Arizona State U. Prof Warns of ‘Forced Breeding Camps’ at Discussion About Abortion
“So much of our reality points toward those futures”

Where is the media to call this out as misinformation and conspiracy theories? Oh right. They only do that with Republicans.
Campus Reform reports:
ASU prof warns of ‘forced breeding camps’ in event discussing ‘speculative future’ without abortion
An Arizona State University professor recently took center stage at a school workshop called “A Speculative Future for Reproductive Rights.”
During the course of the workshop, ASU Associate Professor of English Jennifer Irish expressed worries that the country’s current abortion policies could lead to “forced breeding camps” and “cannibalism,” according to The College Fix.
“So much of our reality points toward those futures,” Hatch said. The event featured Irish’s poetry collection Hatch.
“Dismantle capitalism” and “elect a female president,” Irish said when prompted with a question about how to protect abortion.
“The prose poems in Jenny Irish’s newest collection, Hatch, trace the consciousness of an artificial womb that must confront the role she has played in the continuation of the dying of the human species,” the workshop description says on the university’s website. According to that description, Hatch’s “vision” is “apocalyptic.”
The description continues to say that Irish’s poetry interprets the meaning of motherhood.
“Working with avant strategies, Irish crafts a speculative feminist narrative, excavating and reexamining the aspects of the American experience that should have served as a call to action but have not,” it says. “Part elegy and part prophecy, Hatch warns of a possible future while speaking to the present moment.”
As The College Fix reported, Irish elaborated on what she means by “possible future” and “speaking to the present moment.” During the workshop, Irish said she “got into this space because the United States hates women and everything the female body does.”
An ASU spokesperson told Campus Reform: “Some of the phrases used in the event about forced breeding camps and cannibalism are motifs being cited from a work of fiction, not a prediction of where the United States is headed, and not opinions offered by ASU faculty. It’s like stating that a writer’s conversation on Star Wars is predicting that the United States is raising an army of Jedi Knights.”

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forced breeding camps
Crazy white chick wish fulfillment.
Unless they’re forcing the guys, she has nothing to worry about.
she is saying /admitting that women are socialist /communists????
Dismantle capitalism” and “elect a female president,” Irish said when prompted with a question about how to protect abortion.
Well I like the army of Jedi Knights idea, can we hear more about that instead of artificial wombs and lies that the United States hates women? I’d much rather be a woman here in the US then just about anywhere else in the world. In Germany you can’t get an abortion without seeing a counselor and them signing off that your are mentally fit to have one, and after the first 12 weeks you can’t get one at all or risk going to jail. In France same thing accept it’s 14 weeks. In liberals most favorite location on the planet “free free palestine” you can’t get an abortion at all unless you want to be murdered by your family and neighbors. Finally in their second favorite place of all time Ukraine it’s the first 12 weeks. So with this being said in Arizona you can get an abortion up to the first 15 weeks, and the issue is on the upcoming ballot to se if haw ill be extended. Right now as it stands Arizona beats uber liberal Ukraine, France, and Germany; and of course that liberal haven : palestine. I guess it’s a good thing to be a woman in the United States after all.
How can a university prof – any university prof – be this stupid??? You would think ASU would be embarrassed. You would think there would be an adult in the room at ASU. Guess there are no adults at ASU.
Arizona university administrators:
“Academic freedom of speech nothing to see here shut UP.”
The only thing these crazies fear about such a future is that they would not be the ones in control. The rest of the scenario they have no problems with. See Plato’s Republic.
This woman teaches fiction at ASU. Quite appropriate.
We actually would prefer not to have abortion zealots breed but most of the time they are making their “right to choose” to leave the gene pool all by themselves.
The event featured Irish’s poetry collection Hatch.
(Because this comes right after a quote that “Hatch said.” And there’s no comma in there. Editor?)
“Dismantle capitalism”
how to protect abortion
Yeah, this isn’t really about abortion….
the United States hates women and everything the female body does.
Oh, fer cryin’ out loud. Honey, you got persecution fantasies you don’t even grasp running around in that empty noggin of yours.
Nobody seems to discuss the other side of the Abortion issue – when it must be mandated. If Abortion can be prohibited, it can also be required. If you get to ask Kamala Harris a question, ask her under what circumstances would she mandate abortion at the federal level? Would she imitate China’s one child policy under the Paris Climate Treaty?
Gentle reminder:
You do not have to have anything to do with these people.
You might think that you do
You might even want to think that you do
But you don’t
Remember: We only hear about the <1% truly over-the-top wackjobs. There are plenty of these folks who fly completely under the radar