Apparently I’m Blacklisted in Tampa-Area Liberal Jewish Circles

You may have read how I was UNINVITED to a lecture at which I was to speak at a Synagogue in the Tampa area.

I was scheduled to give a lecture later in September on campus antisemitism at a synagogue in the Tampa area. It had been scheduled for months. They invited me. I was doing it for free. We even changed the date to accommodate the Rabbi’s schedule. I planned my fall around it since it involved travel.They just uninvited me because one or more members objected to me appearing at the synagogue. The specific objection to me never was given, but it was clear it was political and that having me was “controversial” among some members.I told the Rabbi that was giving in to the heckler’s veto and depriving members who did want to hear me of the ability to do so. If someone didn’t want to hear me, the remedy was to not attend, not to cancel the lecture….All the explaining was to no avail. The lecture is cancelled. I’m univited.

A number of people from the community reached out to me horrified by what happened, and one even offered to find another location. Unfortunately, the result is that I’m apparently too “conservative” for liberals in the Tampa area to hear what I have to say about how to fight CAMPUS ANTISEMITISM.

The feedback I got was “I’ve not been able to get anyone else to host. There seems to be a lot of politics involved. Maybe if it wasn’t so close to the election it would be easier.”

Think about that. Jewish college students are facing extreme pressure, they need our help, and these a**holes only care that — heaven forbid — someone who disagrees with them on unrelated issues not be allowed to appear.