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Breaking: Apparent Second Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump At Florida Golf Course (Developing)

Breaking: Apparent Second Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump At Florida Golf Course (Developing)

The president is safe. Thank the Good Lord.


There appears to have been a second attempt on the life of President Donald Trump.

President Trump has issued a statement to help assure Americans that he is safe and well and that he WILL NEVER SURRENDER.


Reports of the incident are contradictory, so we are awaiting confirmation from local, state, and federal authorities (the Secret Service), but here is what we know so far.


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I’m so glad that cought the shooter.

Trump has more lives than a cat. Except for cats that live in Springfield, Ohio.

Peter Moss | September 15, 2024 at 4:31 pm

Im glad The Donald is ok. May he continue to be safe from these leftist scum.

Now, putting on my conspiracy theorist hat, I’m wondering if we’ll be able to play Six Degrees of Separation between the shooter and a government alphabet agency.

I’ll bet it’ll be less than six.

irishgladiator63 | September 15, 2024 at 4:34 pm

So the Secret Service shot back and missed? How does that happen?
Witnesses needed to describe the guy? Did the Secret Service not see where they were shooting?

How does the Secret Service fail to secure somewhere Trump regularly visits?

How does this guy make it to a car?

Trump needs to wake TF up and dump the Secret Service.

At this point the BEST explanation is they are simply too incompetent to protect him.

nordic prince | September 15, 2024 at 4:41 pm

Wounded, cornered animals are desparate and dangerous.

The DS will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from upsetting their apple cart.

So a second assassination attempt in two months in a “supposedly secure” area? Who still believes that this is a coincidence or incompetence? These are no longer plausible options!

“Mr. Trump, why won’t you stop the rhetoric that drives people to kill you?”

-Media, soon.

The debate failed to knockout Trump so attempts to assassinate him will escalate. An AK-47 is a crude choice for an assassination rifle. Now I expect the would-be assassin will be shot trying to escape. Or in the alternative, this one really is a lone nut.

My recommendation to Trump. Hire your own private security. Clearly the Secret Service is either completely incompetent or in on it. Trump should hire a security team from Israel. They are very good at this game having the intelligence and skill for the job. Of course there is the matter of Oct 13 where the government also proved themselves incompetent. That’s why Trump needs a private security firm.

    TargaGTS in reply to oden. | September 15, 2024 at 6:00 pm

    I’ve been staring at the photo of the weapon (which isn’t great), and it does not look like the butttstock of an AK-variant to me. Instead, it looks a bit more like a Mini-14 (or variant). AKs tend to have pistol grips. The weapon in question appears to be sporting an grip integrated into the buttstock, like many sport rifles do (including Mini-14s). Does that matter? Ultimately, probably not. There are so many Mini-14 variants chambered for such a variety of calibers, it could still be using a 7.62.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to oden. | September 15, 2024 at 6:12 pm

    I doubt a real would-be assassin will be shot. It will be a patsy. Whether or not they can get a shooter who is a night club owner dying of terminal cancer remains to be seen.

alaskabob | September 15, 2024 at 5:14 pm

An AR and now an AK….. the anti-Trump Gun-control Dems actually believe their own propaganda on firearms. Should be very interesting to find out more about this Fellow Traveler.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 15, 2024 at 5:21 pm

Another assassination attempt on President Trump not a couple of days after the disaster that is Komrade Kamala face plants on TV, again … putting her candidacy in the same position that Traitor Joe’s was in when Crooks made the first assassination attempt on President Trump.

And the would-be assassin “fled”, not to be seen …

From Redstates’s Karol Markowicz (whose sources always seem to be impecable):

The man’s social media is filled with recruiting people to go fight for Ukraine, pleas for Taiwan and anti-Israel content. More info soon.

Obviously, she has the name. I’m sure she’ll release it ASAP.

scooterjay | September 15, 2024 at 5:24 pm

It is a bunch of minnows nibbling his toes while he treads the ocean politic, and they know damn well one artillery shell would take him out but with a price they don’t want to pay so instead they push an agenda to try and justify disarming us, followed by destruction of freedom and liberty.

Whitewall | September 15, 2024 at 5:24 pm

The left with its violent rhetoric counts on someone way down the food chain doing their dirty work allowing for leftists to recoil in mock horror..

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 15, 2024 at 5:25 pm

“Within seconds, the Secret Service pounced on the president and covered him.

I would remind people that this action, by itself, is dangerous. Frank Rizzo, who was no small man, broke his hip running into one of his bodyguards during the massive Philadelphia oil refinery fires, back in the late 70s or early 80s.

At least the SS fired first this time. I guess they are improving.

Boris the effing bullet dodger for president.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 15, 2024 at 5:46 pm

Foxnews is reporting that Trump was playing golf when a SS agent saw a muzzle poking through a chain link fence in a bushy spot and the agent opened fire on the muzzle.

That’s what Fox just reported. And they just said a name, too.

LukeHandCool | September 15, 2024 at 6:06 pm

Hopefully this doesn’t distract from the more important media story that JD Vance reporting what his constituents in Springfield Ohio have told him is stoking potential violence against Haitian migrants.

Let’s keep our priorities straight.

NOW will President Trump get some competent private security? Please?

TrickyRicky | September 15, 2024 at 6:23 pm

About half an hour ago I caught the end of an interview on FOX News with some government official of some sort, sorry no more detail than that. He made the preposterous assertion that it’s no big deal how poorly the USSS has been in protecting DJT, because it is standard procedure for this level of coverage for a former president.

1) He’s not just a former president, he’s the leading candidate to be elected president again in less than two months.

2) He barely survived an attempt on his life two months ago.

3) It’s known that Iran has a bounty on his head.

4) FKH

As Trump said, it’s because of the hate and derangement. Democrats must accept that they are the cause of the problem.

An apparent assassination attempt?



Jack Posobeic & team have been investigating several American mercenaries contracted to Ukraine govt Ministry of Defense (training/sniper). He has quite a bit on Ryan Routh alleged shooter Palm Beach (57yo) contracted as mercenary sniper Ukraine – extreme leftist activist (Antifa?)

George Webb investigating Maxwell Yearink as possible dead shooter in Butler -Maxwell Yearink (37yo) contracted as mercenary sniper Ukraine govt Ministry of Defense (trainer/sniper) – extreme leftist activist – Antifa sniper.

Dots to be connected – CIA…Ukraine Ministry of Defense/Asov military leadship…American mercinaries/assassins returning to US…FBI/Antifa/BLM – going after Trump?

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