American Academy of Pediatrics Under Multi-State Investigation For “Misleading and Deceptive” Puberty Blocker Claim
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American Academy of Pediatrics Under Multi-State Investigation For “Misleading and Deceptive” Puberty Blocker Claim

American Academy of Pediatrics Under Multi-State Investigation For “Misleading and Deceptive” Puberty Blocker Claim

A coalition of 20 states demands the AAP’s cooperation in its inquiry into whether the claim violates consumer protection laws.

A coalition of twenty states has informed the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that it is under investigation for its “misleading and deceptive” claim endorsing puberty blockers as “reversible” treatments for gender-dysphoric youth.

Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador leads the coalition. In its demand letter served on the AAP yesterday, Labrador requested the medical group’s cooperation in investigating whether its unscientific claim about the drugs violates state consumer protection laws.

“[W]hen it comes to treating children diagnosed with gender dysphoria,” Labrador wrote, “the AAP has abandoned its commitment to sound medical judgment.”

The Idaho AG is referring to the AAP’s 2018 decision to do away with a longstanding pediatric protocol known as “watchful waiting.” That approach allowed gender-dysphoric children to naturally progress through puberty while treating them with counseling and psychotherapy rather than sex-altering drugs.

In its place, the current AAP policy advises doctors to “affirm” a child’s stated desire to change genders by prescribing puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones. The letter explains how, in 2023, the AAP “reaffirmed” the 2018 AAP policy statement on gender-affirming care, including a statement that “tells physicians, the public, and parents and their children that puberty blockers used to treat adolescents with gender dysphoria are ‘reversible.'”

“That statement is misleading and deceptive,” the letter says.

“It is beyond medical debate that puberty blockers are not fully reversible but instead come with serious long-term consequences,” the letter goes on, citing the National Health Service of England’s landmark Cass Review. That long-term study showed the science simply isn’t there to support these life-altering medical interventions for gender-dysphoric youth.

The letter points out the Review’s findings  that “when puberty blocker use is followed directly by cross-sex hormone use, which is often the case, infertility and sterility is a known consequence, at least for those who began puberty blockers in early puberty.”

The AAP’s claim about puberty blockers is even more suspect, “now that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health [WPATH] and its standards of care—the AAP’s apparent cornerstone source—have been exposed as unreliable and influenced by improper pressures.”

Given all these findings, “the AAP has no basis to assure parents that giving their children puberty blockers can be fully reversed. It just isn’t true,” the coalition concludes.

Most states’ consumer protection laws prohibit making statements to consumers that are false, misleading, or deceptive. The letter says those laws apply to the AAP’s claim about puberty blockers.

And because that claim “raises questions” under the consumer laws forbidding these deceptive practices, the coalition has given the group two weeks to respond to over a dozen questions, including, for starters:

1. Explain the draft and review process for the 2018 AAP policy statement and subsequent reaffirmation, including any efforts to verify claims that puberty blockersare reversible when used to treat adolescents suffering from gender dysphoria.
2. Provide substantiation for the AAP’s claims that the 2018 AAP policy statement and subsequent reaffirmation are “evidence driven, nonpartisan and rigorously reviewed” and “reflect the latest evidence in the field.”
3. Provide substantiation for the AAP’s claims that puberty blockers are reversible when used to treat adolescents suffering from gender dysphoria.

Meanwhile, as the letter points out, the tide is turning against medical intervention, in countries around the world that are intervening to protect children against these untested treatments—treatments that more often than not are unnecessary because most children diagnosed with gender dysphoria “grow out” of it, studies show.

And for the unfortunate patients who realize only after the fact that they’ve “grown out of it,” so far there has been little recourse against the doctors they allege caused permanent damage to their health. They are increasingly turning to the courts, where “detransitioner” lawsuits are mounting. In fact, the AAP is a defendant in one of the cases we covered here.

The states acknowledge the AAP’s recent claim, in the wake of the Cass Review, that it plans to undertake a “systematic review of the evidence” regarding using puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical interventions to treat minors with gender dysphoria.

Curiously, the page to which the letter links for that claim no longer appears on the AAP website as of this writing.


And whatever the status of that review, the states say, the fact is that the AAP continues to mislead and deceive consumers by maintaining its claim that puberty blockers are “reversible.” It’s a claim that doctors and their patients rely on and are harmed by, and it requires “immediate retraction and correction.”



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The entire transgender movement requires complete denial of medical science.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to Joe-dallas. | September 25, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    Not just medical science, but a denial of basic biology and human nature. It is impossible to change sex; the best that can be done is to artificially alter some secondary sex characteristics.

    When a professional affirms a mentally ill person’s delusions, particularly to the point of self mutilation, there should be criminal consequences. A sane society would know this.

    Unfortunately, our society is infested with woke Karen moms who embrace the entire fetid concept of trans, and gleefully offer up their children for sacrifice to The Latest Thing™

I’m glad these states are taking it to this awful organization that has abandoned its primary mission

Do no

Finally. This is how it’s done. Subpoena every communication these child abusers have, put them under oath and then let the indictments fly. Then, change the tort laws to allow the victims to recover gigantic as easy as possible in the exact same way the state of NY did for Jeanne Carrol. Put them in prison then drain their bank accounts.

    Yes! People who have been damaged by the trans-mania should sue the individual actors behind these ideologically-captured ‘expert’ organizations into financial oblivion.

    Individual people need to start paying the price for their lies and deception. Until they do, the lunacy will continue apace.

    Milhouse in reply to TargaGTS. | September 25, 2024 at 11:41 am

    in the exact same way the state of NY did for Jeanne Carrol.

    NY State did not do anything for Jeanne Carrol. I keep seeing this claim being made, that NY changed the law just for Carrol, for the purpose of getting Trump; and it is simply a big fat lie. It did not happen. Anyone who says it did is a liar.

    When the law passed lifting the statute of limitations for one year, Trump was the last thing on the legislature’s mind. When it was first proposed, years earlier, Trump was certainly not on anyone’s mind, and nobody knew about Carrol or her claims. Passing it was the result of a years-long campaign by abuse-hustlers. It was a terrible idea, but it was not aimed at Trump. Carrol merely took advantage of it, and she did so not immediately but almost at the end of the one-year window the law created.

      destroycommunism in reply to Milhouse. | September 25, 2024 at 12:01 pm

      “when the law was first proposed years earlier”


      and your friends did NOT see fit to do what they did UNTIL THE CARROL situation gave them prominence since it did IN FACT involve DJT the left made it clear ,,as did alvin bragg ( I want your vote so I can go after trump)

      1) the law was already in place
      2) and by any means necessary they would lie cheat steal to get trump

      hunters lap top isnt real ~~~ signatures of “well respected” anti trumpers
      russia russia russiia

      its all connected

      and that fact then gives the left the

      oh it s a right wing conspiracy ,,mantra to be played out again and again



      they said it
      we take them at their word
      and their actions

      destroycommunism in reply to Milhouse. | September 25, 2024 at 12:04 pm

      and just a little more on this that claim you imply that they dont go after individuals ( b/c that IS what you are alluding to)

      When state Sen. Brad Hoylman-Sigal first introduced the legislation in 2019, he cited its potential to aid victims of Jeffrey Epstein but mentioned no one else by name.

      so THERE a name is mentioned

      countering your “they didnt have trump in mind”

      to you (?) them they do see trump as epstein

Yes! As an Idaho resident, I’ve been pretty pleased with our new (elected in 2022) AG. Many Idaho republicans, such as our governor and two senators, are squishes, Mr Labrador is a refreshing exception.

destroycommunism | September 25, 2024 at 9:57 am


they would never ever evahhhhh try and hurt children


Yes, and the Bobbitt penile separation procedure is equally reversible.

Investigate? I hope they’re sued into oblivion and then some.

Some families fall through the cracks in the system, for any number of reasons.

So — If there is zero ability to pay for “gender affirming care”

then , like it or not, the child will basically get “watchful waiting”

This is not unusual in the U.S. — i.e., that the patients with least ability to pay for the latest greatest newfangled shiny miracle ……….. ends up receiving literally the best, most sane, least risky, least expensive care.

Michael Johnson | September 25, 2024 at 1:37 pm

The number one cure for gender dysphoria is puberty. When the natural body function gets a vote, that is usually the end of the disorder. Blocking puberty is irreversible and eliminates the most likely and natural cure.

See for further details

“A coalition of 20 states demands the AAP’s cooperation in its inquiry into whether the claim violates consumer protection laws.”

It was something like 25 years ago that Democrat AGs in Massachusetts and California found a novel way to ban guns under “consumer protection” laws: create a list of burdensome “safety features” that all guns must have, according to their own arbitrary opinions, then ban the sale of any gun that didn’t.

Kudos for 20 states for adopting the same tactic against Democrats, far too late.

AAP is infected with leftists. And American leftists don’t care that their agenda fails wherever it’s tried, they are arrogant enough to believe they can make it work here.

    CommoChief in reply to Sanddog. | September 26, 2024 at 9:58 am

    Perhaps the best course is to pursue the organization itself and once it is ‘discredited’ then use that as grounds to remove any sort preference or requirement to complete a course of training, hold a certification and so from the AAP. In essence revoke their official status as any sort of standard setting professional organization. Require some alternative to be established and ensure that any organization that has semi official status must have legislative approval of any changes of this magnitude.

Big Pharma money finds its way to AAP and AAP members. Do you doubt it? Same with Ob/Gyn’s. Same with Family Physicians. Same with Nurses, etc. And on and on.

You have your genetic makeup. You can mutilate it physically, and you can assault it chemically, But the instant you stop any of those mutilations your body will attempt to heal itself back to what it actually is, your mental delusions notwithstanding. Your body will never stop trying to heal itself.

Show me where that shows up in any of your literature, AAP.