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France: Illegal Alien, Previously Convicted of Rape, Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Student

France: Illegal Alien, Previously Convicted of Rape, Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Student

UK newspaper Guardian: “In early September, a judge freed him on condition he reported regularly to the authorities.”

The demands for stricter immigration laws grew stronger in France after a Moroccan migrant was arrested for allegedly murdering a Paris student.

The victim, identified as a 19-year-old girl named Philippine, went missing last week. Her body was later found in a Paris forest.

“Philippine was on her way home to her parents’ house west of Paris when she disappeared. She was described as a quiet, model student by her colleagues and was involved in the scouting movement,” the BBC reported.

The 22-year-old suspect was arrested in Switzerland. The suspect, an illegal Moroccan migrant, had previously been convicted of several crimes, including rape. The man was not deported from France despite a rape conviction.

“According to the prosecutors, the man was convicted in 2021 of a rape committed in 2019, when he was a minor,” UK newspaper Guardian noted. “In early September, a judge freed him on condition he reported regularly to the authorities.”

France24 TV reported the details of the gruesome murder:

France’s conservative interior minister on Wednesday vowed consequences after a Moroccan man suspected of murdering a 19-year-old university student and leaving her body in a Paris forest was arrested in Switzerland.

A source close to the case, speaking to AFP, identified the alleged attacker as a 22-year-old man of Moroccan nationality. Prosecutors have said the suspect had been previously convicted of rape and had been the subject of an order to leave France.

The killing of the student is expected to further inflame political tensions in France where the newly installed right-wing government plans to crack down on immigration.

“This is an abominable crime,” said Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau.

Retailleau, who on Monday took over from his predecessor Gerald Darmanin, has vowed to boost law and order, tighten immigration legislation and make it easier to deport foreigners convicted of crimes.

“It is up to us, as public leaders, to refuse to accept the inevitable and to develop our legal arsenal, to protect the French,” he added.

“If we have to change the rules, let’s change them.”

Authorities have only released the first name of the victim, Philippine.

A Moroccan national was arrested on Tuesday in the Swiss canton of Geneva and was identified as a suspect in a murder committed in Paris, a spokeswoman for the Swiss justice ministry told AFP.

“The Federal Office of Justice then ordered detention for extradition purposes on the basis of an arrest request from France,” she added.

The student had last been seen at the university on Friday.

Witnesses had reported seeing a man with a pickaxe, said one police source.

The illegal immigrant, arrested in connection with the murder, has a long criminal record. “Taha O., aged 22, had been sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment, by a juvenile criminal court in the northern Paris region on October 5, 2021, for a rape committed in 2019, while he was a minor,” the French newspaper Le Monde reported Thursday.

The suspect “had been detained in 2019, and released at the end of his sentence in June 2024, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office, which opened a judicial investigation on Tuesday into charges of ‘murder,’ as well as ‘rape, theft and fraud, all offenses committed in a state of recidivism’,” the newspaper added.

The mainstream media is upset over French government’s move to tighten immigration laws, fearing a vindication of country’s right-wing National Rally (RN) party.

“France’s new government is open to toughening immigration laws, the interior minister said on Wednesday, under pressure from the far-right National Rally (RN) after the arrest of a Moroccan man suspected of murdering a 19-year-old woman in Paris,” Reuters reported Monday.

“Marine Le Pen’s RN party, which holds major political sway over Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s newly installed government, has jumped on the murder of the young student,” the news agency complained.

Europe gets tough on mass-migration

The French move comes as other European countries are getting tough on illegal immigration, which has been fuelling violent crime and Islamic terrorism across the continent.

Earlier this month, Germany introduced passport controls on all border crossings. “Germany has announced that it is tightening checks at its land borders in a bid to control ‘irregular migration’,” Euronews TV channel reported on September 10. “Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told a press conference that the new border checks would limit migration and ‘protect against the acute dangers posed by Islamist terrorism and serious crime.'”

In Holland, Geert Wilders’ right-wing coalition government is leading the charge against mass-migration. “The Netherlands is looking to use crisis laws to reduce the number of asylum seekers entering the country,” Germany’s state-run DW TV reported mid-September. “The new government, led by nationalist Geert Wilders’ anti-Islam PVV party, said on Friday it would declare a national state of emergency so that it could alter certain asylum laws.”


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I wonder if that judge has any remorse for freeing this POS? That poor girl would be alive if the judge understood what justice is. I hope neither the judge nor the murderer have another peaceful moment in their miserable be lives!

Suburban Farm Guy | September 27, 2024 at 7:16 am

‘…The mainstream media is upset over French government’s move to tighten immigration laws,…’

But not over this senseless, tragic MURDER. Why does the media hate laws? Don’t want anyone to enforce them?

    Because many of them are neo-Marxists and their goal is to tear down and totally destroy Western society so that they can rebuild it in their delusional Collectivist vision. Because, you know, THIS TIME we’re gonna put all the smartest men on it.

      gibbie in reply to Paul. | September 27, 2024 at 11:32 am

      I’m pretty sure only the useful idiots of the left want to rebuild Western society in their delusional Collectivist vision. The prime movers of the left hate the fact that any of us, including themselves, are alive.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to Suburban Farm Guy. | September 27, 2024 at 10:23 am

    Why should the media be “upset” in the first place. Their job should be to report the news accurately, and not to act as a political party. Of course, the contemporary Leftist media have forgotten what their role is. Whatever the Left touches, it destroys.

Maybe math works differently in France. When I add 7-years to 2021 (the year of his rape conviction), I get 2028. How could he have ‘served his sentence’ if he’s able to murder someone in 2024, 4-years before his sentence was to end? Only 4-years served for rape is abominable.

I wonder if someone can share this story in the UK without getting arrested for ‘white nationalism? ‘

VDARE, accused of no crime, was forced to close down for regularly reporting such cases. Will AMREN be next? Or, perhaps this site? I hope the professor has no unpaid parking tickets.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 27, 2024 at 8:25 am

    If Amren is ever shut down, 90% of its comment makers will blame it on the Jews.

    Yes. LI will be on the chopping block too.

    Often attributed to Orwell, but disputed:

    “In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

    Many of the comments here would get you a prison sentence in Europe, especially in the UK or Germany. UK has ten times more people in prison over online comments than Russia. So which country has more liberty, UK or Russia?

Every western government has simultaneously elected to ignore its principal reason for existence—protecting the lives, liberty, and property of its citizens. Of course, this coincides with the rise of leftist governments that put all their effort into despotism and tyranny and that have no sympathy for mere citizens when they get in the way of that project.

destroycommunism | September 27, 2024 at 9:15 am

illegal or not

THESE stories are the norm in a lefty run world

thats one of the reasons the governments have “worked” with msm to control what info is let out that shows up the governments hate against the good people

destroycommunism | September 27, 2024 at 9:18 am

“when he was a minor”

see,, there they go again

just saw a story out of oklahoma where some white kids spelled out a not allowed word ( take a guess..its heard 100000x a day in rap songs and poc)

the school didnt show the kids faces but students were allowed to broadcast the kids faces across the world


why not???

why are the peole scared of showing who these animals are?



The mass immigration from the Third World into Europe and the U.S. is one of those peculiar coincidences which the desires of the Socialists meet and match up with the desires of the Capitalists:

The Socialists sincerely believe that while the transition may be rocky, the world will ultimately become a homogenized culture – they believe that the source of war is Nationalism – and that by eliminating borders, they will eliminate conflict.

Now, the Capitalists don’t give a damn about all that pie-in-the-future nonsense. However, they love that uneducated cheap, cheap labor and its knock-on effect of lowering ALL wages.

Of course neither party ever considered the problem of cultural integration and the fact that if you bring in too many foreigner (of any group) they don’t integrate, they form culturally isolated internal colonies. The famous melting pot becomes the salad bowl, and the strongest flavored elements come to dominate the taste of everything else.

Finally, cynic that I am, let me draw an analogy from the world of painting:

What color do you get if you mix a lot of colors together indiscriminately?

    destroycommunism in reply to Hodge. | September 27, 2024 at 10:31 am

    but a hugeeee difference ( and using your example from above)

    socialists must use force to gain their goals

    capitalism does not

    henrybowman in reply to Hodge. | September 27, 2024 at 1:55 pm

    “What color do you get if you mix a lot of colors together indiscriminately?”
    Diversity!™ 💩

“Hey, kids, I’ve got a swell idea!
“Let’s regress 300 years of our progress towards civilization… just for kicks!”

Subotai Bahadur | September 27, 2024 at 3:38 pm

Interesting, I would have figured that in France being a hostile foreign invader who has been convicted of multiple felonies including rape and now murder would qualify you for instant French citizenship and a seat in the National Assembly.

Subotai Bahadur