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Germany Tightens Immigration Control on “All Land Borders”

Germany Tightens Immigration Control on “All Land Borders”

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser: “We are strengthening our internal security through concrete action and we are continuing our tough stance against irregular migration.”

With the right-wing AfD party surging in nationwide polls, the German government has restored border checks with neighbouring countries in a desperate bid to curb illegal immigration.

The move comes after a series of Islamic terror attacks in Germany by Muslim migrants. “Germany’s government announced plans to impose tighter controls at all of the country’s land borders in what it called an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism,” Reuters reported. The news measure will last for six months and can be extended, German news reports suggest.

German police will resume passport controls at border crossings in the coming days. “The checks, which were announced on Monday, will be in force from Monday 16 September,” Euronews TV channel reported. “Germany shares land borders with Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland.”

Germany’s state-run DW TV reports:

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Monday announced an extension of passport controls along all of the country’s land borders.

The controls, aimed at curbing the number of people entering Germany without visas, come amid a growing debate about limiting irregular migration.

Faeser said the checks were part of a bid to limit irregular migration and address threats from Islamist terror groups and cross-border criminal organizations.

“We are doing everything we can to protect the people in our country against this,” said Faeser.

“We are strengthening our internal security through concrete action and we are continuing our tough stance against irregular migration,” the minister said.

Reports citing government sources said Faeser had already informed the European Commission of the measures.

Germany shares more than 3,700 kilometers (more than 2,300 miles) of land borders with Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland.

All are fellow members of the Schengen Zone, within which there are usually no restrictions and checks on travel.

The controls start from next Monday and are to initially set to last for six months.

AfD’s popularity surges on national and state level

After the Alternative for Germany (AfD) scored a huge win in the recent regional elections in key eastern German states, the establishment parties are scrambling to stop the right-wing party’s popularity on the national level.

In an opinion poll taken over the weekend, the AfD was at 17 percent, 4 points ahead of Germany’s ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD). The AfD, the only political party opposed to open-borders immigration policy, is also leading in most opinion polls ahead of the upcoming vote in the eastern German state of Brandenburg.

Germany in midst of migrant crime wave

Since former Chancellor Angel Merkel opened the country’s borders to migrants in 2015, Germany’s immigrant population has risen to over 18 percent. The country has also seen a surge in migrant crimes, particularly rape and knife attacks.

The knife crimes, often carried out by migrants from North Africa and the Middle East. have rocketed. The data from “states showed that there were a total number of 26,113 knife attacks in Germany in 2023,” German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported recently.


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destroycommunism | September 10, 2024 at 3:02 pm

yeah cant wait until the pics are seen of them using force to turn back afrikans at the border

they will however use this time to throw out the j ewwsss again

So they’ll fly them in

Germany shares more than 3,700 kilometers (more than 2,300 miles) of land borders with Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland.
Ironically, that used to be a concern for all those other nations….

Also, what’s the EU going to say about this? Internal passport controls in the magnificent “nation” of the EU? Hmmmm. Starting to make Hungary look rational over there, Hans.

PoliticoEU – “Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk today condemned neighboring Germany’s decision to tighten border controls in its bid to clamp down on irregular migration.”

Tusk is the Polish version of Bill Kristol and David French and Rick Wilson and Anne Applebaum rolled into one. He truly wants to overwhelm Poland with full-on Biden styled illegal immigration and wants the Krauts to backstop his agenda.

Germany needs to grow a humongous pair, launching an all out assault on this problem. Someone has to be a fool to ignore Muslin nature.

Did the EU Directorate in Brussels fine Germany the same way they did Hungary?

East Germany is the weaker part of Germany economically, culturally, and demographically.

That the German government is reacting to how East Germans voted shows Germany is significantly more Democratic than a lot of people here give it credit for.

    henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 10, 2024 at 7:35 pm

    East Germany is the Germany that has direct, generational experience with being ruled by commies. They recognized the signs, and they voted accordingly. And the commies got their asses handed to them in two state elections. You bet they’re “reacting” to it, like a kick in the nads, not because they’re all considerate & democratic.

      The voters of West Germany did not go populist. If all the government cared about was staying in power and promoting leftism this would mean nothing to them.

      Seeing a change in direction shows the German government is a very different government than what it has been given credit for.

“Irregular immigration”

Hmmm. That’s a new one for me. I guess they will do anything to avoid that other nasty “I” word, ILLEGAL.

This is only for the PR value during the election season, they will go right back to open borders soon enough

Subotai Bahadur | September 10, 2024 at 6:35 pm

1) So far they are talking about “plans”. What counts are actions on the ground.

2) It is too late, as they have already been invaded by an occupying Islamic Army.

3) A good start would be to enforce the same laws on the invaders as are enforced on German citizens. Such is, of course, unthinkable.

4) Do not rule out some sort of decree by the current government legitimizing an “Endlösung” by the invaders.

Subotai Bahadur

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | September 10, 2024 at 9:19 pm

    I had 2 years of German over 5o years ago, at that time Germany was top flight in science and engineering.

    After drawing a complete blank for “Endlösung”, I looked it up.

    I think that we have a huge problem which is going to be very expensive in terms of $ and lives.

Ezra Levant reports from Chatsworth, Ontario, where the Trudeau Liberals’ bureaucrats have targeted an Amish community with massive, punitive fines for failing to use the ArriveCan travel app — despite the Amish not using smartphones, let alone applications.

A little late now that the invasion has taken place.

A bit late isn’t it? Millions of potential Mujahideen are already in the country and German politicians kowtow to Islam with polished dhimmitude.