absolutely no desire to lord it over anyone else.
In my opinion, voluntarily running for any office should be an automatic disqualification for attaining it. Anyone who wants that power, probably shouldn’t have it.
I want to see someone pin her down on her bullschiff “the rich and big business have to pay their fair share”.
That crap bullschiff has been a staple of the demoncraps forever. So tell us you skkkum suckers, what would be their fair share.
All of it. That’s fair.
Do you downvote the sentiment, or upvote the accuracy?
The sad part is is she not failing to answer the questions because she doesn’t know the answer. She very much knows the answer but she can’t say it aloud because it would damage her campaign. She can’t admit allowed that people are much worse off now then they were 4 years ago and it’s her policies that caused it.
Harris: “Well, if you are hard working (blah, blah, blah). you’re in my plan.”
Shoot, that can’t be right. That leaves out 90% of her constituency.
I see they got Harris a word of the day calendar for the campaign.
This is a story ABOUT CANADA!!!
LOL. She tells about homeownership in Canada and then makes pretend that is America and that her Canadian neighbors were Americans.
“Well, if you are hard working, if you have the dreams and the ambitions and the aspirations of what I believe you do, you’re in my
plancrosshairs.”Just what we need. “If you like your money, you can keep it your money,” Until I enact my policy, and then it’s “whoops, we had to walk it back,”
Besides being a broken record saying the same stories every time she goes to a T-ball game, even the Cultural Marxists have to go back to Marxism and Leninism and grab class warfare.
Her PHD parents could have bought a house any time they wanted but a divorce got inthe way. Her mother ought a house herself whenever got a position in a Canadian University.
Not only is she lazy and stupid, but she is FAT. She is the product of the Black Lies Flatter movement.
Transactions only happen when both sides benefit, namely they get more than they give. The corporation gets what’s called profit, the consumer gets what’s called consumer surplus. Otherwise no transaction happens.
The sum of profit and consumer surplus is new wealth. All that happened is a trade, and from that the nation’s total wealth goes up. That’s why you want trades.
Whatever you tax reduces what at least what one side gets out of the transaction, so you get less transactions, and less wealth added to the economy.
If what the government takes is used to facilitate transactions to offset that loss, it’s justified, e.g. maintaining roads to transport goods, or running courts so that agreements are enforced and that risk is removed from trades. Otherwise it’s what’s called a dead loss, and shows up a fewer trades and less national wealth, because less wealth is being created.
I taught my 5 and 7 year old grandchildren a valuable lesson. I gave each $10 to spend on anything at Disneyland. Both came back with their potential treasures and the price tag said $9.99. I pointed out to them that they would not have enough money for the taxes. I told them they would have to find something that cost less than $9.15 to cover the taxes. They went back and found 2 smaller items that cost less than $9.00 They asked if they could keep the change and I said yes. They are know more economically literate than our brain addled VP. FKH
Two manifestly dumb-as-rocks Dhimmi-crats in a mutual ego-massaging session; what a nauseating spectacle.
Dems should have done open primary. Kamala isn’t “coachable” for “trainable”. Kamala is the stereotype of DEI appointment advanced to position beyond her competency.
True. I’ve never seen any national politician as dense as Kamala Harris.
Nothing seems to be able to make her any better.
The downfall of the stupid politician is getting people to vote for them.
Kamala seems to be the first to have completely solved this problem… up until now.
MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle is defending Vice President Kamala Harris for transparent idiocy after a preview clip of their interview aired on Wednesday.
In the pre-recorded interview, Ruhle pressed Harris over where she would “get the money” to fund her economic proposals if Republicans on Capitol Hill block her plan to raise corporate tax rates.
”Do you still go forward with those plans and borrow?” Ruhle asked, to which Harris couldn’t formulate a cogent reply.
.. two idiots .. you have to get Congressional approval to spend any money .. doesn’t matter where it comes from.
The Antideficiency Act is legislation originally enacted in 1870 by the United States Congress to prevent the incurring of obligations or the making of expenditures in excess of amounts available in appropriations or funds. It prohibits spending money and then sending the bill to Congress.
marxist slattern ‘tard
She was responsible for dealing with the border holistically, too. (That’s why she didn’t take direct action, so we’re told.) So, how did that work out for America?
I’ve been laughing my holistic fanny off all afternoon about this “interview”.