Campuses Have Ignored the Pandemic of Muslim Jew-Hate

It’s almost impossible to argue against this premise after what we have witnessed on campuses over the last hear.

Andrew Bostom writes at the Gatestone Institute:

U.S. Campuses: The ‘Taboo’ Ignored Pandemic of Muslim Jew-HateThe carnage of October 7, 2023 in southern Israel was wrought by an unprovoked attack by the Jew-hatingjihad terror organization Hamas, in conjunction with local Gazan Muslims. Some 1,200 Israelis were murdered, the victims being overwhelmingly non-combatant children, women, men, and the elderly. Atrocities committed against these primarily non-combatant Israelis included, mutilation, torture, beheadings, and mass rape, followed by burning, helpfully documented by the jihadists’ own videos and oral testimony (of captured jihadists), surveillance camera videos, surviving eyewitness testimony of the victims, and forensic pathology evidence.Perversely, during the two-months immediately after the October 7 massacres, and accompanying atrocities, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) authenticated an “unprecedented” increase in Jew-hating incidents within the United States, marking the “highest number of incidents during any two-month period since ADL began tracking in 1979.” ADL recorded a total of 2,031 antisemitic incidents between October 7, 2023 and December 7, 2023, “up from 465 incidents during the same period in 2022, representing a 337% increase year-over-year.” Approximately 250 antisemitic incidents “specifically targeted Jewish institutions such as synagogues and campus Hillels.”ADL further recorded a total of 400 antisemitic incidents on college and university campuses, compared to only 33 incidents during the same period in 2022. Ugly incidents of U.S. campus antisemitism persisted (herehere) throughout the spring 2024 semester year. Columbia University—a hub of campus Jew-hatred—was even forced to cancel its main commencement ceremonies, outright.As Jewish students return to their unchanged (see hereherehere) campus environments for the fall 2024 semester, formal polling data make plain that alarming numbers concealed their identity as Jews (44%), and avoided certain events, locations, or circumstances (78%), because they experienced physical threats, or knew of someone who had (55%). Moreover, anecdotal reporting suggests returning Jewish students worry that Jew-hating, pro-Hamas demonstrations may worsen during the fall semester. Given routine dismissal of charges, or minimal, wrist-slapping “actions” against the most viciously Jew-hating student and faculty offenders, by Columbia and other institutions, this latter fear is understandable.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel