Democrats Celebrate Endorsement of Darth Cheney
“Harris campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said that the vice president was ‘proud’ to have Cheney’s support.”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is apparently planning to vote for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. The news was first delivered by former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, then confirmed by the man himself.
The funniest thing about this is that some Democrats are celebrating this endorsement by Dick Cheney as if it was a good thing. They literally called this man a war criminal for years, but now cheer him as a member of their team.
NBC News reports:
Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he will vote for Harris
Former Vice President Dick Cheney announced Friday that he will cast his ballot for Vice President Kamala Harris this fall, confirming news that was first made public by his daughter, former Rep. Liz Cheney, earlier in the day.
Both Cheneys are Republicans, and the elder served under President George W. Bush. The younger Cheney, who endorsed Harris earlier this week, is one of former President Donald Trump’s most prominent conservative critics.
“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Dick Cheney said in a statement. “He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.”
“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” he added.
Harris campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said that the vice president was “proud” to have Cheney’s support.
Never-Trumpers on the right also celebrated this development. In the clip below, Nicolle Wallace, a former George W. Bush staffer who is now a popular MSNBC host, speaks to Tim Miller of the anti-Trump publication, The Bulwark.
These people seem to harbor some fantasy that if they can just get rid of Trump, they will be brought back in to resume control of the GOP. They’re wrong.
Look how excited they are
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) September 6, 2024
If anything, most voters on the right are just disgusted.
All those years we defended the Establishment GOP and they knife us.
For Harris.
— Mark Noonan (@Mark_E_Noonan) September 7, 2024
"This guy who we saw as the embodiment of evil is now voting for our party. WE must be the good guys!"
Not even a second of introspection
— Auron MacIntyre (@AuronMacintyre) September 6, 2024
Cheney is so dedicated to sending American kids to war he switched parties….
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) September 6, 2024
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 6, 2024
Next Kamala zoom call.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 6, 2024
The always great Ace of Spades commented on this:
The betrayal is now almost complete. Everything we ever said about them — that this is a cadre of people who hate us so much but pander to us, completely insincerely, about the handful of issues we care about so they trick us into voting for them so they can pass endless tax cuts for themselves and fund endless foreign wars — is now proven.
When Ace says the betrayal is ‘almost’ complete, I think you know what he means.
Last word goes to Kurt Schlichter.
I’m just waiting for George W. Bush to endorse Kamala. You know it’s going to happen.
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) September 6, 2024

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Even a heart transplant didn’t bring him back from heartless. Cheney was extremely clever at hiding his abysmal nature. But then so has W.
I don’t believe Cheney hid his abysmal nature. He’s been “out” for a long time.
Both “Dick” and “Lezzie” Cheney got rich sending America’s children into endless wars, all to feed the pockets of the war machine.
DoD contracts transferred the nation’s wealth and both Cheney’s lined their pockets.
Of course Chainy thinks Trump is an existential threat to our “Democracy.” A threat to the Harris-Cheney-Bush war machine, and billions of dollars to Ukraine that can be laundered back as “campaign donations” and from being on the board of directors of the big boom corporations.
the person missing from the bottom pic is Victoria Nuland, Dick’s foreign affairs adviser
when that fact is known, it is not hard to understand how we got into two 20 year fiascos
Behind every evil man is an ugly evil woman egging him on.
I guess any “gravitas” that he brought went to the Democrat party.
Do I have to believe that what the Dems said about Cheney all these years is true? Oh well, broken clocks and all…
But his daughter is a miserable shrew, so corrupt that she imprisoned political prisoners for years by destroying/suppressing testimony in the J6 kangaroo commission.
Dick Cheney is one of the greatest disappointments of all time. He was the man. Now, he is just a pathetic traitor rooting for the destruction of America. Unreal. He should burn in hell.
What’s to wait for? George W. Bush let sitting members of his cabinet endorse Barky and essentially endorsed Barky, himself … not to mention the fact that George W. Bush never said anything about all the un-Constitutional and un-American sh*t that Barky pulled but came out gangbusters against Trump for a few mean tweets.
Said the impossible, the Iraq War was wrong
For that the Republican “establishment “ will forever hate him
They always hated us
That’s not exactly what he said. The Iraq War was definitely NOT wrong. It was necessary. People forget what the circumstances were.
What Trump said (which is what I have said since the very beginning) is that the “nation building” in Iraq was wrong. That is clear. My contention, from the very start, was that Saddam Hussein needed to be removed from power (that much was crystal clear to anyone with a brain from back in the First Gulf War when he intentionally dumped over 40 million barrels of oil into the gulf and lit just about every oil well in Kuwait on fire, all while he was being allowed to retreat in one of the most humiliating military defeats in human history) and control of those oil fields needed to be taken back. The arabs and Persians cannot be trusted with control of the oil fields – which none of them had anything to do with their development.
The Iraq War was clearly necessary and important … and in the end it ended up yielding more weapons of mass destruction than anyone had even imagined, since it was the Iraq War that scares the sh*t out Q’Daffy and caused him to puke up his entire nuclear program which exposed the AQ Khan network, which was the most dangerous WMD operation on the planet.
Iraq was soundly defeated in a day. It was the inane post-war nation building that was the mistake. Iraq’s oil fields should have been seized and the Iraqis left to run around in the desert stabbing each other in the butts, as arabs are wont to do.
No, Trump said the war was wrong, it wasn’t the right war, the right war was Afghanistan, early , hit it , and get out
That didn’t happen
And he was wrong in that. But he also said that if we had to go in that the place had to be taken down and we would just leave. I’m not sure if he added anything about the oil fields (which is the lynchpin of all threats emanating from the arab/persian/muslim world).
I happened to have disagreed with Trump, strongly, on his opposition to the Iraq invasion but I was generally in agreement with his opinion about how it should have happened, if it had to (and it did have to).
I respectfully disagree with your assessment.
I point out that Bush II engaged in a totally misguided, strategically foolish, and, in my view, transparently personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein (for his attempted assassination of Bush I), which undermines whatever virtues his anti-terrorist credo had, in terms of moral clarity.
Iraq War II set back the War on Terror in major ways, by indefensibly shifting the focus away from al Qaeda and letting Osama bin Laden run around for another decade, until U.S. intelligence caught up with him and Seal Team Six smoked him. This could have happened a decade earlier, if Bush II had kept his eye on the ball, instead of pursuing personal revenge.
Deposing Saddam was idiotic, from all strategic and realpolitik standpoints. It made no sense, whatsoever. I said this, at the time. The notion that Saddam, a secular dictator, was in cahoots with al Qaeda, was transparent bull-excrement. His regime, however evil, was standing as a bulwark against Iranian regional hegemony and domination. Saddam — like Qaddafi — was also keeping a lid on Muslim terrorists and fanatics. Deposing Saddam empowered and enabled Iran, al Qaeda, ISIS, and, the rest of the rogues’ gallery of Islamofascists. Not to mention the lives lost by U.S. armed forces, needless civilian casualties, and, obscene amounts of money spent on this ill-conceived farce. This is precisely why Bush I, his SecDef, Cheney, and, his generals, were smart and shrewd enough to leave Saddam in power after Gulf War I — even though they took a lot of flak for that decision. History proved them to have made the right choice, until Bush II messed it up.
I apply the same criticism to narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, and, crone Clinton (as his Secretary of State), for foolishly and needlessly deposing Mubarak in Egypt, and, Qaddafi in Libya, paving the way for the rise of ISIS and its sadistic terror campaign.
Concussionate Conservatives all.
george w. bush.
the patriot act.
should have been grounds for hanging.
r wise the Cheney’s are a perfect match for what Dems have become and they the the kind of Republicans none of us want. Their hatred of Trump is a testament to Trump’s good character..
Dick Cheney and Alec Baldwin, just two of the shooters for Kamala.
You CANNOT get more hypocritical than that, the love of Cheney, unless you are a Cheney showing your own hypocrisy.
It is the epitome of the way Democrats approach politics. Machiavelli and Orwell conjoined. The only principles are no principles. If only the policies did not cause havoc and destruction. But they do because their idea of America is un-American.
The self-hating nihilist democrats’ policies ARE havoc and destruction. That is their only point.
Sorry as a McCain.
Darth Cheney <– that is so perfect! LOL!
The rest of the neocons who want the USA to be the Wold Police can follow him over to the d/prog where their heart has been for the past two decades anyway. These are the same folks who are cheerleaders for big gov’t programs, big govt payrolls, payola for big corporations and the big public debts that come with those things. That debt is gonna crush us and especially our Grandkids.
What can we do to encourage RINOS to follow Cherney’s example.
Use one simple metrics in Primary elections:
Is the Ukraine border or any other foreign Nation’s border more important to them via action/votes than than the security of the borders of the USA?
IOW if politicians refuse to support common sense policies to secure our borders to prevent as much as possible new illegals from entering, to deport those illegals already here and hold legally accountable with max fines/prison time door thus who employed the illegals they need to have a primary opponent. Depending on the dynamic of the national electoral map even be willing to strategically refuse to vote for a rino Senate or HoR candidate but support the rest of the ticket in the general election. A gotta have office holders who are at least as center/right as their electorate is. Gotta stop electing squishy politicians in Red States but also be willing to accept that GoP candidates in a Blue State like Massachusetts ain’t gonna be the same as one in Mississippi.
Frankly the public mood/consciousness is already changing. Lots of Congressional Members are departing/have already departed. The Senior politicians with real power, committee chairs or leadership are beginning to realize the days of inaction are ending.
Many of these senior politicians are 70+ some approaching/exceed 80+ so they going to go sooner rather than later one way or another. The primary voters (this is where limiting primary voters to registered members of the party is absolutely necessary to preclude interference) got to be willing to choose more outsider types who will oppose the go along get along DC establishment.
That’s my political RX FWIW.
Conservatives celebrate the party change of Alan Dershowitz.
Not very close. He became an Independent and was never the antithesis of what he is now.
He hasn’t changed his stripes, he just changed the name of the stripes.
Yeah Dershowitz didn’t change his outlook so much as it’s the meme of the guy standing still in what 25 years ago was the center of d/prog policies while the rest of the d/prog sprinted to the extreme left to embrace Stalinist policies.
Has anyone actually heard from Dick Cheney, aside from his daughter speaking on his behalf? Lizzy has a history of speaking on behalf of other people, without their permission.
Dick Cheney cut an embarrassing ad for his dirtbag daughter in the House primary. It was pathetic and marked the point of Dick Cheney’s descent into the abyss.
That was two years ago. I haven’t seen a single photo or interview since then. I think it’s highly like, given his medical history, that Dick isn’t writing or signing any letters. He didn’t sign the statement being paraded on X.
Dirtbag Dick is still alive? I guess McCain (the dead one) will come out next and endorse Harris. Oh so uniparty of them!
When the Patriot Act (and the opening of the Republic’s barn doors) came to be, it seemed to me it had Dick Cheney’s fingerprints all over it. If anyone is a threat to our democracy it’s Cheney (pick one or both).
Why do leftists and their toadies always look sinister and pissed off?
President Trump should wear Cheneys endorsement of Harris as a scalp
Wear it proudly
Entertaining watching TDS consuming people from the inside out.
Which one do you think is the bigger Globalist whore, Dick or his skank daughter? I bet Dick gives Klaus Schwab a better BJ because he can pull his dentures out. Pathetic losers, both.
Yeah, great comment. This is going to bring Independents and Undecided voters to vote for Trump? No, your comments will cause Independents and Undecided to vote AGAINST Trump, when they read comments from Trump supporters like you. You are working against Trump.
Aw piss off, concern troll.
You play the same broken record in every thread where you post.
Trollboy, are you pretending that you support Trump?
(Not expecting an answer from this idiot.)
If Democrats were to follow there own pretenses that would lose the race for Harris all by itself.
Given that the Democrats position on Dick was the puppet master, face shooting, evil behind the retarded, war criminal, weapons of mass destruction lying Bush who stole the 2000 election, I find it ironic
Big Hat, Deep State.
Darth Cheney? Isn’t he related to Dick Vader?
The People in positions of power are always interested in getting their “Expert” or Experiences to the ? (People who voted them in to ?) . Looked what happened to his daughter who was a expert? in the fair ? trail or what? of Trump. Resutls in some elections are fair. Better days ahead.
Damn it. First Lizzy and now Dick? What will the Republicans do without their support?
Admittedly, Dick Cheney is 83 (c.f., Biden) but even after the mental degrading of age and heart surgery, he should be better.
The absurdity of the his statement assumes monumental historical ignorance. One might think some would obviously rank higher on what America has faced:
King George III for the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812
Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee for the Civil War
Bismarck (maybe just honorable mention in this list) for WW-I
Hitler (the real one) and Tojo for WW-II
Stalin, Brezhnev, and others for the Cold War
Mao and successors for the building Asian conflict.
Quite honestly, Kamala, Biden, and Obama constitute a much graver continuing threat to America as we know it.
Challenging the election outcome – as has been traditional for losing Democrats since 2000 – and a bunch of unarmed and unorganized people walking – escorted, even – through the Capital Building as a material threat to America is somewhere between fanciful and delusional.