741 Former High-Ranking National Security Officials Endorse Harris
The list includes those officials who claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian propaganda.

The National Security Leaders for America (NSL4A) endorsed VP Kamala Harris for president.
The list includes those officials who claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian propaganda.
741 former high-ranking national security officials (233 general and flag officers) signed letter endorsing Kamala Harris for president. 15 four-star generals, 10 former cabinet secretaries, 10 service secretaries, and Repub leaders who served under Trump. https://t.co/I0clmLZOAL
— Jennifer Griffin (@JenGriffinFNC) September 22, 2024
This election is a choice between serious leadership and vengeful impulsiveness. It is a choice between democracy and authoritarianism. Vice President Harris defends America’s democratic ideals, while former President Donald Trump endangers them.
We do not make such an assessment lightly. We are trained to make sober, rational decisions. That is how we know Vice President Harris would make an excellent Commander-in-Chief, while Mr. Trump has proven he is not up to the job. As leaders, we know effective leadership requires in-depth knowledge, careful deliberation, understanding of your adversaries, and empathy for those you lead. It requires listening to those with expertise and not firing them when they disagree with you.
Vice President Harris has proven she is an effective leader able to advance American national security interests. Her relentless diplomacy with allies around the globe preserved a united front in support of Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. She grasps the reality of American military deterrence, promising to preserve the American military’s status as the most “lethal” force in the world.
The contrast with Mr. Trump is clear: where Vice President Harris is prepared and strategic, he is impulsive and ill-informed. He has heaped praise on adversarial dictators like China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, as well as the terrorist leaders of Hezbollah. Conversely, he has publicly and privately excoriated the leaders of our most steadfast allies, including the United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, Canada, and Germany. He abandoned our Kurdish allies while ceding influence in the Middle East to Russia, Iran, and China.
“Our endorsement of Vice President Harris is an endorsement of freedom and an act of patriotism,” they concluded. “It is an endorsement of democratic ideals, of competence, and of relentless optimism in America’s future. We hope you will join us in voting for her.”
America didn’t get involved in any new wars under Trump. The Abraham Accords happened under his watch.
Joe Biden and Harris led the horrific Afghanistan withdrawal that killed 13 American soldiers.
With Trump, these warmongers wouldn’t have their profitable wars.
Imagine believing that this is a good thing Comrade Kamala 😂 pic.twitter.com/HR3q5VWJMV
— Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) September 22, 2024

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When Trump becomes President he needs to ensure every single one of these people have any security clearances they may have removed.
Then at least they will be right about one thing on their miserable Democrat lies, Trump did get his vengeance on them 😂
Also. The IRS should audit them. And they should be investigated for foreign ties/payments.
I am thinking looking at their known associates as probably Deep State, and removing them.
I’ll go you one better. Every single person who was rated or serior rated by one of these officials over the last 10 years of their service needs to be shown the door.
These are the people responsible for the 2020 cheat .
And kept Trump from doing more during his time in office.
Hang all.
Oh, I forgot, Trump is realeacing the visitors to Epstein island.
“Hang all”. ???
So Trump supporters like you really do believe in killing all of his political opponents? You do understand, don’t you, that you are feeding right into the narrative that the Democrats want American Independents and Undecideds to know? That with comments like this you are helping Trump to lose?
Pot, meet kettle.
Well said, JR. +100
LOL. JR has a “fan.”
I didn’t mean for you to get hysterical, sorry. Not really.
But you do realize that this election is one of the most important in our history. It likely could go to civil war.
Can it, you clown.
This is the same tired bulls**t you always post.
What you know about “American Independents and Undecideds” could fit in a thimble.
David’s post won’t sway one single voter.
You’re an idiot.
Newsflash: Concern troll still concerned.
You’ve certainly given me something to think about, JR. I’ve changed my opinion. From now on, instead of getting hanged, all traitors get parties at Chuck E. Cheese.
Q: Why didnt you vote for Trump?
A: I didnt because of an obscure post on an obscure website that said some hurty words.
Bless your heart.
Trump is probably going to lose. I sincerely hope that I am wrong. If DeSantis was our nominee, there would never be 741 Former High-Ranking National Security Officials Endorsing Harris. Trump is his own worst enemy.
Riiiggghhhttt, dingus. There wouldn’t be “741 Former High-Ranking National Security Officials Endorsing Harris.”
There’d be 836 “Former High-Ranking National Security Officials Endorsing Harris.”
I wish Kamala had known you before she picked Walz. This election isn’t absurd enough.
Your sincerity is very suspect.
Fool, we don’t want 741 national security idiots endorsing Trump. DeSantis got blown out because he is an incompetent campaigner. He competed and LOST. Stop being a crybaby, loser.
Any Republican candidate would be subjected to the same hysterical crazy shit, tuned to the particular candidate.
A fact that goes right over JR’s empty cranium.
They are former and are probably for sale.
and…….. Jennifer Griffin is a POS
a mouthpiece of the deep state
too bad cancer missed
I see a lot of the military industrial complex is worried about the money train coming to an end.
That’s exactly why these folks are closing ranks. The new Praetorian Guard fears loosing power.
Well, it’s only fair — Kammie and Tim have all the classic earmarks of a Soviet-era Russian destabilization operation.
But 741 this time! As things get direr and direr for them, more and more of the swamp alligators are poking their heads above the surface!
“The contrast with Mr. Trump is clear: where Vice President Harris is prepared and strategic, he is impulsive and ill-informed. He has heaped praise on adversarial dictators like China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, as well as the terrorist leaders of Hezbollah.”
Given that all of the enemies selected out in this list ALSO support Harris/Walz, it makes you wonder if it is less “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and more “America is the enemy, and 741 ‘national security’ officials are on the same page as these tyrants.”
“Vice President Harris has proven she is an effective leader able to advance American national security interests. Her relentless diplomacy with allies around the globe preserved a united front in support of Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. She grasps the reality of American military deterrence, promising to preserve the American military’s status as the most “lethal” force in the world.”
What in the world has she possibly ever done to have “proven” any of this? Can they list those defining characteristics? “Effective leader?” Does that include dissociating herself with the Biden-Harris ticket? What straight answers have they gotten that the could base their support on? What part of her Marxist agenda do they find most appealing, most pro-American?
I think these 741 officials have some serious concerns about their own performance that the are afraid a Trump presidency will reveal.
As it should.
“Her relentless diplomacy with allies around the globe”
Allies like North Korea!
Harris can’t spell diplomacy.
741 Scum
If only it was 750! Then I’d be impressed 😂😂
What a shocking surprise! Who would have thought that all these big govt backing neocon grifters would oppose one of the handful of politicians who seek to end the forever war gravy train? /S
These are the same folks who brought us the ill conceived color revolutions. The same folks arguing that the borders of Ukraine are more important to defend than our own. The same folks who botched Iraq and Afghanistan. The same folks who led a DEI takeover of the DoD. The same folks whose lack of foresight and plain mismanagement has left our military far weaker than even a decade ago. Stop following the advice of these neocon, globalist, authoritarian hacks.
“These are the same folks who brought us the ill conceived color revolutions.”
And then brought one of them back from work, just for us kids.
Taste the rainbow, bruh.
Clever! There’s an amusing video out there of a nice Southern Woman explaining to a dude with ‘rainbow teeth’ threatening home invasion about the culture of the rural South. In essence she tells ‘Skittles’ that ’round here folks protect themselves with Pew Pews and Pitbull and bless your heart it’s only gonna be a question of which gets you first. Pretty accurate.
This is shocking
Not shocking at all. The d/prog are the party of the wealthy not the middle-class. The economic policies of the d/prog hugely benefit the corporate class and the financial industry. Remove the boondoggle spending and crony capitalism and who suffers? The banks that make the loans, the initial investors, the financial firms who bring the IPO or sell the bonds or stock either at market or in private placement.
Without federal taxpayer funds to support them and without insane regulations to mandate them and all this ‘green energy’ mal investment goes away. In the meantime lots of wealthy folks benefit from this and other govt created gravy trains….and the folks that benefit have a strong incentive to help into office the politicians who will keep the gravy train flowing. Kicking some funds back to help elect their financial benefactors is common sense.
This is the dynamic the destroyed California – public sector unions are powerful in the State. They finance campaigns of politicians who decide their benefits packages.
“The turd isn’t gilding!”
“Add more gold!”
More lipstick on the pig!!
H W Bush -Wars
Clinton – Wars
Bush – Wars
Obama – Wars
Trump – Peace
Biden/Harris – Wars
All of them can go suck on each others assholes.
With haste and dispatch.
Obama – Wars and unresolved ISIS metastasizing
Trump – Cauterized ISIS and Peace.
Translation: Trump is a direct threat to our bottom line and retirements!
Not only that but if they’re worried about a vengeful Trump they’re probably wanting to keep their butts out of prison too.
Likely that everyone of them should be in prison. To make that cost effective we should enclose large areas in the desert with razor wire and toss all of them there.
“our phony-baloney jobs”
Does that mean we.ain’t gonna get a ‘harruph’ outta you?
If they were really concerned, they should have thought about raising there head into the radar by being one of those 741 people of interest
These people are such frauds, and becoming easier to see through than the stereotype used car salesman.
But only to the people who can see the fnords.
We still have a lot of voters who can’t even spell Ford.
741 people just outed themselves as Deep Staters, if any work for government now hope they all have to find other employment soon.
“This election is a choice between serious leadership and vengeful impulsiveness. It is a choice between democracy and authoritarianism”
Harris will front the Authoritarians, and they just showed their vengeance. ,
Do you think that Morell drafted this one too?
51 former intell officials said Hunters real laptop was fake
You are treasonous sh*tweasels who deserve to be held accountable for your crimes. And you are all morons, too.
Hunter’s laptop was hoax –
Russia collusion cheated hillary –
Kamala is effective leader –
So 90% owe their positions to dem appointments? While the other 10% were fired or passed over for promotion by trump?
The very flower of impartiality and professionalism.
The first endorsement Trump can receive.
These 71 should lead us to at least 10 fold as many POS.
We should listen to our betters who clearly (and most wisely) are upset that DJT is voicing opinions that the war in Ukraine should be stopped – and not “won” as such people with superb foreign policy track records as Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, and Harris.
741 Swamp Creatures Support Swamp Sock Puppet
As Gomer Pyle famously said….
These people should all just fu*k off and die
Think you got Gomer confused with Leroy.
I’m already voting for him, you don’t have to keep recruiting me!
741 Former High-Ranking National Security Officials? If they had any factual arguments based on his record against Trump it would only have taken one of them to make it.
“30 million flies can’t be wrong.”
“Add more gold!”
Former national security officials have endorsed a candidate who has ended all security efforts at our borders.
An idiotic endorsement if I have ever seen one.
741 of them? That’s 741 more reasons to vote for President Trump.
I wonder what the total number of people who have these qualifications.
741/(how many)
741 sounds like a big number, could actually be a small percentage.
In the wrong positions, they could be very dangerous. It doesn’t take that many dedicated operatives to subvert an organization.
Notice how they always use a goofy number to make it sound real precise and important.
Thanks Obama for purging the good high-ranking command staff officers.
A number of names on the list are certified leftists, for instance Hillary Clinton, Ray Mabus, John Kerry. And then, the letter states: ” Vice President Harris has proven she is an effective leader able to advance American national security interests.” I can’t believe anyone with any brains would support that statement. These are either Trump haters or they have a vested interest in seeing Harris become president. American citizens certainly have a vested interest in seeing her defeated. Oh, and I’m retired US Navy before the woke idiots screwed it up.
I was already gonna vote for the guy, you don’t need to sell me so hard by demonstrating that all of the globalist traitors are against him.
Corrupt and hyper-partisan Deep State spooks and apparatchiks endorse crone-harlot, Harris, and us peasants of the proletariat are supposed to be impressed, LOL.
I unfortunately am in the camp that believes that the Democrats have already got the BIG CHEAT mapped out and they know it will be obvious as all get out. This is just some more “wallpaper” to claim that the “people” wanted Harris-Walz. I also think in this endorsement that these 741 jerks believe this will cement them a position in the aristocracy of the Democratic Socialist Authoritarian government.
In a sane world, even a progressive would look at that endorsement and immediately turn away from Harris. These people are nobody’s friends, except each other’s. Their endorsements would have been better spent on Trump, if it was their goal to help Harris get elected. Trump supporters are actually still sane.
It’s a really scary notion that we have retards like this – treasonous retards, at that – who have been in high positions in our security establishment. That is something that should scare everyone; that we have had to rely on mental midgets like these idiots for our national security.
Traitors gonna traitor. Shocking
You can tell authoritarians and antidemocratic bad actors by the way they’re always hysterically squealing about ‘threats’ to ‘democracy.’ IOW they are the biggest threat to actual rule by The People.
When I read their statement, I thought “these people sound exactly like Soviets or the Red Guard”.
They’re cadre, the mobs of feral ‘students’ are the new red guard.
well sure
under a harris admin
the party keeps a rollin
Trump is unquestionably his own worst enemy–he can be impulsive and impolitic with friends, allies, and enemies, and has an annoying tendency to excoriate faithful public servants who have fallen out of his favor. That said, presidential elections are not command selection boards–we have a binary choice: to continue with the Biden status quo and accept worsening conditions at home and abroad or return to the policy choices under the last president which saw low inflation, a more secure border, energy independence, and our adversaries on the defensive.
Same worthless jackasses who wrote a letter endorsing Biden back in September of 2020.
They concluded their letter with…
“Joe Biden has the character, principles, wisdom, and leadership necessary to address a world on fire. That is why Joe Biden must be the next President of the United States; why we vigorously support his election; and why we urge our fellow citizens to do the same.”
Not even after the Afghanistan debacle and scores of billions in equipment abandoned do they change their tune.
If they need to understand the “why” of Trump, they only need look in the mirror.
Vile parasites. There is no fire in Hell hot enough for these filthy bastards.
The 2024 signors pretend not to notice the on-going constitutional crisis–Biden was forced out of the race because the June debate revealed his physical and cognitive decline for all to see. Harris and the Cabinet should have invoked the 25 Amendment then, if not months or years before. The world is going down the tubes and we need a commander in chief, not a seat-warmer who seems to be on a constant vacation.
“It requires listening to those with expertise and not firing them when they disagree with you.”
This is the complete opposite of what leadership means when confronting those who are trying to undermine you.
Time to clean house!
Alternate Headline: Trump gets free roadmap on who to fire on January 20, 2025.