Will Tim Walz Make It To Convention As ‘Stolen Valor’ Scandal Grows? (Reader FLASH POLL)(Results)
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Will Tim Walz Make It To Convention As ‘Stolen Valor’ Scandal Grows? (Reader FLASH POLL)(Results)

Will Tim Walz Make It To Convention As ‘Stolen Valor’ Scandal Grows? (Reader FLASH POLL)(Results)

The scandal grows by the hour. More people are coming forward and evidence coming out. Will Democrats ‘Biden’ him before the convention?

Tim Walz ‘Stolen Valor’ problem is growing by the hour. More is coming out. More people are coming forward.

It’s being revealed that people have been complaining about it and this has been known problem that he has managed to evade for at least several years prior to being selected by Kamala Harris to be the Democrat Party Vice President nominee. They can’t say it was just made up because he’s the likely VP nominee.

If it were any other issue, I’d say he’d ride it out. But ‘stolen valor’ is going to sting and he’s not going to escape it. It has the potential to drag down the entire ticket, and Democrats know it.

We know that the Democrats are ruthless in their political calculation and will not hesitate to get rid of someone they think will hurt their chances of victory. Just ask Joe Biden, if you can find him.

Democrats are not rallying around him on this issue. He’s going to twist in the wind as the drip, drip, drip of revelations come out. Will Democrats ‘Biden’ him before the convention starts on August 19?

So this is a FLASH POLL – open only until NOON on Thursday (Pacific Time).

Will TIM WALZ Make It To Convention As 'Stolen Valor' Scandal Grows? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 1,581

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So if Ted Kennedy and John Kerry had a love child…

    alaskabob in reply to Petrushka. | August 7, 2024 at 7:57 pm

    At least Kerry had the opportunity in theater to frag himself for the third purple heart and official transfer out of Nam. A Summer Soldier is the best I can say about Walz. Another thing…. while Vance didn’t see combat… it did join the Marines and go through boot. Walz at best was a weekend warrior.

      Milhouse in reply to alaskabob. | August 8, 2024 at 1:28 am

      At least two of Kerry’s three purple hearts were unearned, and the other one was marginal. And he only needed to earn them because the safe assignment he thought he’d secured for himself unexpectedly turned into a dangerous one.

      He volunteered because he was about to be drafted and wanted the chance to pick his own assignment. He chose a unit that was a long distance away from any fighting, and seemed likely to stay there. Then it was transferred into the thick of it, so he got out as soon as he could.

      inspectorudy in reply to alaskabob. | August 8, 2024 at 9:27 am

      I despise Kerry for many reasons and his claim of Purple Heart medals, but remember this he was in a boat in combat when he got splinters in his arm. How many of you have been that close to combat?

      KY Squatch in reply to alaskabob. | August 8, 2024 at 10:17 am

      ” … while Vance didn’t see combat… it did join the Marines and go through boot.”

      … and served as a combat correspondent in Iraq in 2005.

      He may or may not have “seen combat” … but he served in a combat zone.

Close The Fed | August 7, 2024 at 7:28 pm

Regardless, he’s a piece of work.

This is an example of poor strategic planning by Rs. They should have held their fire until an October surprise.

    willow in reply to kelly_3406. | August 7, 2024 at 7:47 pm

    Not with early voting

    Mercyneal in reply to kelly_3406. | August 7, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    No, this has been written about for years. His fellow National Guard soldiers have been talking about this in Minnesota. Minnesota press has always covered up for Walz but now they have a national audience. If you Google you will see that this is not a new story.

    PrincetonAl in reply to kelly_3406. | August 7, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    I had this thought at first.

    … and then changed my mind. They had to define him early while he was an unknown … can’t wait for a lo of voters to form an impression and then change it, that takes 2x the effort vs framing it first.

    Worth the risk. If Kamala changes, it’s going to reflect poorly on her.

    henrybowman in reply to kelly_3406. | August 8, 2024 at 11:39 am

    Who knows? They may be holding in reserve a revelation that Walz never paid back his advance enticements to complete the rank he never completed.

      Eagle1 in reply to henrybowman. | August 8, 2024 at 1:03 pm

      My guess is that he never told the Army about the DUI arrest, until it was pleaded down to reckless driving.

      He had a security clearance, so had an obligation to report it immediately.

      He talks freely about reporting the dui arrest to his civilian bosses, but doesn’t mention the army.

      I have been wondering how his career survived a dui arrest during that era.

Bernie Sanders was on his way to being the choice of the 2020 D primary voters. D leadership panicked as a Trump-Sanders match-up would be such a contrast. The Ds pulled a fast one in getting Clyburn to endorse the boob Biden and derail Sanders.

Now with the boob Harris and her choice of boob Walz the Ds have given us the very contrast election they dreaded.

America as founded
the EU/USSR/UN commie model

Don’t blow it, Donald.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to fscarn. | August 7, 2024 at 9:28 pm

    It is a stark contrast, but a very short campaign. Kamala will not do unscripted events, and Trump will be in prison on Sep 18, and who knows how long it will be before an appeals court lets him out. Any debates have to happen before then. The Media can gaslight enough to get Kamala over the finish line under these conditions.

    Remember, this election is a pure turnout battle. Swing voters are irrelevant, as they will be almost evenly divided. All that matters is how much turnout Trump can muster v how many young single women and their boyfriends show up to vote in the battleground states. Dumping Senile Joe has energized the Democrats. The Feminists are jazzed up. This one will be a nail-biter, and probably go into deep overtime.

      Virginia42 in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | August 8, 2024 at 8:12 am

      The Dems will cheat on an industrial scale–if the GOP isn’t ready for this, they are cooked.

      Dimsdale in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | August 8, 2024 at 11:07 am

      I doubt that they will dare send Pres. Trump to prison, particularly after an assassination attempt, but try to imagine the “POLITICAL PRISONER” commercials.

      They should be careful about what they wish for, be it jail, assassination or just fake karma.

        The_Mew_Cat in reply to Dimsdale. | August 8, 2024 at 11:53 am

        Why wouldn’t they? Merchan’s daughter works for KH, and Judges have complete immunity. He just rules “harmless errors”, sends Trump to prison, and lets the NY Appeals Courts slow-walk the appeal. Sep 18 is right in the middle of the campaign – a crucial time. Voting has already started. KH is the kind of person to rely on Lawfare, because she is terrible unscripted – and she knows it.

          henrybowman in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | August 8, 2024 at 7:30 pm

          Today’s (two-hour) podcast by Tucker Carlson explains (among many other topics) how Archibald Cox suborned the appellate court into ruling all of Judge Sirica’s flagrant violations as “harmless errors.” Disgustingly corrupt.

    Evil Otto in reply to fscarn. | August 8, 2024 at 6:39 am

    I seriously doubt that Bernie was going to ever take the 2020 nomination. Bernie Sanders’ supporters are, umm… vocal, but he doesn’t have anything close to the nationwide middle-ground appeal that they claim. He pulled a quarter of the Democrats (and some hard core left-wing states), but that’s not exactly a winning game plan. Endorsements don’t change millions of minds. Sanders was a disaster waiting to happen, and if he somehow had pulled through Trump would have crushed him Reagan-style. Not defending the Democrats, but they were playing the odds and they knew a losing hand when they see one.

From my perspective, the Dems are running on Trump’s record – secure border, reduced inflation, loads of jobs created, lower crime – and accusing Trump of their record. The MSM will support them all the way, including Harris “hiding in the basement” and asking her “how’s the weather” type questions. This is, in effect, billions of free, false advertising that Trump will not be likely to beat, even aside from any ballot harvesting. I suspect that Maduro might be a paid consultant. This Walz thing is a minor blip in the big picture.

    TargaGTS in reply to jb4. | August 7, 2024 at 8:18 pm

    You could be correct. In fact, they could dump Walz tomorrow and I suspect it wouldn’t hurt Harris. The biggest red-flag for me is that after Trump was shot, he didn’t get any real bounce from it. While I wasn’t expecting the 20-point approval rating improvement that Reagan received, I did think four to five points would have realistic. Nope. Trump sits at 47% in the RCP average today. That’s 1-point lower than he was a week after the shooting.

    I hate to root against the economy because a bad economy hurts so many. But, without some real economic pain between now and Election Day, Trump’s going to be sailing upwind. It’s doable. But, everything is going to have to align for him.

Maybe he makes it to the convention and beyond. This was the 1st test of Harris and her judgement so the d/prog gotta decide quickly.

Dude’s bio claims he is a retired Command Sergeant Major and that’s simply not true. Worse Harris used that falsely claimed rank in her introduction of him. Then there’s the ‘unorthodox retirement’ and the timing as a deployment was imminent …very shady. Plus the whole stop loss and stop move restrictions in place at the time. Then he’s been playing up some time in Italy as a ‘GWOT deployment’.

    Danny in reply to CommoChief. | August 7, 2024 at 10:25 pm

    Tim Walz comes from a very long western tradition


    they degenerated to parade-ground display troops: as it became possible to buy an appointment into the ranks of the scholae, and the social status and benefits this entailed, the units were increasingly filled with by the capital’s well-connected young nobility. Emperor Justinian is said to have caused panic amongst their members by proposing that they be sent on an expedition. Justinian also raised four “supernumerary” scholae of 2,000 men purely in order to raise money from the sale of the appointments. It seems that this increase was reverted by the same emperor later.

One thing is for sure. The Communist satraps will not hesitate to replace Walz if they choose, law or no law. They did it to elevate Harris.

Imagine if Walz were replaced after the convention took place (which could happen). The Communists would be going into Election Day Season with a presidential candidate no primary/caucus voter actually voted for, and a VP candidate not even convention delegates voted for. Our Precious Democracy (TM) in action!

Ordinarily, I’d say “no”, but there is nothing ordinary about this election. The Dems are perverse enough to keep him on the ticket until after the election, then dump him and make new law to allow them to put someone else in, giving the voters in November a ticket where neither top name has ever faced a vote.

Like several others, I don’t think so. Not because he doesn’t deserve to be shown the door but because the ferocity at which the media is defending him is….perhaps unprecedented. They are being exponentially more aggressive in their defense of Walz than they were of Kerry. It’s not even close. What do I mean? From ABC News this evening…

ABC’s Selina Wang: “[JD] Vance, who deployed to Iraq in the Marines and did not see any active fighting, going after Walz’s military background, accusing him of leaving his unit before it deployed to Iraq, and lying about his service….Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years and has never claimed to have seen active combat”


There is both eye-witness as well as VIDEO evidence of Walz claiming he ‘carried this weapon into war.’ and was a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. Neither is true.

    markm in reply to TargaGTS. | August 14, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    Somehow his deployment to Italy was part of Operation Enduring Freedom – probably supervising troops providing security for an airfield where transport aircraft refueled on their way to the operation. Assuming that as a very senior NCO he ever carried a rifle (he probably could have opted to carry a 9-mm pistol and never had a reason to draw it from the holster), he carried that rifle “as part of Operation Enduring Freedom”. To say that and no more is lying by omission, but in my experience half the men who served without ever going in harm’s way exaggerate their service somehow, and most who were in combat downplay their experiences.

    Retiring after 24 years to run for Congress does not seem unreasonable to me, even if it happened to be on the eve of combat. I remember others who looked at themselves after long service and realized they had grown too old to cut it in war. This goes back to Winfield Scott, Commandant of the US Army and only the second 3-star General in the history of the US; when the Civil War started, Scott realized that he had become too old to keep up the pace of even an office job in wartime and retired.

They’ll drag him across.

First, because they think they can just run anybody and cheat.

Second, because nobody else but Shapiro seemed to even WANT the job as her VP, and her party will not allow her to pick a Jew.

    Danny in reply to Olinser. | August 7, 2024 at 9:58 pm

    Nit pick

    Mark Kelly without doubt was also competing for it.

      TargaGTS in reply to Danny. | August 7, 2024 at 10:11 pm

      I think we dodged a bullet there. Kelly has a lot more innate appeal with suburban women than Walz and his military & NASA bona fides are unquestionable. It’s clear it wasn’t a vetting issue considering how poorly they vetted Walz. I’ll be curious to hear someday why Kelly didn’t make the short, short list.

        Danny in reply to TargaGTS. | August 7, 2024 at 10:45 pm

        I 100% agree.

        I really wanted to see him lose in 2022 but it is beyond deniable that he does have a lot of appeal to suburban women, and his military record is real, and not being Jewish he looked to me like the man designed to fill in what Kamala needs help with.

        I am to be blunt encouraged by her very stupid decision that it wouldn’t be Shapiro or Kelly, if she is this stupid now think about how badly she will perform in the debates.

        tbonesays in reply to TargaGTS. | August 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm

        AGree. MK is a complete dope who reads what is put in front of him. It would be easy for him to pretend the Senator does not know what he votes for.

If he was honest, just like the fake Harris, he never would have made it in Democratic politics.

Walz will be fine. No worries. If Blumenthal could do a much worse stolen valor scandal and be easily elected to the Senate, Walz will not have any problem here.

Subotai Bahadur | August 7, 2024 at 9:31 pm

You have to consider that to possibly to a majority of Democrats, bailing out and abandoning his unit to avoid combat would be considered to be something commendable. I see him holding on to the nomination. However, if it somehow becomes too much of a drag on the ticket after the convention I can possibly see a Secret Service mediated solution for the Left.

Subotai Bahadur

    To a great many Dems, Walz’s conduct is viewed as a positive attribute. His role in facilitating the BLM riots and destruction is, in DemWorld, an example of the leadership they admire. I think the Harris team understands that and embraces the same anti-West goals. The media won’t let it become too much of a drag.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 7, 2024 at 10:02 pm

Will Democrats ‘Biden’ him before the convention?

Why not? WHat do they have to lose? The MSM will make pretend he was never picked. They’ll even pretend he has never even existed. And the dems will just motor along with the new pick as if it had all been that way since Jan 2023.

We are in deep-Soviet mode, right now, with the commie dems and their shameless propagandists in the MSM. There is no longer any truth to ever come out of any of their mouths …. or in any of their press releases, since the Dems and the MSM seem to have determined that their “candidates” shall never be open to public scrutiny.

    There ARE limits to what the Democrats and their media allies can cover up. Like the Trump-Biden debate, which laid bare for all to see Biden’s mental and physical infirmities, a SECOND major change to the ticket would have even many Democrat voters wondering if the Democrat Party can make serious decisions.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 8, 2024 at 1:57 am

      There ARE limits to what the Democrats and their media allies can cover up.

      I used to think so, but now … not so much.

      The only reason that Trump-Biden “debate” ended up with Traitor Joe being thrown overboard was because the media didn’t think that they could just lie about it that night. But their lies, since, have been whoppers much larger than if they had just never made a big deal about the debate and acted as if Traitor Joe had run rings around Trump. They won’t make that same mistake again.

      They have realized, now, that they can make up anything they want and, if something doesn’t work, no big deal – it will be replaced by throwing something else in the headlines for the next 3 days in a row.

      People have almost forgotten that there was an assassination attempt on Trump – and one that was only averted by a miracle, really. That’s already down the memory hole.

      The power of the “front page” and the meat of the papers is very real. It is most unusual for them all to collaborate on the same propaganda (without being forced at gunpoint, as most of Pravda were), but to see a whole commercial industry turned to enthusiastic propaganda for a takedown of the nation …It is a powerful force to have to fight against.

      And there is no logic or common sense, anymore. The minute they got away with seriously claiming that boys can become girls just by saying so and tapping their new high heels three times … all logic and reason was pretty much gone at that point. And that wasn’t even the worst of the leftist insanity.

      This nation is going to go one way or another – hard – and there will be no middle way. It is either total destruction (and the approach of truly dark times for a very long period) or there will be resurgent Americanism and the left will have to finally be held to account for their massive destruction and ruin.

      That’s what I think too. Hardcore partisans won’t care, but the average person who only tune in occasionally, will be like, “wait, the Democrats swapped out Biden for Harris, and now they are swapping out their VP candidate? That party doesn’t have its sh*t together. Maybe I’ll look at Trump again, or RFK Jr.”

    Secret Service Solution,,,,love it ….

Will they use it as an excuse to dump the whole ticket and replace the top of the ticket with someone better? Kamala can only evade her lack of ability and press covering up for her, for so long.

But Kamala would fight like crazy to stop it, she thinks this is her chance.

I say we go quiet and save our powder. Don’t help the Dems now before ballots are printed.

I think the media just went too far into the tank for him to abandon him.

I voted yes because the Swift Boat incident proves that Democrat voters don’t really give a damn about reality or character. They will vote the way they are told because Orange Man Bad and Kamala’s Got Electrolytes.

Lying about your service record certainly didn’t hurt “DaNang Dick” from CT.

If I had to choose, I say Walz stays on the ticket. I could be wrong. It’s hard to predict anything, in such a crazy year.

I say yes, because too many people would vote for a ham sandwich for VP.

    henrybowman in reply to Tom Orrow. | August 8, 2024 at 7:36 pm

    Why not? They voted for one for president… three times.

    markm in reply to Tom Orrow. | August 14, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    This is the first election since Obama’s mid-term (12 years) where the Democratic VP nominee matters less because the Presidential nominee seems very likely to live through her or his term.

I predicted for months before the SOTU that the Democrat ‘engineers’ (Obama, et al) would have ‘convinced’ Biden of the wisdom of announcing his intention to step down during the SOTU. He’d have been virtually sainted for doing so, a replacement ticket would have accepted the nomination with tremendous humility and everlasting gratitude for the ‘honor’ of replacing the ‘wonderful,’ un replaceable public servant, Joe Biden . . . yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah. They didn’t.

The same ‘engineers’ – Obama, et al – are working the problem this very moment as we speak. My prediction – an open convention of some sort. I don’t know how, but protestations of Constitutional “experts” notwithstanding, Democrats will find a way to get it done and have Rachel Maddow and the entire MSM genuflecting, singing hallelujahs, licking the palms of their hands, and kissing their feet.

I hope – want – to be wrong, but we’re closing in on throat slitting time. They are that corrupt and bad, I’m uncertain of the ability of decent Americans to stop them, It is going to get uglier.

    Owego in reply to Owego. | August 8, 2024 at 4:19 am

    The “open” convention will be scripted, of course. It will be difficult to do, but the MSM will be there, covering for them, cheering them on. They must, there are simply too many who will have been too wrong for too long to not go along. They’re never wrong and won’t allow themselves to be shown that way.

    Milhouse in reply to Owego. | August 8, 2024 at 7:03 am

    There’s nothing in the constitution about party conventions — or parties at all. How the DNC runs its convention and nominates its candidates is entirely up to it. So yes, it can change its mind and decide on an open convention, or a semi-open one, or whatever else it likes.

      Owego in reply to Milhouse. | August 8, 2024 at 7:57 am

      Agree, but we’re still going to hear the mumbling and ruminating.

      I think the convention is going to much more interesting than the Republican snooze. There seems to be some disgruntlement among the Democrats, some still relatively muted at this point. Hearing some of them vent would be a good thing for the country. It has become a barely concealable collection of anti-American, racist, anti-Semite globalists. The MSM may have its hands full if the show is not very tightly controlled.

      markm in reply to Milhouse. | August 14, 2024 at 5:34 pm

      They have that right, but whether they should is quite another matter. The Democrats are demonstrating that they aren’t democratic – again. Democrat voters didn’t pick Hillary in 2016 or Biden in 2020, while Trump was picked by Republican voters over the GOP establishment three times. The Democrat primary voters utterly rejected Harris in 2020, and she hasn’t received a single popular vote since, but here she is!

    G Man in reply to Owego. | August 8, 2024 at 9:24 am

    Join the Free Energy Party….When energy is free LIFE WILL BE A PARTY…..All other ‘parties’ enslave everyone….

caseoftheblues | August 8, 2024 at 5:24 am

The left could care less about anything that involves destroying, tarnishing or lying about the military. The military is just a way to funnel billions to donors and nothing else. Walz is their wet dream… he makes Bernie Sanders look like Reagan. Walz is a complete unhinged leftist loon

I don’t think the left cares about this. They will cheer anyone who avoided service in Vietnam unless his name is Donald Trump.

Can anyone with more acumen than me tell me if Mr. Walz is guilty of the (overturned) Stolen Valor act of 2013, that he voted for?

I think the answer is no, but as he claimed to have been deployed to a combat zone (Afghanistan) and lied about it, I am not actually sure.

If this were a normal primary process this story would have killed his chances. But, normal this ain’t. Choosing Walz was Kamala’s first major decision as a presidential candidate. She’s stuck with him. If she dumps him there’s no way she can recover without looking weak and indecisive. Trump would have a field day…. “You couldn’t even make a simple decision before you’re president without screwing it up….”, Or, “So… the only person she was willing to fire was her VP candidate…”, etc.
Nope. She made her bed. They are going to utilize the standard D-media talking points to minimize it, say it was a paper work error, say it was due to his running for congress…, etc.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | August 8, 2024 at 8:09 am

I wonder how many votes Harris would lose if she keeps Walz? Not all that many, I’m thinking. The people turned off by this scandal weren’t in her camp anyway.

Bigger picture, it is odd to see the Democrats touting “Kamala The Cop” and “Walz The Veteran Soldier”. Lefties hate cops (except maybe ATF), tough-on-crime prosecutors (although Harris’ record belies the “tough-on-crime” part except for black men who smoked weed), and the military.

Wade Hampton | August 8, 2024 at 9:08 am

I they did a poor job ( if any) of vetting him. I suspect, there is a deeper, darker secret that has not come to light, yet.

SeekingRationalThought | August 8, 2024 at 9:11 am

Stolen valor and cowardice is for veterans (and their families) like the of those of us who haven’t served. For me, however, the salient point is this. If Walz, as the senior enlisted in his unit, was willing to abandon his troops, and his responsibilities to them, for personal gain (a seat in Congress), what isn’t he willing to do for personal gain?

There’s a photo of Walz wearing a SEALs regimental cap at a sporting or political event of some kind. It was supposedly gifted to him.

Military people are saying it’s highly improper to be wearing the hat in public.

    Tiki in reply to Tiki. | August 8, 2024 at 9:18 am

    Found it.
    Walz has also, on several occasions, worn a cap with the Green Beret emblem. Was presented the cap as a congressman but as a veteran he should absolutely know better than wear it.


    Fat_Freddys_Cat in reply to Tiki. | August 8, 2024 at 10:15 am

    When I was in the Navy (40 years ago) a friend of mine did a tour with Naval Support Force Antarctica. He gifted me a ball cap for the unit. I’ve kept it all these years but I’ve never once worn it. The assumption with such hats is that if you’re wearing it you were a part of it.

Civilians can wear clothing with general military references, but not specific units/deployments etc…That is stealing the honor from the men/women who actually served in those conflicts or units.


Stolen Valor Act of 2013 – Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:

a Congressional Medal of Honor,
a distinguished-service cross,
a Navy cross,
an Air Force cross,
a silver star,
a Purple Heart,
a Combat Infantryman’s Badge,
a Combat Action Badge,
a Combat Medical Badge,
a Combat Action Ribbon,
a Combat Action Medal, or
any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.

    Milhouse in reply to Tiki. | August 9, 2024 at 1:34 am

    Civilians can wear clothing with general military references, but not specific units/deployments etc…

    Not true. You ignored the key phrase in the paragraph you quoted:

    an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:

    That phrase is what makes the law valid, after the previous one was struck down. A person is 100% free to make any false claim he likes about having military decorations or medals, and may steal as much valor as he likes, so long as he isn’t doing it for money.

      markm in reply to Milhouse. | August 14, 2024 at 5:44 pm

      If he’s doing it to gain votes for an election, winning that elected office is a tangible benefit.

      But the law specifies certain medals, not hats. Walz never falsely claimed to win any medal that I’ve heard of. Wearing a hat of a unit he did not serve in (as a civilian) is wrong but not illegal.

Much ado about nothing.

When will the “Swifties Guardsmen for Walz” group form?

He’ll make it, only because it’s too late in the game for Commie-la to change horses.

destroycommunism | August 8, 2024 at 10:43 am

stolen valor vs stolen election vs pro communismnazism

these leftist get away with anything of their choosing

stop the after election “votes” coming in the door
stop the vote counters being allowed to cheat
stop the mail in balloting as normal

The Left is not bothered by liars as long as their aims are achieved. This guy ran his state like a concentration camp during covid. He is all in on castrating children so adults can virtue signal. He sees no problem with massive illegal immigration. Does not see China as a threat. On and on…

You think saying he was one or two ranks higher in the military is going to make a difference to these Leftists? On the contrary. They see a liar as the sort of candidate they want, one who says things to manipulate (i.e., a narcissist).

It’s all about the Face they put on to the public. The more duplicitous the better. The Left gets off on saying things that are counter to reality and forcing us to accept it as true. It is the fundamental of tyranny.

StillNeedToDrainTheSwamp | August 8, 2024 at 11:09 am

The Dem’s aren’t changing. And from their perspective, who cares as a) the media won’t cover the issue, b) their base doesn’t care, and c) the amount of fraudulent votes to be cast do not matter whom the running mate is on the ballot.

Until the voting roles are cleaned and mail in ballots are ended, I will never again trust the voting results.

I’m still not 100% sure that Kamala Harris will be the nominee at the end of the convention.

If she’s still not polling significantly better than Biden was in the swing states by the end of the month, what would stop Dems from nominating Taylor Swift? Or anyone, really.

Remember that 6 weeks ago the claim that Biden had dementia was just right-wing misinformation and ‘cheapfakes’. Trump hadn’t been shot. Biden was the candidate. Vance and Waltz weren’t even part of the conversation.

It’s going to be a roller coaster ride of craziness for the next six weeks until early voting starts, and just get crazier from there.

I don’t see this as a problem for Walz. The Media Information Embargo is in effect. Only those who consume alternative (i.e. conservative) media will ever hear the facts of it. I still regularly run into people who think the Hunter Biden laptop wasn’t real, or that Jan 6th rioters killed officer Brian Sicknick.

This won’t stop him. The scum on that side already showed overwhelming support for Brandon the pedophile and they seem to love Kamala the whore. Why would they turn their backs on TamponTim the deserter? We are talking about a bunch of scum that have absolutely no standards.

Every reporter should ask Governor Walz to put the Command Sergeant Major stories to rest by showing his Retired Military ID Card.
DD Form 2 (Retired)
He will be embarrassed that it shows him to be untruthful.