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Bill Barr Calls Out Antisemitism at Columbia University

Bill Barr Calls Out Antisemitism at Columbia University

“There—in one of the nation’s most elite enclaves of higher learning—the oldest hatred is alive and well, gussied up in academic robes.”
  1. Barr is apparently an alum of Columbia. What has been happening at the school over the last year is just unacceptable.

Barr writes at the Free Press:

Bill Barr: Mob Rule and Moral Bankruptcy at Columbia

Reading the report issued last month by Columbia University’s Task Force on Antisemitism, one could be forgiven for thinking that it describes the University of Heidelberg circa 1933. It contains accounts of observant Jews being harassed and assaulted, and open calls for the murder of Jews. But no, this is not Nazi Germany. This is the Upper West Side of Manhattan in 2024. There—in one of the nation’s most elite enclaves of higher learning—the oldest hatred is alive and well, gussied up in academic robes.

The admittedly “serious and pervasive” antisemitic incidents detailed by the report are disturbing. Even more troubling is the extent to which Columbia faculty and administrators were complicit in the problem. One instructor kicked off a class in the Master of Public Health program with a discussion of the Jewish “capitalists” who “laundered” their “dirty money” and “blood money” through donations to the university. Others silenced Jewish students in class discussions of the Holocaust and Israel. Still others moved class sessions and office hours to Columbia’s “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” where Jewish students were routinely threatened and physically attacked.

For their part, campus demonstrators made no attempt to conceal their hatred of Jews. In fact, they made a public spectacle of it. A video cited by the report shows demonstrators stealing an Israeli flag from a Jewish student and assaulting him as he tried to stop them from setting it on fire. It shows demonstrators repeatedly shouting “Go back to Poland” at Jewish students as they walked across campus. One leader of the encampment proudly boasted, “Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists. . . I feel very comfortable calling for those people to die.” Still, the same university that offers hours of training on “microaggressions” refused to acknowledge decidedly macro-aggressive attacks on Jews.

While all this was happening, administrators either minimized or denied the problem. One member of the Office of Diversity told a student that if the antisemitic incidents she observed made her feel unsafe, she should leave campus. Another administrator told individual students that they were the “only student” who had complained about antisemitism before referring each for mental health counseling.


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It’s nice to see Bill Barr suggesting that leaders should be sought who have, “moral courage and ramrod spines”.

I have no use for Barr. Another uniparty operative I wish would just go away.