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Brandeis U. Faculty Votes No Confidence in President for Being Tough on Anti-Israel Protesters

Brandeis U. Faculty Votes No Confidence in President for Being Tough on Anti-Israel Protesters

“This vote will now be taken to the Board of Trustees, who will decide whether to remove Liebowitz from his position and who will replace him.”

This is ridiculous. One of the jobs of a leader is to maintain the peace.

FOX News reports:

Brandeis University faculty votes ‘no confidence’ in president after ‘excessive’ crackdown on student protests

By a narrow margin, the faculty at Brandeis University voted in favor of the motion of no confidence against its university president Ronald Liebowitz partly over his “excessive” handling of on-campus protesters.

In an email, Chair of the Brandeis Faculty Senate Prof. Jeffrey Lenowitz told faculty members Monday the motion passed with 159 votes in favor, 149 votes in opposition, and 26 abstentions. Lenowitz said this vote represented 76.4% of the faculty.

“There were ten more votes in favor than against,” Lenowitz wrote to Brandeis’ student paper “The Justice.” “This reveals what our multiple faculty conversations and debates on it made clear: while faculty are united in their care for Brandeis and their great desire for it to flourish, they are divided on this motion.”

This vote will now be taken to the Board of Trustees, who will decide whether to remove Liebowitz from his position and who will replace him.

Fox News Digital has reached out to Brandeis University for comment.

The motion was first introduced on May 30 ahead of the 2024-2025 school year to discuss concerns about Liebowitz’s leadership over issues like “badly handled budget shortfalls, failures of fundraising” and what faculty referred to as “excessive responses to student protests.”

Brandeis University was one of multiple college campuses to be rocked by anti-Israel protesters over the Hamas terror attack against Israel last year. After protests grew nationwide, Brandeis, under Liebowitz’s leadership, chose to no longer recognize the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) for its support for Hamas and the elimination of Israel.


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JackinSilverSpring | September 25, 2024 at 12:46 pm

When the Left captures an institution, it turns it upside down. Brandeis was founded by Jews to provide a place for Jews to go to a place of higher education because of quotas on Jews in “liberal” colleges and universities. Now, a Jewish president of Brandeis is being voted down by the faculty because he so

Anybody remember Berlin Diary, by Wm Shirer? It was his published almost day-by-day account of his time as a very young CBS News guy, assigned to Berlin from about 1932 until about 1941. Numerous stories like this Brandeis faculty story. Virtually identical.

Remarkable stuff indeed.

stella dallas | September 25, 2024 at 7:19 pm

If Brandeis students really want to get the attention of the administration they should do what students did at Chapel Hill North Carolina. They invaded an event for accepted students and their parents.
Imagine you’ve been accepted at your ‘dream’ school and you find out there’s a bunch of malcontents destroying property and interrupting classes and events.

Since when do employees get to vote on whether their manager should be fired?

A university president needs the confidence of the trustees, and of nobody else. It’s not up to the faculty to have confidence in him or not to, just as it’s not up to the janitors, or to the students.

    stella dallas in reply to Milhouse. | September 25, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    According to legend, when Dwight D. Eisenhower was President of Columbia he referred to faculty members as employees. He was quickly corrected by a faculty member who said, “Mr. President, we *are* the university.”

      Milhouse in reply to stella dallas. | September 26, 2024 at 7:29 pm

      Historically that was the case; a university was simply a collection of scholars, who hired administrators to run the place for them. But it’s not true of modern universities, which are corporations in which the faculty are not shareholders.

If Brandeis is no longer a safe space for Jewish students, then it should dissolve itself because it no longer serves any purpose.

Indeed, as a private institution specifically founded to serve Jewish interests, it ought to ban all antisemitic speech, including all anti-zionist speech, and fire any professor who teaches that the Jews do not have the right to live in peace in their native land.

Dr.Beisler | September 26, 2024 at 8:58 pm

Ninety percent of professors are scum sucking pigs. They are boot lickers. Most should be sent to very secure prisons with no outside communication allowed because they are traitors to this country. A foul stench surrounds every university in this country.
Also, I am so old that I recieved my degrees from schools that taught the wisdom of Western Civilization. I also firmly believe that 50% of the people in these schools don’t belong there and would not have gotten into a college 60 years ago. The same goes for the “professors”. They bought a degree and you can tell it.

    R676 in reply to Dr.Beisler. | September 26, 2024 at 10:02 pm

    Strong supportive evidence for the seismic drop in standards can be found 24/7/365 — just take a few minutes to watch TV game show from the 1960s “College Bowl.”

    It’s not just that the college students know the answers to the questions, it’s that there was apparently a large enough audience of tv viewers to support the show, which ran for many years.

    It’s really quite striking the contrast between then and now. Don’t be distracted by the styles. Todays college students really do know much less, they learn much less, and they spend much more.

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