Christian Seminary in California Hosts Workshops on ‘Queering the Vote’

If you needed further evidence that the left is taking over religious institutions, here you go.

The College Fix reports:

Christian seminary hosts ‘Queering the Vote’ workshops to advocate for LGBTQ ‘justice’The Pacific School of Religion is hosting a series of workshops this fall that make the case Christian voters have a duty to support the LGBTQ community.The “Queering the 2024 Vote” workshops are a project of the Protestant seminary’s Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion, according to its website.Starting Sept. 12, the online series will focus on the question: “During the current 2024 US election season, how might we, as LGBTQ people, communities, and LGBTQ-allies, be voices – and votes – of positive change for a nation in such desperate need of justice, hope, love, and compassion?”The first workshop, “Vote with Love!” will feature the Rev. Michael Neuroth (pictured), director of the United Church of Christ’s Office of Public Policy and Advocacy.According to the event description, voting is one of the ways Christians can “live out the commandment to love our neighbor (Mark 12:30-31), and ‘speak up’ for those in need (Proverbs 31:8-9).”“Elections determine who represents us in government and set policy for our common life together. Voting is, therefore, not only our civic duty, but also a sacred act of love on behalf of the most vulnerable,” it states.As the November election approaches, society is fraught with “cynicism, polarization, and extremism,” and Christians must “righteously resist forces that seek to discourage, disenfranchise, and dehumanize voters,” according to the description.Another workshop, “Elections Are A Queer Thing,” will “examine the unique spiritual care needs that LGBTQ+ congregants are facing as the election approaches.”A third, “Sacred Response,” will “incorporate different rituals, meditations, and reflection exercises” to help LGBTQ individuals reflect on the election season.

Tags: California, College Insurrection, LGBT, Religion