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Disillusioned DNC Volunteer Figures Out That Democrats Have Become the Party of Rich Elites

Disillusioned DNC Volunteer Figures Out That Democrats Have Become the Party of Rich Elites

“As someone who has given her life to Democratic politics, it was devastating.”

A young woman who has been a lifelong Democrat and volunteered to work at the Democratic National Convention this summer came away from the experience thinking that she no longer recognizes her party.

She used to think the Democrats were the party of the little guy, but now sees them as the party of rich elites.

FOX News reports:

Democratic operative announces party exit after volunteering at DNC : ‘Impossible to unsee what I’ve seen’

A Democratic campaign operative revealed that she is exiting the party after volunteering at last month’s Democratic National Convention, which left her “disenchanted” with Democratic leadership.

In a Newsweek op-ed published Tuesday, Evan Barker described how she went from raising “tens of millions of dollars” for Democrats to distancing herself from a party she now believes is “totally out of touch” with everyday Americans.

Barker said she was initially “thrilled” to volunteer at the DNC, where Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for president.

“But once there, wandering amidst the glitz and glam, imbibing the gloss and schmaltz of it all, I couldn’t escape a sinking feeling. I felt submersed in a hollow chamber whose mottos were ‘Brat summer’ and ‘Joy’—totally out of touch with regular, every-day Americans and their pressing needs; instead, the most elite people in the world chanted in unison that “We’re not going back,” Barker wrote.

Here’s more from Barker’s piece in Newsweek:

I Raised Millions for Democrats. At the DNC, I Realized They’re the Party of the Rich

Over the past six years, I’ve raised tens of millions of dollars for the Democrats. I’ve given thousands of hours of my mind, heart, and soul to get Democrats elected, as a Democratic fundraising consultant for federal Senate and House candidates and Left-leaning national organizations. But my work with Democrats started in high school, when I was an alternate-delegate for Hillary Clinton. Later, I interned on Barack Obama’s campaign. Most recently, I volunteered at last month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago…

I found myself feeling disenchanted, lost, sad, and alone.

As someone who has given her life to Democratic politics, it was devastating. But if I’m being honest, it wasn’t totally surprising.

I grew up a long ways away from the glitz, glamor, and ostentatious wealth I’d become accustomed to seeing in and around Democratic politics. I’m from the Heartland, near Kansas City. My family floated between working poor and middle class…

My family background is messy. But there was one constant: Many of my family members are proud construction workers and lifelong union members. I grew up believing that the Democrats were our party.

Fast forward to today, and many of those same family members are no longer Democrats. They feel the party has changed, left them behind.

At the DNC, I couldn’t help but think about my family. Every time the elites chanted “We’re not going back,” what I heard was, “We’re not going back to the party your union family members used to vote for.”

Every former Democrat has a red pill moment.

This is the viral video she posted after the Democrat convention.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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She figured out that Democratic party politics are not at all democratic.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Whitewall. | September 20, 2024 at 11:46 am

    Correct. The Democrat machine is to feed the corporations and their insatiable desire for mass immigration, and keep Americans in poverty

    I’m gonna guess here, but she likely wasn’t at the head of her HS/college graduating classes.

    Now look at what she’s done. She’s ruined her chances of ever receiving an invitation to join the Council on Foreign Relation, the elite of the elite.

    diver64 in reply to Whitewall. | September 21, 2024 at 5:45 am

    It took her watching what happened in 2016, how they lied and smeared Trump since then with baseless claims and watched nearly 4 years of this entire administration to realize something was rotten in Demark? It wasn’t removing Biden and installing Harris in anything but a democratic process but the “Happy Happy Joy Joy” that finally did her in?

welcome to the pool .. come on in
the water is fine….
last Dem I voted for was Humphrey

    destroycommunism in reply to jqusnr. | September 20, 2024 at 11:32 am

    hhh was a war monger,,,just fyi

    and once the msm took over and convinced americans that the war couldnt be won

    we lost

destroycommunism | September 20, 2024 at 11:24 am


the dems havent changed one bit


viva la trump

his lack of being a politician and being a blunt businessman has exposed them and the rinos

dems have always been about the show

rich elites “entertaining” poc


The anti-rich sentiment is not positive regardless. The word that’s wanted is bureaucrats.

The rich are the ones who prevent you from eating the seed corn by taking care of it.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to rhhardin. | September 20, 2024 at 11:48 am

    And we are all serfs because of it.

    We don’t need elites to hold our hand and “protect” us.

      Nothing keeps you from being rich. It’s nice if the people in charge of the seed corn (capital) are smart though, which is how it works out when you have to make good decisions.

      It’s different with bureaucrats. There it’s ass kissing and conspiracies.

        DaveGinOly in reply to rhhardin. | September 20, 2024 at 2:00 pm

        Chief didn’t complain about not being rich himself, nor did he express a desire to control the lives of others. He could become “rich” and still not desire to do so, not wanting to be a part of the “elite.”

      I think the miscommunication here is that RH is talking about seed corn that they own and developed, not “your” corn or “the national” corn.

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | September 20, 2024 at 12:30 pm

    Anti oligarchy and anti crony capitalism seem just fine. As does anti monopoly and rejecting ‘too big to fail’.

    It’s my d*** seed corn. Why should I let them tell me what to do with it?

      rhhardin in reply to GWB. | September 20, 2024 at 4:39 pm

      Capital is extra money, just as seed corn is (with respect to eating) extra corn.

      Capital, from a guy with extra money, is what buys heavy equipment for ditch diggers, with the result that the ditch-diggers’ income rises from nothing to upper middle class. That, and not dimes falling from the pockets of the rich, is trickle-down. It’s somebody spending extra money (capital) that you also benefit from.

      Who should control capital? The guy that can grow the amount of capital he has, aka investments that not only sustain themselves but pay off well. That’s more heavy equipment for ditch-diggers.

      The rich, you see, stop consuming more then they get richer. They already have all they can spend, and every extra dollar goes into investment. Conversely, if you tax them more, every dollar taken comes out of investment. The consumption of the rich is unchanged in either case. So taxing the rich taxes only ditch diggers.

      The analogy is that capital, extra money, is like the farmer that withholds corn from the market so as to have corn to plant next year. The farmer has more corn than he can eat but he neither eats it himself nor does he allow you to eat it.

      The left eats the seed corn this year so that nobody goes hungry. That doesn’t work out.

destroycommunism | September 20, 2024 at 11:35 am

waiting on the rfk jr cheating scandal to appear here

    What “scandal”? You mean that vapid reporter who became so full of herself she was doing glamor photo shoots? My understanding that despite the screaming headlines insinuating a relationship nothing happened except that she was engaging in personnel communications with someone she should have been reporting on so was not disassociated from the subject of her story so could not be unbiased. I think RFK Jr said he thinks he spoke to her once so at this point we are not sure how much communication she had.

BigRosieGreenbaum | September 20, 2024 at 11:38 am

Good morning Evan!

Maybe if you stopped drinking your own Kool-AId you would have realized they have been called LIMOUSINE LIBERALS for decdes

She should be welcomed. The more Democrats speak out, the more other Democrats have opportunity to see the reality of what their party has become, and to look for the exit doors.

    She should be warmly welcomed. Never look a gift horse in the mouth, ever.

      Crawford in reply to RandomCrank. | September 20, 2024 at 4:07 pm

      Absolutely. One of the most annoying things I see is rejection of people who have at least started questioning the bubble they’ve been in. We shouldn’t expect them to agree with us 100% and shouldn’t hate what they were, but welcome who they’ve become and help them see reality.

      henrybowman in reply to RandomCrank. | September 20, 2024 at 11:18 pm

      “I’m not necessarily saying that the other part is better”
      Thanks for the video, but I don’t have time to babysit you. Ask for a reading list from the secretary on your way out.

    But, you see, it’s that “has become” part that is the problem. The part hasn’t become anything new, it’s just taken off the sheepskin because it can now walk amongst the flock in its native wolf skin. The things these people believe are all still in line with the Democrat platform – they just think people in charge are being dishonest about it now.

    A lot of the reaction to these folks lies in this, I think. Until they actually can pull back and see it’s the “liberalism” or “progressivism” or the Marxism that is really the problem, then they aren’t allies so much as people who want our help in getting rid of one group of their leaders so they can install another who will go and do the same thing. (Note she is blaming the system, not the platform, principles, or proposed end state from the Dems.)

    Now, while this is a good thing in terms of getting Trump elected as a Republican, it doesn’t necessarily help us get our Constitutional Republic back. It’s goingto take more than one term of Trump to achieve that, and I don’t see these “red-pilled” folks going that step. At least, not yet. We have to get them to see more than “Oh my, these Democrats don’t care about us! *sob*”

    I would no more reject her for finally coming to her senses and seeing what has happened to the Democratic Party than I would reject all of her union family members doing the same thing.

What ! It took her this long to realize this? The Democratic Party has been catering to the rich for decades, and moving in that direction at an accelerating rate. The only thing different now is they don’t need to pretend anymore.

Oh, dear, they’ve always been the party of rich elites. They’ve “worked for the down-trodden” solely in order to buy your votes to give them more power.

    GWB in reply to GWB. | September 20, 2024 at 12:42 pm

    Hint: Remember who the commies in places like the Soviet Union always were working for up until the revolution was over?

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 21, 2024 at 4:50 pm

    There’s a theory (probably has a name, but I don’t remember it) that describes exactly how the Democrats operate. It’s been used at least since ancient Rome, if not before.
    The biggest threat to any nobility is the upper middle class moving in, either to destroy it or replace it with themselves. So the nobility curries alliances and entanglements with the lower classes (bread, circuses, welfare) in order to squeeze and harry the middles from both sides, and maintain their power… and not incidentally to drain the middles of wealth that ends up sustaining the bottom classes.
    I’ve misplaced my references to articles that explain it better, perhaps someone else has some.

Been saying it for years now: the D party is the party of Big Biz.

    RandomCrank in reply to nordic prince. | September 20, 2024 at 2:39 pm

    In the abstract, I do not fault the Ds for that. Big business has all kinds of warts, but it has delivered a rising standard of living for more than a century. The Ds had every good reason to listen to corporate America, and still do. That comes down to the yearly details, which are complicated and break both ways.

    Look, don’t be a god damn baby. In their glory years, the Ds knew enough to take just enough of the golden eggs without killing the goose. Their task, which I endorsed as a (former) D and still do, is to spread the money around to those who, in the memorable words of Hound Dog Bill Clinton, they who work hard and play by the rules. I still believe that.

    Yep, he didn’t play by the rules in his private life, but Billy Boy Clinton and the Ds before him represented the working people of America. That they no longer do is an unmitigated tragedy for this country, but that doesn’t invalidate what they once were.

    henrybowman in reply to nordic prince. | September 21, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    Big NGO is more like it. “Non-profit” “charitables” that get all their money from (and thus are proxies for) Big Government.
    Even when profitable business is involved, I believe the recent censorship history we’ve seen underscores the point that even when the corporation is independently onboard with the government’s own spin, the government will always press those corporations into extrene positions that make even their biggest “allies” uncomfortable.
    If the wall of silence ever cracks, I suspect we’ll learn the same even about their MSM toadies.

The Democrat Party used to be the party of the “working man”. Today, it’s the party of the “NON WORKING MAN”.

I was a D for 40 years, but left in two stages. First was when Obamacare raised insurance premiums by 40% for one of my brothers and an Oregon rancher couple I know.

When the wife told me, I said that I couldn’t imagine it, but would check. (Former professional journalist, old school, facts rule.) I triple checked it overnight at the ranch, which had an internet connection, and the next morning at breakfast I told her that I had checked, and verified what she had told me. I was truly shocked, but as I say, facts rule.

The final break came with the rioting in Ferguson, Mo., after which point Obama’s AG blamed the local police for writing too many traffic tickets to black motorists. Between that, and “Hands up, don’t shoot,” and the Trayvon Martin mess, I was done.

It’s not easy to face facts and walk away from a party that I had always regarded as being the friend of the working man, but integrity demanded it of me. I could give a bunch of other examples, but cite what was determinative for me.

I advise conservatives to avoid being smug toward those whose eyes opened later than yours did. These changes do not happen all at once, and can be agonizing for those who wake up. The question is not how long it took them, but rather the internal courage and honesty that led to the final decision to walk away.

    destroycommunism in reply to RandomCrank. | September 20, 2024 at 3:25 pm

    they never were forrr the working man

    they needed the working man to pay their dues to them

    so when not running around in sheets to attack poc

    they made sure that the elites stayed at the top by using taxation to keep all others “in place”

    they have always been for government over the people

    capitalists>>patriots are always for the people over the government

    the gop’s problem was that they not only went along with lefty

    the were less than welcoming to others when they didnt need to be especially as they touted capitalism ,,,,and capitalism is agnostic …so they were in many cases rinos in the making

    It’s not necessarily being smug as their eyes are finally opened.
    Partly it’s just annoyed by the fact that things haven’t really changed that much in the last year, or 5, but they’ve gone over some line in this person’s mind. It’s a natural reaction to their “revelation.”

    It’s also pushback against a lot of people who say “Oh, they’ve been red-pilled” as if they’re now a reliable Constitutional conservative, when they WILL, the moment they are emotionally able, go right back to supporting the things and ideas that brought us to this point.

    Most of them need to be pushed to see that it’s not just some dishonest people now in charge that are the problem with the Democratic party (and a goodly chunk of the Republican one) but their entire platform and set of ideas. They need to see they have never truly supported “the little guy” because all of those things they thought supported them did not. They need to see that they never really supported “freedom” except insofar as loosening some rules meant they could obtain power and go full throttle on their hedonism. That all of their virtues are corruptions of true Christian virtue.

      RandomCrank in reply to GWB. | September 20, 2024 at 6:48 pm

      Look, on the best day, anyone is three-quarters correct. When it comes to politics, there are very few best days.

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | September 20, 2024 at 4:12 pm

What was your first clue, Inspector?

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | September 20, 2024 at 4:16 pm

I grew up in a Democrat household but left the Democrat fold without looking back when I first registered to vote.

The only constant is change, but I’ve since realized that the Democratic Party has always been corrupt and has only ever changed for the worse.

    In fairness, when did you realize the Republican party was also corrupt? Or when did you realize that the establishment GOP was just the red flavor of the UniParty?

      I long accepted that the Democrats were the Evil Party and the Republicans were the Stupid Party. When Nixon decoupled gold and controlled wages and prices, when Reagan relaxed the bank investment regulations without also reducing their FDIC coverage, when W created the DHS police state, I chalked it down to stupidity.

      When the Repubilcans owned the Senate, the House, AND the White House after the Trump election, and then continued to put us off with bullshit about “now is not the right time” to fulfill campaign promises to us that they could have enacted into law in about two days each, I realized it was not stupidity.

      It should’ve been The Patriot Act, but the amnesty push by W made me despise the establishment GOP.

Sorry you had a bad experience, honey… but I hear it doesn’t hurt nearly as much after the first time.

Do I sound callous?

“I’ve worked in progressive politics for a long time. I’ve worked for many Democratic candidates — senate candidates, house candidates, even some Democratic organizations… throughout my career, I’ve mostly done campaign fundraising,..”

You need to clean your own room, missy.