Flashback: Dissembling Tim Walz Talks About “When I Was In Afghanistan, You Know What Our Troops Were Worried About?”

Is there anything Tim Walz won’t lie about? That’s a question that is being asked across these United States. His tendency to fabricate, outright lie, and otherwise mislead is becoming legend. And not in a good way.

The latest example of his dishonesty and fakery is from 2012. He’s giving some kind of speech to the American Legion, and he states, “when I was in Afghanistan” without noting that he was not there as a veteran of a foreign war but as a House rep.

A normal, honest person would have included in his prepared speech that he was there as a ‘distinguished’ visitor. Instead, he chose not to note this pertinent fact to his audience, preferring to let them believe that he served in Afghanistan rather than just visited as a member of Congress. Dissembling like this is very common among pathological and compulsive liars.

Here’s the video:

If you couldn’t stand to watch the whole thing, I’m with you. I quit in disgust when he began ranting, “don’t tell the American people things that are not true.” Yes, yes, we do deserve to be told the truth. And we do not hear it from stolen valor creep, Tim Walz.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Tim Walz