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FL Trump Assassination Attempt: What We Know About Ryan Wesley Routh

FL Trump Assassination Attempt: What We Know About Ryan Wesley Routh

Routh donates to Democrats and seems to have an obsession with Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

Authorities arrested Ryan Wesley Routh for allegedly trying to shoot former President Donald Trump.

So what do we know?

Routh voted for Trump in 2016 but changed sides after the president disappointed him.

You know the media will latch on that 2016 vote and ignore his support for Democrats after that because journalism is dead.

Routh is from North Carolina:

A background check on the name given by officials, Ryan Wesley Routh, revealed that he currently lives in Hawaii and has faced dozens of run-ins with police, stretching back to at least the 1990s.

Routh is a native of North Carolina, where his list of arrests includes simple drug possession, driving without a license, expired inspection and operating a vehicle with no insurance. In addition, the Greensboro News & Record reported in 2002 that Routh was arrested after barricading himself in his roofing company’s office during a three-hour standoff that followed a traffic stop in which he put his hand on a gun before fleeing.

Routh has lived in Hawaii since 2017 where he developed another construction company to build homes for the homeless.

Routh claimed he fought in Ukraine. He also tried to recruit soldiers to fight in Ukraine against Russia.

He even spoke to Newsweek Romania:

In a June 2022 interview with Newsweek Romania, Routh spoke about his efforts to recruit volunteers for the International Legion Defense of Ukraine, a unit of Ukraine’s Ground Forces.

“The question as far as why I’m here — To me, a lot of the other conflicts are grey, but this conflict is definitely black and white,” Routh said. “This is about good versus evil. This is a storybook, you know, any movie we’ve ever watched, this is definitely evil against good.”

In March 2023, Semafor identified “Routh as the head of the International Volunteer Center (IVC) in Ukraine, a private organization that works to ’empower volunteers’ and other non-profit groups that work to ‘enhance the distribution of humanitarian aid throughout Ukraine,’ according to the IVC’s website.”


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Full of ruth for the distant.

A few questions that come to mind. For instance, where did this guy get his Russian Rifle? (Here in Florida it is a 3 day waiting period). Where did he get his vehicle to escape? Did he meet up with someone while in Florida? How did he know Trump was golfing? How did he know where to camp out? Did he ever canvas the golf course previously? Did he get funded or assisted by one or more of our illustrious 3 letter agencies when recruiting mercenaries for Ukraine? Was he “on the radar” of another 3 letter agency that previously raided the home of President Trump on behalf of Biden-Harris? ETC.

I know that DeSantis says the state is investigating but so far these are just words. Who is investigating? FDLE? AG? Grand Jury? As a Floridian I realize that we are now the epicenter and it is best for Ron to be very clear the rules and criteria of this investigation!

    Milhouse in reply to natdj. | September 16, 2024 at 8:43 am

    Florida’s 3-day waiting period doesn’t apply if you have a CCW, or if you’re trading in another firearm. So even if he got the rifle in FL (and there’s no reason to think he did), and even if he didn’t just wait out the 3 days (no reason to think he didn’t), he could have done it in one of those ways.

    But really if he’d planned it at all in advance, there’s no reason he couldn’t have waited the 3 days, or brought the rifle with him from another state.

      I know. I live in Florida and know the statutes on CCW. My point here is that he had time to plan this. Interesting to know for how long. Also, are you saying he flew from Hawaii with a rifle? There are a lot of questions that are not being asked.

        DaveGinOly in reply to natdj. | September 16, 2024 at 11:52 am

        It’s not difficult to fly with firearms. They go in checked baggage, they must be declared, and the luggage containing them must be inspected by TSA. (I don’t know if this is SOP, but at Seatac my luggage was inspected in my presence by a TSA employee at a special location in the terminal reserved for this purpose.)

          TargaGTS in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 16, 2024 at 2:18 pm

          If reporting is accurate (big IF at this point), he was a prohibited possessor. While I guess it’s possible he still decided to check a weapon and make the flight, I suspect he more likely acquired the rifle in CONUS.

        Gremlin1974 in reply to natdj. | September 16, 2024 at 6:43 pm

        He could have stopped in many of the states between Hawaii and Florida. Here we have no waiting periods at all. I can walk in by a handgun and unless the ATF puts a hold on my purchase I walk out with whatever I bought. There are numerous ways he could have gotten the rifle. Buy it from someone who is selling it in the paper.

        Also, AK-47’s are made in many other countries and then imported for sale. Such as Romania.

        I am less concerned how the got the rifle than I am with the report that his phone was inside the golf course for 12 hours before he was spotted. WTF is Trumps advanced team doing, because it isn’t their jobs.

    korp in reply to natdj. | September 16, 2024 at 9:32 am

    To “Russian Rifle”, I haven’t seen anything that says his rifle was made in Russia, or any pictures of it good enough to identify any markings, and I don’t see how it’d be relevant anyway. AK-47s are made all over the world, including in the US.

    To the three day waiting period, he obviously had a little bit of a plan at least, bringing a camera to make himself internet famous demonstrates that. It unlikely he heard Trump was golfing today, decided to go buy a gun and a scope (on a notoriously hard to scope gun), and went to shoot him.

      GWB in reply to korp. | September 16, 2024 at 9:37 am

      It also wasn’t an AK-47. It appears to be a sporterized SKS. Yes, it’s a 7.62×39 round, but it isn’t an AK.

      Blackwing1 in reply to korp. | September 16, 2024 at 10:04 am

      What do you mean by “notoriously hard to scope”? I’ve got a couple of semi-auto Romanian AKM’s with the standard Soviet side rails. The old-fashioned Soviet-style scopes slide on quite nicely, and even hold zero once set up. You can also buy “Picatinny” railed scope mounts that attach to those standard rails to mount any type of scope you want.

      I’ve also got a an SKS that I mounted a scope on. Just a little drilling and tapping is all that’s required.

      The major problem is the inherent accuracy of these carbines (which is what they are, given their barrel lengths). They’re just plain lousy. Regardless of the ammunition used you typically can barely get angle-of-pie-plate from them at 100 yards. The results usually look more like a shotgun pattern than rifle bullet groups. It is not the caliber (we have a CZ bolt gun in 7.62×39 that will print a clover-leaf at 100 yards with cheap Russian steel-cased ammo) but rather the firearms themselves. The cheap Chinese SKS’s have press-fit barrels, and the poorly-made AKM’s have thin sheet metal receivers. That someone would pick either one of these with which to snipe is a reflection of poor knowledge of firearms and shooting…thank the gods that Dem-wingers seem to be very bad at this.

      natdj in reply to korp. | September 16, 2024 at 11:30 am

      You miss several points here. If it is an AK47 or similar rifle, it is associated with Russia despite being made all over the world. My point is this guy was so anti Russia, why purchase a rifle like this? Also, you have no evidence that it was “unlikely he heard Trump was golfing today.” Unless of course you know this guy and was part of the plot?

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to natdj. | September 16, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    All of your questions are good and deserve answers. I have to admit that my first thought after I read the first one was to the effect that I’m sure that a lot of 3-letter agencies have warehouses full of them. But I am a suspicious and cynical type.

    Subotai Bahadur

What we know for certain is the media is wrecked that he didn’t get the job done. The coverage last night and this morning on the networks has been nothing short of an abomination. This is how CBS Morning Show began the rest of their morning coverage, IMMEDIATELY after their coverage of the attempted assassination which was their lede…

“Inflammatory rhetoric on the campaign trail has led to more threats of violence in Springfield, Ohio. The city has seen multiple bomb threats…after false claims from former President Trump and his running mate about immigrants eating pets. Now, they deny stoking racial hatred for political gain. Nikole Killion is in Springfield for us with more. Nikole, good morning”

    NPR was exactly the same, putting the blame on Trump repeating the eyewitness stories of animals getting killed in Springfield.

      Milhouse in reply to rbj1. | September 17, 2024 at 2:55 am

      There are no such eyewitness stories. Not one person in Springfield is claiming to have seen Haitians killing or eating pets.

I think with the Democrats rhetoric it is nothing short of a miracle that only two people have acted on it.

What it shows is fewer people believe the bs about “threat to Democracy” than you think.

    Only two have acted on it as far as Trump goes.
    There have been plenty of others trying for Congress and Supreme Court justices.

21 June Twitter post about Routh.

Warning about Ryan Routh: he is not, and never has been, associated with the International Legion or the Ukrainian Armed Forces at all. He is not, & never has been, a legion recruiter. He is misrepresenting himself and lying to many people.

    GWB in reply to Tiki. | September 16, 2024 at 9:40 am


    Zelensky is not a trump fan and would not mind having DJT out of the way. The fact that this clown really believes that there are good guys and bad guys in that war rather than two corrupt leaders and a bunch of unfortunate conscripts means he eats up all the MSM propaganda.

    TargaGTS in reply to Tiki. | September 16, 2024 at 10:27 am

    The owner of that X-account is….ahem, colorful:

    Drag king, S1 veteran of Ukraine’s International Legion, writer. seen on @HistoricDET
    @WroclawUncut. Nonbinary they/them; ono/jejgo PL.,

    I’ve noticed the the Ukraine cause attracts a LOT of homosexual/transgender freaks for some reason.

I can’t wait for this investigation to get underway:
Investigators – Mr Routh, are you going to tell us why you tried to assassinate Donald Trump?
Routh – No.
Investigators – Okay, we’ve heard enough. Thank you.

“We may never know why he did it…” – the MSM

    TargaGTS in reply to HamiltonNJ. | September 16, 2024 at 8:53 am

    That’s exactly how it would go if it happened in PA or some other blue state. But, this didn’t happen in PA. It happened in FL. DeSantis already announced the State will be conducting their own independent investigation. This is what the Governor of TN should have done the day of the Covenant School shooting.

    Witness, “Well, as he attacked each person he kept yelling, “Infidel” along with ‘Allahu Akbar.'”

    Investigator, “Hmmm, clear case of mental illness.”

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to HamiltonNJ. | September 16, 2024 at 3:55 pm

    I expect Routh to be Epsteined. The last thing the Federales want is for him to talk.

    Subotai Bahadur

Routh’s son is quoted as saying- His father ‘hates Trump like every reasonable person does.’

    BigRosieGreenbaum in reply to SField. | September 16, 2024 at 10:03 am

    Nice. Sounds like the son is a nut like his father.

      Daily Mail: “Routh was convicted in 2002 of possessing a weapon of mass destruction, per online North Carolina Department of Adult Correction records”

      Son: “He’s my dad and all he’s had is couple traffic tickets, as far as I know,”

      Newsweek: “Ryan Wesley Routh: Would-Be Trump Assassin, Went to Ukraine to Join War”

      Son: ‘He’s not a violent person… I’ve never known him to own a gun or known him to do anything bats*** like this.”

      Bud Collyer: “Will the real John Wesley Routh… please… stand… UP?

This guy has sort of an Oswald feel to him.

    GWB in reply to jb4. | September 16, 2024 at 9:48 am

    One of the things I noticed is that, with the exception of Oswald, almost all (all?) Presidential assassination attempts were made with handguns. Almost everyone was very personally involved with their attempts, up close, whether officially deranged* or not. It’s why the USSS focuses almost exclusively on that threat.

    Until Trump, the only one who actually set it up like a military or intel dark operation was… Oswald. Who had also been overseas trying to join up with a foreign entity.

    (* Crazy people want to be up close. They want to … whatever the psychology is of needing to be close to the target. There’s the notoriety of it, the “being in the picture” when the newsies snap the event.)

      henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 16, 2024 at 4:24 pm

      Or maybe it’s because so few of them have the discipline to train to hit the side of a barn from across the street.

      markm in reply to GWB. | September 20, 2024 at 1:00 am

      I can think of just one other assassination attempt with a long gun. About 1864, Lincoln was riding a horse around Washington, DC, and someone shot at him at long range with a rifle or rifled musket. Lincoln’s hat was knocked off, but he wasn’t injured. It’s difficult to hit a moving target.

      They were in a war, and DC was just across the Potomac River from Virginia, enemy territory. Lots of soldiers were going around with rifles, so an openly carried rifle probably drew less attention than a handgun would if it showed. But in normal times, a handgun might be successfully concealed, and a gun that’s seen will be questioned.

      But the two would-be Trump assassins found a modern exception to that: if there’s a Secret Service protection detail on site. The detail will include snipers. They’ll call on local law enforcement to assist, and bring more snipers. If stretched too thin, the SS will ask other federal agencies to supply more people, and they might be carrying rifles. And all those different police don’t know each other…

      This didn’t help Routh, because he was armed with a cheap SKS gun that’s recognizably Russian and used by no American police force that I know of. The SS sniper had no compunctions about shooting at that SKS without waiting for any further identification. But the first shooter was carrying an AR-15 that looks just like the rifles most often carried by American cops. He was seen on that roof from other roofs, but the cops that saw him first were trying to figure out which of all the other other police agencies right up until he started shooting. (And then the SS response was unacceptably slow. A local cop fired quicker, but this assassin had already got off at least 3 shots, wounding Trump and killing a spectator.)

    henrybowman in reply to jb4. | September 16, 2024 at 4:33 pm

    If Ray Epps had a brother, he’d look just like Routh.
    If you look up hippie burnout in the dictionary, his picture is there.
    Total refugee from Margaritaville.

I wanna live in an America where the press has more access to the Democrat nominee than the assassins do to the Republican Nominee.

Not surprising that this weirdo supports the globalism pushed by neocon propaganda that has, since the beginning of the Trump era, permeated/shifted to the left and the d/prog; see Cheney and Victoria Nuland or the grifting tool Vindman trying to milk his 15 minutes into a second career.

I find it interesting about Hawaii/North Carolina, since the initial word was the other way around. He lived in Hawaii and had moved to North Carolina, where we worked in construction recently.

I wonder if any of his “homes” burned in the Maui fire?

    TargaGTS in reply to GWB. | September 16, 2024 at 10:21 am

    It appears he grew up in NC and had extended family there. After moving to HI, he lived on Oʻahu, so he probably didn’t have much involvement in neighboring Maui considering he was in the construction business of some sort.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 16, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    Are you sure? He reportedly has a WMD conviction from NC in 2002.

      In this case, “WMD” is misleading language for a rifle that might be capable of full-auto fire. In other words, a proper modern militia weapon, which is protected by the first phrase of the 2nd Amendment, if that means anything at all.

Saying you voted for one party in the past as you advocate for the other is a tactic. His political donations don’t lie. This kook was never a Trump supporter…

    Do look at the dates in the one piece, though. Oooh, he’s a “long-time” Democrat because he donated Democrat since … all of 5 years ago. The guy is almost 60 and you made a conclusion like “long-term” on the basis of the last 5 years of his donations? What about his habits and such for the 35 years prior to that?

    That’s not a bash on the conclusion, but the presentation of the evidence and really poor journalistic practice.

destroycommunism | September 16, 2024 at 12:07 pm

whats to know is that he was instructed by the left to attack

he did

A totally nutty question:
If this guy was pro-Ukraine, would that mean Trump was on Russia’s side? And wouldn’t the media play that up? And it might result in an election that doesn’t put Trump back in office. Which would make Putin really happy. So it might be Russian interference in the election and not Ukrainian?

Bring your best tinfoil and knock that one down, if you can.

(You gotta do some brain yoga sometimes to keep your wits sharp.)

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 16, 2024 at 4:29 pm

    Maybe, but the media has been playing Russia Russia Russia for the past nine years, and by now the stupid voters already believe it and anyone with a brain has seen it debunked… so continuing it has little advantage.