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Apparently I’m Blacklisted in Tampa-Area Liberal Jewish Circles

Apparently I’m Blacklisted in Tampa-Area Liberal Jewish Circles

After my lecture on how to fight campus antisemitism was cancelled at a local synagogue because I was too conservative, it appears I’m blacklisted. A local community member reports: “I’ve not been able to get anyone else to host. There seems to be a lot of politics involved.”

You may have read how I was UNINVITED to a lecture at which I was to speak at a Synagogue in the Tampa area.

I was scheduled to give a lecture later in September on campus antisemitism at a synagogue in the Tampa area. It had been scheduled for months. They invited me. I was doing it for free. We even changed the date to accommodate the Rabbi’s schedule. I planned my fall around it since it involved travel.

They just uninvited me because one or more members objected to me appearing at the synagogue. The specific objection to me never was given, but it was clear it was political and that having me was “controversial” among some members.

I told the Rabbi that was giving in to the heckler’s veto and depriving members who did want to hear me of the ability to do so. If someone didn’t want to hear me, the remedy was to not attend, not to cancel the lecture….

All the explaining was to no avail. The lecture is cancelled. I’m univited.

A number of people from the community reached out to me horrified by what happened, and one even offered to find another location. Unfortunately, the result is that I’m apparently too “conservative” for liberals in the Tampa area to hear what I have to say about how to fight CAMPUS ANTISEMITISM.

The feedback I got was “I’ve not been able to get anyone else to host. There seems to be a lot of politics involved. Maybe if it wasn’t so close to the election it would be easier.”

Think about that. Jewish college students are facing extreme pressure, they need our help, and these a**holes only care that — heaven forbid — someone who disagrees with them on unrelated issues not be allowed to appear.


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Are there no Orthodox shuls in Tampa?

    Eric R. in reply to Milhouse. | September 13, 2024 at 7:48 am

    A perusal of the internet shows that apart from Chabad, no there are not.

    Joe-dallas in reply to Milhouse. | September 13, 2024 at 8:19 am

    In my area, the orthodox Jewish community is very strong conservative, not neccessarily pro trump (often not a fan of trump), yet definitely conservative. Solid republican vote. (fwiw, I am also very conservative, just havent been a Trump fan since the 1980s real estate fiasco).

    Yet at the same time, the moderate and liberal Jewish community, are very liberal. I cant comment on the Tampa community since I am not familiar with that area.

    M Poppins in reply to Milhouse. | September 13, 2024 at 10:52 am

    Are there no private homes in Tampa?

    vanorton in reply to Milhouse. | September 13, 2024 at 10:53 am

    Apparently the Jews in that congregation have buried their heads in the Florida sand. They don’t seem to understand that what was once the Democrat Party is now the woke party, with loathing for Jews, and love for Palestinian terrorists .
    Wake up and smell the betrayal.

Some pretzeled logic there! Better to accept persecution by ‘friends’ than tolerate support by ‘enemies’

It could be a good idea to go around them with a non-Jewish location.

There are a lot of firm Christians who are appalled by the rise of anti-Semitism at the highest levels of American society.

That said I would also like to see some coverage of the Groypers following right wing anti-Semites like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson.

There are questions I have that I would like to see from a non-biased source such as are the endless anti-Semitic comments on youtube defending Tucker’s Holocaust denial, and Candace’ holocaust denial and other major anti-Semitic claims genuine, bots or a couple of groypers with dozens of accounts?

Should I be alarmed that two extremely popular right wing figures turned into actual Nazis and have not lost their audiences for it? Whatever plausible deniability they had October has to die when both are denying the Holocaust happened.

    Carlson is worth discussion.

    “One theory comes from my JNS colleague Caroline Glick. She wrote on X that Carlson is deliberately trying to sabotage Trump because a Kamala Harris presidency would enhance his standing as an opposition voice; therefore, inciting a Republican civil war right now is in his interest and gives a boost to antisemites on the right. I don’t know for sure that this is his intention, but the practical effect of what he’s done could be exactly what she describes.”

    If Trump confronts him before the election, it may invite the very civil war Carlson may want. Perhaps better to cut ties afterward in that event.

    Tobin says, “In a more perfect or at least saner world, we could afford to ignore Tucker Carlson.” No doubt. But conservative wackos are not the ones making things insane right now, directly threatening Jews, who should wake up to the threat Harris poses, even as she believes in the Holocaust. Trump said, no more Israel in two years. With what the world is planning, that may not be so far-fetched. Carlson can wait.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Danny. | September 13, 2024 at 2:45 am

    That was my first thought – go anyway and give the talk at a neutral location, inviting the members of they synagogue to attend at the new venue.

    FOTin1943 in reply to Danny. | September 13, 2024 at 8:41 am

    And when speaking to a non-Jewish sponsored meeting, make sure to tell the audience about the un-invitation. And make certain to get media coverage of the un-welcome by small-minded Jewish people.

Ask if you can pen an open letter to Tampa congregations, or an op-ed in the local rag? Small consolation, but it exposes and explains. Repressive tolerance strikes again.

    Just to add a little bit to what I think is a good idea the local rag may actually be a better bet. It looks like what is happening is a couple of twits are aware that many Jews could end up voting for Trump and Republicans down ballot if they are focused on high level anti-Semitism.

    That said I think the congregation would show up nearby if the professor gets an invite from an Orthodox Jewish, or non-Jewish institution near there which could be a good way to shame the community leaders into serving the local community instead of their party.

destroycommunism | September 12, 2024 at 10:31 pm

ironically this website is not approving comments that dont agree with the author

a shame for all who cherish a pro american agenda

Professor, here in Florida there are liberal enclaves that do exist, albeit they are scant. Saying that, I think you probably would get a better reception outside a synagogue simply because many non Jews like myself support Israel. I suggest maybe speak at a university or in Red Counties like Volusia (where I live) or Brevard County where Rep. Fine is the only Jewish Republican in the state legislature. You would be welcomed here and your message along with insights would be welcomed.

destroycommunism | September 12, 2024 at 10:40 pm

Think about that. Jewish college students are facing extreme pressure, they need our help, and these a**holes only care that — heaven forbid — someone who disagrees with them on unrelated issues not be allowed to appear.


that sums it up

they are sooooo left that a certain “german blood” inspires them

“Think about that. Jewish college students are facing extreme pressure, they need our help, and these a**holes only care that — heaven forbid — someone who disagrees with them on unrelated issues not be allowed to appear.”

Careful, Professor, or Danny will decide that you, too, are antisemitic.

    The professor is not backing Holocaust deniers you are the asshole who is.

    Yes backing Holocaust denial is anti-Semitism, and you are in no way qualified to discuss anti-Semitism on the left or anywhere else as long as you are pro-Holocaust denial.

    Tucker Carlson decided to mainstream Nazism. To continue being his backer as you do means…………

    You are free to continue thinking that the evil of Hitler is just the national mythos of this country which must be deconstructed.

    I believe in patriotism.

    You remember the value George Washington promoted? You aren’t just a pro-Nazi person to promote Holocaust denial you are anti-Patriotism to do so.

      DaveGinOly in reply to Danny. | September 13, 2024 at 2:48 am

      You believe in patriotism? I’ll take your word for it. But you don’t believe free speech if you think that someone isn’t entitled to an opinion for having ideas with which you disagree.

        If you are pro-Holocaust denial you are anti-Patriotism.



          destroycommunism in reply to Danny. | September 13, 2024 at 10:42 am

          holocaust denial is a mental illness

          but that doesnt mean that person shouldnt have the right to preach it

          Milhouse in reply to Danny. | September 14, 2024 at 6:54 am

          Nobody’s denying that they have the right to preach it. But every decent person shuns them for it, and anyone who doesn’t, and on the contrary gives them a forum, is not a decent person.

        The reason I was harsh on you is you seem to feel freedom of speech means

        1. Holocaust denier goes up and is endorsed by Tucker

        2. I attack Tucker

        3. Henry consistently defends Tucker and refuses to condemn his Holocaust denial

        4. Henry gets to not be called out on it.

        Nope not even close. My free speech to condemn Holocaust denial is absolute.

        You are free to keep pressuring Republicans to back Tucker and go on his show by being pro-Tucker.

        I am free to call you out for what you are doing which is literally bringing Nazism to the mainstream.

        I have exactly the same view of anti-Semitism coming from the right I do from the left sir and under no circumstances will I take it lying down when Holocaust denial is in the mainstream.

        You are free to say it is cancelling Tucker to feel he should be removed from the mainstream for embracing Hitler I think I demonstrated I really don’t give a dam.

        Milhouse in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 14, 2024 at 6:52 am

        Free speech means Nazis are entitled to their opinion. It doesn’t mean they’re not Nazis for having it, or that they shouldn’t be treated as Nazis for having it.

      henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 13, 2024 at 4:42 am

      I have only your claim that Tucker Carlson is “backing Holocaust deniers.” Sorry, Danny, but I don’t take your word as gospel. I hear he interviewed one, and a lot of people got pissy about it. Gee, just exactly like certain people got pissy hearing that the Professor would be speaking at a Florida synagogue, and I have no reason not to cubbyhole your “outrage” with theirs.
      You sure like to call people names when you know nothing about them.
      I don’t play the Democrat’s “you must immediately disavow David Duke” game. Deal with it.



        There you Jew hating piece of shit.

        By the way here is Tucker when he is offended

        You spoke your anti-Semitism by refusing to denounce Tucker Carlson a man who platforms and endorses Holocaust deniers who claim Churchill was the villain of WW2 not Hitler and Hitler was just being merciful.

        Sorry but you have put yourself out of the realm of patriotism and humanity.

          henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 14, 2024 at 2:58 am

          I would caution you to choose your words very carefully here.
          You have libeled and defamed me on this website, with zero actual proof of your claims; and I am not a public figure required to suffer such behavior permissively.
          You cannot point to one posting here in which I exhibit actual antisemitism — as distinct from your ludicrous claim of what makes someone an antisemite.
          Your claim that “failing to denounce Tucker Carlson” makes me an “antisemite” is legally untenable.
          Like a typical crybully Democrat, you have convinced yourself that calling me the same offensive term over and over makes your claim true. Instead of repeating over and over that I am a “racist,” you repeat that I am a “jew-racist.” It’s exactly the same thing, and carries exactly zero real authority.
          I advise you to moderate your tone before your mouth writes a check that your ass can’t cash.

          Milhouse in reply to Danny. | September 14, 2024 at 7:01 am

          Your claim that “failing to denounce Tucker Carlson” makes me an “antisemite” is legally untenable.

          It’s perfectly tenable. Calling you an antisemite is inherently an opinion, and not actionable. But had he not stated the grounds for this opinion you could have argued that his accusation necessarily implied secret knowledge of facts that back it up, and that implication could be actionable. By explicitly stating the grounds for his opinion Danny has guaranteed that you would have no case against him at all. Dismissed on sight, with possible consequences for you if the state has an anti SLAPP law.

          And that’s even if his grounds were unreasonable, which they’re not.

        destroycommunism in reply to henrybowman. | September 13, 2024 at 10:41 am

        and david duke backed illllhan omar

        Hypothetically, Henry, if Tucker had a Holocaust-denying guest historian on his show, gave him a platform to spew his hateful ignorance, and Tucker remained silent, would you condemn Tucker?

          henrybowman in reply to Stuytown. | September 14, 2024 at 2:39 am

          I would not.

          I would express serious disapproval if Tucker vocally agreed with such a guest about “facts” that are not facts, or opinions that promote collectivist views of people, or condone atrocities against innocents (all things that scores of people in the MSM do every day).

          In college, I took a seminar on “The Twentieth Century: Revolution and Totalitarianism.” Part of the course entailed purchasing and studying copies of both Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto, both of which I still own. Will Danny demand I denounce the instructor who exposed me to this material?

          Well, so it is with Tucker. The MSM conspires among themselves to make double-plus sure Americans never hear directly from people like Putin, Orban, Assange, Durov, Rittenhouse, Milei, Andrew Tate, and so on — only selected sound bites which they carefully edit to be spinnable, and then they spin them like a smoothie machine. Tucker lets these people speak, warts and all, and we decide. If you decline to be so enlightened, then you can continue to be propagandized instead of informed.

          I was educated to be a good little liberal who “knew” that Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents ever. Only by exposure to historians like Thomas DiLorenzo and Walter E. Williams did I learn of easily verifiable statements by Lincoln declaiming that whether or not slaves were freed was irrelevant to his prosecution of the war to “save the Union” from secession — a secession entirely equivalent to one he himself supported and applauded in a House speech in 1848. Why was I not taught this growing up? Because our cultural masters preferred to censor the truth to protect an agenda.

          Does this attitude make me a free-thinker? I plead guilty. But it doesn’t “make me” anything else.

          One more note about my anti-semitism: long-time readers here have seen me drop many links to cartoons at this website. I subscribed to the artist for two years because I admired him for being a person who red-pilled himself out of radical feminism and into MAGA conservatism. But early this year, his content began devolving into material I found unjustifiable, and the change appeared permanent. I dropped him a note to tell him I could no longer support his work and stopped my monthly donations.

          Because I’m just that big an anti-semite.

          Milhouse in reply to Stuytown. | September 14, 2024 at 7:05 am

          Tucker lets these people speak, warts and all, and we decide. Danny has already provided the links that prove this is not true. When Carlson disagrees with a guest he makes that very clear. In this case he didn’t, because he agreed with the guest, or at least didn’t think what the guest was saying was objectionable.

Aaron Zelman, the late founder of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, once said, “There are a lot of bagel brained Jews out there.”

    Too much schmaltz in the brain, apparently.

    The Wise Men of Chelm — fools in classic tales of Jewish folk humor — were smarter than these dim-witted, leftist Jews who still staunchly support Dhimmi-crat candidates and the Dhimmi-crat Party, despite their truly evil and vile Jew-hate, vilification of and undermining of Israel, warm embrace of Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists and slavish promotion of contrived and fallacious propaganda mythologies of alleged Arab Fakestinian victimhood and grievance.

    destroycommunism in reply to Michael Gilson. | September 13, 2024 at 10:44 am

    never heard of him

    looked him up

    seemed like he knew his stuff

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 12, 2024 at 11:53 pm

Apparently I’m Blacklisted in Tampa-Area Liberal Jewish Circles
After my lecture on how to fight campus antisemitism was cancelled at a local synagogue because I was too conservative, it appears I’m blacklisted.

Badge of honor, really. Something to truly be proud of.

Sadly, so many synagogues have gone totally off the rails over the past 20 years. It used to be that only the Reform congregations were lunatics but a lot of the Conservative (Jewish, not political) congregations have gone into the toilet, too.

Professor Jacobson, I’d suggest that you may want to consider aiming your lecture further south, in Naples. I just discovered that one of Tampa Bay’s congressional reps is a Dhimmi-crat. That fact would at least partially confirm the unfortunate leftist presence, in that area.

Naples is staunchly conservative and is represented in Congress by the great Byron Donalds. There is a Chabad of Naples, for starters. Just thinking out loud.

“Badge of honor, really. Something to truly be proud of.”

I think the Professor is experiencing a sadness that his religion would succumb to this

Katya Rapoport Sedgwick | September 13, 2024 at 2:00 am

I thought we were supposed to be a family.

    Some of the worst animosities are those developed within families.

    Reform don’t accept that we are a family. They insist that Jews are merely a religion, not a nation; that we are merely unrelated people who happen to believe the same things, but have nothing else in common, so we’re no more a family than all Christians are a family, or all Moslems or Buddhists are a family.

    Also, most “Reform Jews” are not in fact family, because they’re not actually Jews. In fact most Reform rabbis are not Jews, and thus not family. Which explains how so many of them can side with our enemies.

Read up on symptoms of cognitive dissonance.

You should either become an Orthodox Jew or convert and join a conservative Christian church.

BTW, blacklisted is racist. The government/corporate sanctioned term is now denylisted.

Hey, Professor, I’ve got an idea.

Bring your idea to “blackballing” to the attention of Governor DeSantis’ staff. He’s from Dunedin, just north of Tampa.

Christina Pushaw might be the person who can help you arrange something.

Maybe even get the Governor to show up.

Just a thought … The term “RINO” makes a good point. How about “JINO” when talking about the small-minded folks who claim to be Jews?

    M Poppins in reply to FOTin1943. | September 13, 2024 at 10:58 am

    We call them “Orange Juice”

    Milhouse in reply to FOTin1943. | September 14, 2024 at 8:58 am

    Except that being Jewish doesn’t work like that. If someone is born a Jew they are a Jew no matter what they believe or don’t believe. A Jew can be an atheist, a Buddhist, a Catholic, or anything else; he’s still a Jew. Because Jews are not a religion, we’re a nation that has a religion.

    Perhaps a better term would be Jew By Birth Only.

    Note, however, that the majority of “Reform Jews” are not in fact Jews by birth. And since they have not been lawfully naturalized into the Jewish nation, they’re not Jews at all.

Whether using a hecklers veto, censorship or old fashioned name calling/ostracism to stoke controversy to create a pariah status it’s all the same goal; to block folks from hearing the message of the speaker. Some folks simply lack faith in their own beliefs to the point they are afraid of others viewpoint being heard. Often any nuance and context for controversial statement(s) is eagerly tossed overboard in the rush to judgement.

Someday history will judge our current era of anti free speech and its elevation of feelings over facts very harshly. Even when we go into it knowing we will not agree and are likely to be offended by a particular message we should never be so afraid of hearing the other side make its case that we stoop to blocking people from hearing the messenger.

BigRosieGreenbaum | September 13, 2024 at 9:47 am

A lot of those Jews probably didn’t go to Hebrew day school. That’s the real problem; trying to sideline your Jewishness to fit in or what you think is fitting in.
Anyway, you’re not blacklisted, just exclusive.

A lot of Jews have the Jew Flu.

Which begs the question- if after all that history has shown us about hate against Jews…. they STILL don’t get it, the rest of society is in for some hard rough sledding and addressing murderous totalitarianism.

Keep your provisions topped off and your powder dry.

Unfortunately, too many Jewish Democrats have collaborated for a long time with so-called progressives to give a strong voice to anti-Israel and even anti-Semitic voices in the Democratic Party.

For a long time, many Jewish organizations, both civic and religious, have based their efforts to support their fellow Jews in supporting the progressive ideology of victim politics. Portraying Jews as victims when Jews have obviously thrived in America has not rung true to most observers. And what is more important, dominant actors in the intersectional stew, black activists and Muslim anti-Israel activists, want Jews only if they are anti-Zionist and therefore useful voices to their cause.

Watching the Congressional hearings on campus antisemitism, I was struck by the Jewish Democrats efforts to portray the rise in anti Jewish sentiments as a right wing phenomenon. I had the distinct impression, they were covering for their own cowardice in not standing up to the Hamas wing of their party.

As for tucker Carlson, I disagree with Caroline Glick’s view. I think Tucker is very isolationist and believes that Jews are responsible for pushing the US into endless wars, There has always been a strong connection between the term neocons and Jews. While in reality, Jews were probably the group in America most opposed to the Iraq war, many still blame Jews for causing it. What is distressing about Tucker is that he seems to take this further to promote a pseudo-historian who ascribes Hitler’s crimes to Churchill’s rejection of peace and the murder of six million Jews, another six million undesirables, and millions of Russian POWs to a supply problem rather than a well documented plan of extermination.

I don’t look for an insincere apology from Tucker. Rather, it would be a good thing for him to do some serious soul searching to figure out why he would seem to like a Hitler apologist holocaust denier.

A Punk Named Yunk | September 13, 2024 at 11:52 am

I didn’t have the time (or maybe just the patience) to read all the comments but the general gist of them is like-minded with me: Reschedule in an Orthodox or neutral venue. (Orthodox Jews will generally not enter a church.)

Liberal Jews who vote Democrat no matter what are self-hating to point of communal suicide. WAKE UP AND SNIFF THE CHRAIN!

I’m appalled and sickened. How far have we sunk?

I fear the US is heading at breakneck speed towards what the Germans did from 1933 to 1945. We’re not there yet, but our direction seems to be the same.

God help us all.

    destroycommunism in reply to Brian. | September 13, 2024 at 1:19 pm

    that is correct

    the gop offers little resistance to their movement

    and that leaves it up to the populace

    the populace is being curtailed by the undermining at both

    the border


    the ballot box

As I’ve said many times and in many places, if Hitler were non-white, American Jews would be fighting for first place in line for the camps.