Democrats Rush to Rashida Tlaib’s Rescue Over Cartoon Depicting Her With Exploded Pager
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Democrats Rush to Rashida Tlaib’s Rescue Over Cartoon Depicting Her With Exploded Pager

Democrats Rush to Rashida Tlaib’s Rescue Over Cartoon Depicting Her With Exploded Pager

“This racism will incite more hate + violence against our Arab & Muslim communities, and it makes everyone less safe. It’s disgraceful that the media continues to normalize this.”

The story of the exploding pagers and how they wreaked absolute havoc on Hezbollah terrorists last week will be studied, analyzed, and debated long after anyone reading this is gone.

“The attack on the militant and political group Hezbollah via exploding pagers and walkie-talkies this week, widely believed to be conducted by Israel, was a novel use of a well-trodden spy tactic and a devastating intelligence blow to Hezbollah, ” NBC News reported after interviews with warfare and intelligence experts.

The tactic, of course, was condemned by The Usual Suspects including members of the so-called “Squad” of anti-Israel radicals in Congress like Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who called it “disgusting” and retweeted a post from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who declared “This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict.”

Two days later, cartoonist Henry Payne shared the following cartoon on his Twitter/X page, which featured Tlaib acting shocked that her pager had exploded:

National Review Online also posted it as their cartoon of the day that same morning.

Not surprisingly, Tlaib being called out for her well-documented terroristic sympathies prompted the Squad and their allies to erupt once more, alleging that it was “racist” and that it would incite violence and threats against the Islamic-American community:

For starters, the Detroit News didn’t publish the cartoon. Payne is not even a cartoonist for the publication:

Further, perhaps the real outrage was over the fact that the cartoon was too close to the truth for their comfort:

Lastly, perhaps NRO will take down their cartoon when Tlaib takes this tweet down:

There was also this:

The good news is that Payne is standing his ground. Also, the Detroit News isn’t planning on canceling him, although they’ve asked him to stop putting his Detroit News email address on his cartoons going forward:

I did reach Payne by phone who told me “Jews are under an existential threat from Iran and its Hamas-Hezbollah proxies not seen since WWII … my cartoons for Andrews McNeel have been consistently critical of Rep. Tlaib’s lack of Congressional leadership in failing to support Israel’s battle for survival.”

The Detroit News tells me they do not plan to remove Payne or discipline him in any way for making the cartoon.

However, they say Payne was asked to discontinue use of the Detroit News email and agreed, when working for other publications, given that the Detroit News has nothing to do with creation of this cartoon.

The bad news is the Outrage Mob is continuing to do its thing. Hopefully, NRO won’t back down in the face of demands for an apology/retraction.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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The cartoon was ‘over the target. America is at the “Time for Choosing” moment..

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Whitewall. | September 22, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    How about a cartoon for an exploding personal entertainment device. She is so ugly it is hard to believe she has any options.

The cult of alleged, contrived and fallacious Muslim grievance and victimhood is tiresome and evil. Nothing could be more perverse, obtuse and morally repugnant than casting Muslims — representing ~25% of the world’s population, and adherents of the most consistently and persistently belligerent, fascistic, totalitarian, hate-filled, violent and pathology-laden ideology on Earth — as an allegedly aggrieved victim group.

Muslim victimology theatrics and rhetoric are contemptible and are part and parcel of well-worn Muslim supremacist/Islamofascist agitprop tactics.

The only “hate and violence” that I have seen since 10/7 in the USA is against Jewish communities – largely ignored by the Biden-Harris administration.

    ConradCA in reply to jb4. | September 22, 2024 at 1:03 pm

    Islam was created by the big Mo as a religion of war and oppression dedicated to world conquest and oppression. For 500 years Islam put their faith in practice conquering the world.

Everything I needed to know about islam I learned on 9/11 and nothing that had happened in the intervening 23 years has dissuaded me from that conclusion.

As to Rep. Tlaib, if you don’t like being criticized for being a supporter of a muslim terrorist organization such as Hezbollah, I have a great idea: don’t support Hezbollah. IKR?

I know that if I were either a member or supporter of Hezbollah – as Tlaib clearly and unapologetically is – I would be deeply embarrassed by the idiocy of my organization in being taken out by a bunch of pagers, walkie talkies and surgical strikes. What a deeply stupid organization.

Imagine if AOC responded to Hezbollah’s rocket attacks on Israel by saying: “This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict.”

No, she didn’t say that about Hezbollah. She’s perfectly fine with rocket attacks on Israel. The more, the merrier. It’s when Israel responds, and eliminates the terrorist’s command and control, that’s when AOC has issues.

Collateral damage? Welcome to war. It comes with the territory.

That AOC is despicable doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Truth hurts. The cartoon hurts a lot!

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 22, 2024 at 11:49 am

Democrats Rush to Rashida Tlaib’s Rescue Over Cartoon Depicting Her With Exploded Pager

That is dangerous misinformation. Tlaib is Hamas, not Hezbollah.

Nip that shit in the bud as it begins with a false premise.
Islam is NOT a race, it is a violent theocracy

irishgladiator63 | September 22, 2024 at 1:02 pm

Did anyone check to see if one of her pagers actually did explode? Maybe this is just an artist’s depiction of what happened and not a political cartoon.

The left can’t stand the power of the right wing memeosphere. It’s a communications mode that’s out of their control.

They are also as humorless as the Air America left wing radio show used to be. To paraphrase Col. Kilgore, “Charlie don’t meme.”

The Gentle Grizzly | September 22, 2024 at 2:06 pm

Maybe a Dick Tuck type prank needs to get going, where folks from all over the country mail her old pagers and cell phones.

Everything I needed to know about islam I learned on 9/11 and nothing that had happened in the intervening 23 years has dissuaded me from that conclusion.

We want cartoons tat are as offense ass possible, like her using a stick of Dynamite with a burning fuse for personal entertainment.

Apparently, Tlaib’s Terrorist cousins liked to keep their pagers in their front pockets near their junk. I haven’t seen so many balls in the air since I attended my son’s soccer practice.

The pagers that exploded were assigned to Hezbollah members. The exploding pager next to Congresscritter Tlaib merely implies that as she is a faithful supporter of Hezbollah, she is not that different from being an actual member of Hezbollah.

Why is it “racist” to paint Congresscritter Tlaib as a faithful supporter of Hezbollah, when that is what she is? When has Congresscritter Tlaib ever criticized something that Hezbollah has done?

I think the hand wringing over the Squad’s panties getting in a twist has long since run it’s course. Few pay attention except to mock them for it.

So just what is the difference between Islamophobia and Islamorealism? Is it because of Islamorealism that Islamophobia exists? As I recall it was not the Greek Orthodox who attacked on 911. It was Islamist’s who killed over 3000 American civilians. So why is it Palestinian civilians are of greater value to the Biden administration and some congressional members than the American lives on 911.

Maybe she can’t decide whether she’d be more embarrassed to admit she had a pager that blew up or to admit that Hezbollah didn’t consider her important enough to have been issued one of their pagers.

Terrorists deserve no mercy. They should be exterminated whenever and wherever they are found, by any means possible. And their supporters should be treated the same way.

As for Islam, Islam is a racist, supremacist, totalitarian political ideology masquerading as a religion. For 1,400 years, the followers of this death cult have, and have always had, but a single goal: conquer the world, kill anyone who gets in the way, and turn the survivors into slaves. The civilized world had best wake up to this reality real soon.

Oh, a pet peeve of mine is the use of the word “Islamophobia” to refer to hatred of Muslims. Wrong. A “phobia” is an irrational and unjustified fear of something or someone. It has nothing to do with hatred or distaste. As for fearing Islam and its followers, well, based upon their actions of the last 1,400 years, fearing it and them is anything but irrational or unjustified.

BigRosieGreenbaum | September 23, 2024 at 8:50 am

I wonder if that other squad member is giving her turban the side eye?

destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 10:22 am

talib is a terrorist


Since a pager possessed by the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon exploded it might have been considered a “badge of honor” to actually have an exploded pager – one is “in the loop”. Perhaps it is actually embarrassing that Rep Tlaib is considered so unimportant as to not be “in the loop”.

You only catch that much flak when you’re above the target.