Did John McCain’s Son Forget His Dad Used Arlington in a Political Ad?

CNN chose to speak to John McCain’s youngest son instead of the Gold Star families who lost loved ones during Joe Biden’s awful Afghanistan withdrawal.

In the interview, Jimmy McCain accused Donald Trump of going to Arlington on the anniversary withdrawal to use as a campaign backdrop even though the families invited him.

Did Jimmy forget that his dad used Arlington in a political ad? Did he forget that Dad didn’t get permission or even request permission to film there?

The Associated Press article on the incident sounds like McCain went to Arlington for the ad. He didn’t use old footage. No one invited him to the cemetery.

McCain went to the cemetery to film footage for an ad.

The Army slammed McCain because those in charge would have denied permission “because partisan activity is banned at Army installations.”

Trump went because the families asked him to go with them.

Jimmy complained:

“It just blows me away,” Jimmy McCain, a first lieutenant in the Arizona National Guard, told CNN. “These men and women that are laying in the ground there have no choice” of whether to be a backdrop for a political campaign.”I just think that for anyone who’s done a lot of time in their uniform, they just understand that inherently – that it’s not about you there. It’s about these people who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their country.”

The Gold Star families have been pleading with the media to pay attention to them.

Of course, the media ignores them because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

I believe the families also invited Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Joe went to the beach. I think Kamala campaigned.

Gee, I wonder why the families have stuck by Trump. He’s the only one who gives a damn about them and their loved ones.

Some of the photos ended up in a Trump campaign ad.

But Biden and Obama used Arlington in ads, too.

Oh, wait. It’s okay that Biden did it because the ad’s disclaimer said “the use of Defense Department footage does not imply an endorsement of the Biden campaign.”

You mean Trump smiled and gave his trademark thumbs up? What about Obama?

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Donald Trump, John McCain, Trump Derangement Syndrome