DEA Allows Increased Vyvanese Production to Tackle Schedule II Drug Shortages
I have a better idea. How about the DEA step off because the agency literally caused the stimulant shortage crisis.

Aw, gee. Thanks, DEA.
The DEA finally eased restrictions for Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine), one drug used to treat conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy.
But there are so many other conditions that need stimulants.
I take Adderall for narcolepsy. I cannot function without Adderall. Literally cannot function.
The federal government has gone haywire regarding controlled substances for ADHD, narcolepsy, and other conditions that need stimulants.
It leaves us in limbo since, at least in Oklahoma, we cannot refill until two days before we run out of the medicine. We can only get 30 days at a time. We can only fill in the state where we reside. We have to call around for 20mg XR, and if no one has it, we have to hope the pharmacy has 60 10mg XR pills.
Vyvanese is an alternative to Adderall if none of the nearby pharmacies don’t have Adderall.
The FDA predicted an increase in the need for Vyvanese in 2024. Now, before anyone says it’s overdiagnosing ADHD, I remind you again: We have no Adderall.
So, yeah, it’s not a shock that the demand for Vyvanese has risen. There’s a lack of Adderall:
DEA reviewed domestic data from the latest IQVIA report on stimulant prescribing that reflected increases in prescribing of lisdexamfetamine products from 2022 to 2023. In addition, FDA’s estimate of domestic medical need for lisdexamfetamine drug products predicted a 6 percent increase for 2024 domestic need when compared to 2023 observed need. Data reviewed by both agencies support an increase to the lisdexamfetamine APQ which is necessary to meet domestic demand.
In addition to reviewing export data extracted from DEA’s internal databases, DEA also obtained access to new data sources in 2024 that allow DEA to more accurately forecast foreign demand for domestically controlled substances that are not always internationally controlled, such as lisdexamfetamine. The export data showed that exports of drug products containing lisdexamfetamine increased from 8,573.351 kg in 2022 to 11,502.175 kg in 2023. Extrapolation utilizing previous years’ reported data suggests the export requirements for lisdexamfetamine active pharmaceutical ingredient and finished dosages likely will continue to increase in 2024 and beyond. An increase in domestic manufacturing of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and finished dosages is necessary to supply lisdexamfetamine products to foreign markets.
The companies can increase the production quota by 24%.
I guarantee you that the misdiagnosis and Adderall abuse are minor compared to those who need it.
I also guarantee you the shortage is only because of the DEA, not overprescribing or misdiagnosing ADHD/ADD.
Again, other conditions need stimulants, not just ADHD.

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government creates the problems then tries to act as the heros
when will we learn???
The greatest hustle of all time, without a doubt.
The Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks create and/or exacerbate a problem with their idiotic, destructive and ill-conceived schemes, conceits and policies, then, strut along five minutes later, proffering the alleged government “solution” the the very problem that they created/worsened, in the first place.
Akin to an arsonist setting a house on fire, and then, coming upon the scene minutes later, with a bucket of water.
ADHD is almost entirely bullsh*t and the whole industry behind it is criminal. When they use it to hook CHILDREN on serious drugs that is among the worst crimes.
But, then, most of modern psychiatry is nothing but BS, which would be okay if they weren’t doing any harm but they are warping and perverting society.
Adderall didn’t even exist 30 years ago but now so many people are hooked on it and dependent … allegedly for “diseases” that people lived through for the entire history of humanity up until a couple of decades ago??
at first the action was made to control those pesky aggressive males who raised their hands too often and “shut out” the females from asking the questions in the classroom etc
so the goal was reached and women outnumber males in colleges …degrees etc
which would be fine if they didnt do to the males what they had been unfortunately also doing to the poc communities..
drugging them into submissive roles
Yep. And I remember the reports they used to do about the long lines in front of the nurses’ offices at lunch time in so many elementary schools, with the boys all waiting to be drugged into submission. It was completely sick. But they got their way.
They still do , with Drs and Teachers in collusion together
Drink some coffe
I’d guess the chief ingredient in Bon Vivant vichyssoise, not being in the drug scene.
I do fault the DEA for the absence of phenylpropanolamine tablets, the cure for urinary incontinence in female dogs. I used to buy unopened bottles of 1,000 for ten dollars at the pharmacy.
It is so disrespectful to Mary Chastain to go off on the unnecessary prescriptions for Adderall when her article makes it plain that she needs the drug and is under ridiculous constraints to obtain it. A cup of coffee is not going to work for her or other people with narcolepsy. Diagnoses of ADHD is not the point of this article. Govermental incompetence in controlling the nation’s drug supply is the point. For one thing, why is so much of a drug in short supply here being sent overseas??? IMO, this is the New World Order – the government controls everything and we should shut up about it.
Gonzo, I meant for this to be a general message to the group, not just you. But I’m on my phone and not as competent as when on the lap top. Sorry to have singled you out.
Are you really instructing someone who suffers from narcolepsy to “drink some coffee”?
Phenylpropanolamine, sold under many brand names, is a sympathomimetic agent which is used as a decongestant and appetite suppressant. It was previously
That’s why
While the govt often creates rather than solves problems and almost certainly bears some responsibility for a shortage to say that ADHD isn’t over diagnosed seems incorrect. Lots of young men get put on these drugs to control their natural behavior. Men and women boys and girls are different. Their baseline behavior and social interaction are different. Unfortunately we as a society have allowed the feminization of our schools and NIW expect boys not to be boys.
Oh is Johnny boisterous? He’s got a lot of energy? Good heavens don’t send him to mandatory PE to burn it off or encourage sports! Force him to sit quietly all day and if he can’t/won’t then diagnose him with ADHD and drug him into compliance with the educational bureaucracy run by majority female teachers, counselors and administrators.
Italian neurologist here. Have you tried Modafinil? It’s sold under the name Provigil in Italy.
I only reg’d to leave this comment.
I was diagnosed with ADD past middle age. I had a very unsuccessful professional career up to that point. I strongly suspect I was awarded my BS because they felt sorry for me: I graduated at the bottom of my class. Yet, I scored within single digits of the high scorer on my HS entrance exam and my SAT set me between the first and second std dev. That’s all pre-treatment.
Vyvanse doesn’t make you smarter and I don’t need calming down. It seems to catalyze additional production of either enzymes and-or proteins necessary for motivation and cognitive continuity (staying on track). I’ve been on it enough years to have gone through a couple gov’t driven shortages and half-heartedly researched alternatives: I found none. I love coffee but caffeine does nothing to alleviate my condition.
Maybe this is a bad analogy given you have to transpose domains: Have you ever dreamt that you needed to move your arms or legs but could not; they were heavy or seemed like there were being held? That’s analogous to my ordinary motivation deficit: I have to screw-up my will power to begin a mentally challenging activity and continually make a similar effort.
Hope this was edifying to someone. Let the flamethrowing begin.
no matter
if thats your experience
then it is what it is
take care
I think it’s likely that both sides are right. The drug may be very helpful for some. But it may also be oversubscribed for kids.
“It leaves us in limbo since, at least in Oklahoma, we cannot refill until two days before we run out of the medicine. We can only get 30 days at a time.”
Michael Moynihan has spoken of this a number of times on the Fifth Column podcast.
I stumbled on something that stops finger triggering for me. It used to be available on Amazon. The company web site still refers customers to Amazon. But Amazon hasn’t had it all summer. This is a supplement recommended for stem cell support, which I tried on my lower back, and the finger triggering thing was unexpected but wonderful (mainly tumeric and black pepper). So I’m thinking government interference is affecting a lot more than just one drug. It seems control by committee is nowhere near as competent as the fools in DC think it is.