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August: 635K Foreign-Born Workers Gained Jobs as 1.3 Million Americans Lost Jobs

August: 635K Foreign-Born Workers Gained Jobs as 1.3 Million Americans Lost Jobs

This has been consistent since 2021. Gee, who took office in January 2021?

I haven’t been able to examine the August jobs report in depth due to a power outage at my house.

But I found something that stood out as I scoured the details:

The problem is that the stat isn’t a one-time thing.

It’s been consistent.

Zero Hedge tweeted this graph in January 2024.

The graph’s stats start in October 2019. Look at where the foreign-born workers stat made gains on the native-born workers and eventually took over

Gee, I wonder what happened during that period.

Could it be…Joe Biden’s administration?!

I found so many reports like the one below boasting about these stats.


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destroycommunism | September 6, 2024 at 3:09 pm

the welfare state which isnt just about getting monthly checks

the whole industry from student grants to “charities” etc DEMVID19 PAYOUT$$$$ etc etc

allows americans to not look for jobs

Absolutely disgraceful


I am a construction worker and seen illegals, or who I assume are, take decent jobs from Americans for years.
It’s not getting any better.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Skip. | September 6, 2024 at 4:39 pm

    Still cheaper to hire illegals and pay them cash under the table and not pay exorbitant Union wages even when you do factor in the possible fines that you might receive for violating federal hiring laws.

rhhardin | September 6, 2024 at 3:47 pm

American workers are more entitled.

CommoChief | September 6, 2024 at 4:26 pm

Let’s also keep in mind that the jobs report in the top line number doesn’t distinguish between part time and full time. So where 200K full-time jobs vanish but 400K part time jobs emerge in the same month that’s reported into the top line # as a net 200K jobs created. There have been on net a loss of of about 80K +/- full-time jobs each month since 2019 or expressed another way there are about 6 million +/- fewer full time jobs in existence than just six years ago. Obviously part time jobs don’t tend to offer the same benefits, such as health insurance, that full time jobs offer. That makes it easier to shift folks onto the Obamacare or Medicare rolls and build public support for them.

clintack | September 6, 2024 at 4:32 pm

The other fun fact out there about the labor statistics is that full-time jobs have continued to evaporate, and the Biden-Harris job growth numbers are entirely part-time jobs. That is, jobs that don’t come with government-mandated benefits packages.


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