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Video Released Showing Gaza ‘Civilians’ Abusing Corpse of Murdered Israeli Eitan Levy on October 7

Video Released Showing Gaza ‘Civilians’ Abusing Corpse of Murdered Israeli Eitan Levy on October 7

As Israelis await and prepare for threatened Iranian and Hezbollah mass attack.

A newly released video shows Gaza ‘civilians’ abusing the corpse of 52-year-old Israeli hostage Eitan Levy.

The footage shows Eitan’a lifeless body hanging from the trunk of a car and being paraded as a sick trophy, while being followed by a crowd of cheering Gazans. The mob then drags the dead body on to the street amid apparent chants of ‘Allahu Abkar’ in the background. Gaza residents are seen kicking and desecrating the body.

The gruesome display was carried out near a Gaza mosque shortly after October 7 attack, news report suggests. “The family of Eitan Levy, who was abducted to the Gaza Strip on October 7 and was confirmed dead since October 7 in December, released on Saturday a chilling video of the abuse of his body near a mosque,” the Israeli news website YNET reported Sunday.

The news website published a message from Eitan’s family:

“With a lot of pain and especially fear to reveal the trauma we went through, we decided to share and release the video of the kidnapping and lynching they carried out against Eitan,” the family wrote. “This is the proof that there is no innocent citizen in Gaza. 43 weeks we live in indescribable suffering. 115 abductees were left behind. It’s time to bring everyone back home.”

The video once again highlights how deeply Gazans are culpable in the October 7 atrocities and Hamas’s jihadist killing machine. Regardless of the narrative paddled by the U.S. and Western politicians and mainstream media, the Islamic terrorist group enjoys overwhelming support from the Palestinian population. Despite the October 7 massacre, polls have shown surge in the popularity of Hamas among Palestinians — and Gazans in particular.

Eitan, a cab driver from the central Israeli costal town of Bat Yam, was taken captive by Hamas terrorists while he was dropping a passenger to Kibbutz Beeri.

Eitan has been described as a loving father and dog-lover.

The Jerusalem Post reported the incidents surrounding Eitan’s kidnapping and murder:

Eitan, a taxi driver from Bat Yam, was not from the South and was only in the area on October 7 to deliver a passenger to Kibbutz Beeri.

After dropping the passenger off, Eitan tried to leave but was hit by either a missile or drone while on the phone with his son. He then ran into a Hamas ambush.

His family heard terrorists approach and kidnap Eitan, with multiple voices arguing in Arabic being heard on the phone.

It was later revealed that Eitan had been forced to sit and identify himself before the phone was disconnected.

It is unclear what happened next, but on December 8th, it was confirmed that he was murdered by Hamas terrorists, and his body was being held by the Islamist organization in Gaza.

Iran threatens to target civilians using Hezbollah

Israel is bracing for a major terror attack as Iran threatens to target Israeli civilians using its proxy terrorist group Hezbollah.

After Hamas’ terror chief Ismail Haniyeh was killed in an explosion while visiting Iran, the Shia-Islamic regime is threating to kill civilians deep inside Israel.

While Israel recently acknowledged eliminating Hamas’s Gaza-based military chief Mohammed Deif and Hezbollah’s number 2 terrorist commander Fuad Shukr, the Israeli military and the government did not comment on the circumstances surrounding the killing of Haniyeh, one of the key figures responsible for the October 7 massacre.

Iran say Hezbollah planning to kill civilians deep inside Israel

Iran’s spokesman at the United Nations declared that Tehran-sponsored terrorist group “Hezbollah will choose both broader and deeper targets, and will not restrict itself solely to military targets and means,” news report confirm.

The CBS News reported the blatant threat made against Israeli civilians.

A spokesperson for the mission told CBS News […] saying: “Until now, Hezbollah and the regime have, in an unwritten understanding, practically adhered to certain limits in their military operations, meaning that confining their actions to border areas and shallow zones, targeting primarily military objectives. However, the (Israeli) regime’s attack on Dahieh in Beirut and the targeting of a residential building marked a deviation from these boundaries. We anticipate that, in its response, Hezbollah will choose both broader and deeper targets, and will not restrict itself solely to military targets and means.”[…]

Asked to clarify where these targets might be, the Iranian Mission to the U.N. told CBS News they would be within Israel’s territory.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned on Thursday that Israel had crossed “red lines” and the conflict had “entered a new phase,” adding, “The response will come, whether spread out or simultaneously.” Shukr was believed to have been a close adviser to Nasrallah.

IDF Chief of Staff: Military to strike back ‘very strongly’ if civilians targeted

Israel is prepared to respond to attacks by Tehran and its proxy terrorist groups, IDF’s Chief of the General Staff, Major General Herzi Halevi said in a statement released on Sunday.

“Our message to the entire Middle East this week – those who attack the citizens of Israel, those who attack the State of Israel, we are ready to go far, know how to put in a lot of effort to gather very precise intelligence, to strike, to kill and also to take risks,” Major General Halevi said.

“We struck in Beirut and we are striking in Gaza, and we will be very strong in defense, and then we will strike very strongly,” the IDF chief assured.

U.S. deploys more ships and fighter jet to Middle East

Amid growing threat of a large-scale terrorist attack, the U.S. is bolstering its military presence in the region.

“The U.S. military will deploy additional fighter jets and Navy warships to the Middle East, the Pentagon said on Friday, as Washington seeks to bolster defenses following threats from Iran and its allies Hamas and Hezbollah,” Reuters reported Sunday.

Israeli strike kills Hezbollah operative in Lebanon

The IDF on Sunday disclosed the targeted elimination of another ‘significant’ Hezbollah terrorist as the Iranian-backed Shia-Jihadist group plans further attacks.

The Israeli Air Force “eliminated the terrorist Ali Nazih Abed Ali, a significant terrorist on the Hezbollah Southern Front, in the area of Bazouriyeh in southern Lebanon,” the military said Sunday. “Abed Ali was involved in the terror activity of the Southern Front, planning and carrying out various terror activities.”

“The IDF continues to dismantle terrorist infrastructure and operate against the Hamas terrorist organization in the central and southern Gaza Strip,” the military announced Sunday.

“Over the past day, the IAF struck a significant number of terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including terrorist cells, military structures, and additional terrorist infrastructure,” the IDF further disclosed.

Gaza: IDF strike takes out key Islamic Jihad operative

The IDF also eliminate Mohammed al-Jabari, the deputy head of weapons manufacturing for the Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist group in Gaza. Al-Jabari was taken out in a precision strike in Gaza, military disclosed.

Noting the role of the slain jihadist, the IDF said:

During a targeted, intelligence-based operation, the IDF eliminated the terrorist Mohammed al-Jabari, who was deputy head of weapons manufacturing for the Islamic Jihad. Al-Jabari was responsible for financing weapons manufacturing infrastructure for the Islamic Jihad in northern Gaza, the distribution of salaries and funds, and was part of attempts to restore the Islamic Jihad’s rocket manufacturing capabilities and infrastructure


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AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | August 3, 2024 at 1:29 pm

And the Harris/Biden Administration is in bed with Iran, as well as the Palestinian terrorists who murdered innocent people on October 7.

The Middle East is a shit show due to Harris and Biden’s inept foreign policy.

None of the discussions of these incidents of Islamofascist, Muslim terrorist/supremacist genocidal murders, rapes, atrocities and assorted sadistic barbarism, address the core issue of scripturally-sanctioned and scripturally-commanded Islamic Jew-hate — the central pathology of the intrinsically supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission.”

The vile American Dhimmi-crats and European, leftist dhimmis certainly won’t discuss it, so staunchly committed are they to propagating and parroting an utterly wicked and fallacious propaganda mythology that posits that Muslim terrorism is an allegedly righteous manifestation of “resistance” to alleged western/American/Israeli/Jewish oppression and transgressions.

Without Judaism, “Submission” wouldn’t exist. That ideology rips off Judaism in the most blatant manner possible, without even deigning to pay it affection and respect. Muslim supremacists’/Islamofascists’ belligerence and violence against Jews and Israel are plainly about their desire to commit physical, historical and theological genocide, in order to eradicate a people and a religion whose existence, they feel, undermines Islamic legitimacy and supremacy.

What animals. Simply barbaric behavior. Hamas is a product of Gaza, their members related to the population and a part of them. Those unable to join Hamas themselves revel in mistreating the corpses Hamas brought back to Gaza from Israel. They are worse than dogs. No pity for the aggressors.

And we are supposed to cry over Palestinian deaths in Gaza? What’s next? Do we start bringing in thousands of Gazans as refugees, so they can infect our campuses and streets with still more Jew hatred? No thanks.

    jqusnr in reply to gary fouse. | August 3, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    that is the Dem plan … bet on it.
    Israel should utterly and completely destroy GAZA .. nothing lives … kill microbes if possible… salt the earth with the blood of all ppl in Gaza.
    you wanted this … you voted for this
    you got it …

    JohnSmith100 in reply to gary fouse. | August 3, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    This problem is not just Gazans, a lot of people, perhaps most from the middle east should not be allowed to enter America.

Lucifer Morningstar | August 3, 2024 at 3:54 pm

And tell me again why Israel and the IDF are so overly concerned about the so-called “civilians” living in the Gaza Strip? They are not innocent. They are all complicit in the atrocities and barbarism that occurred on Oct. 7th. And as such they have forfeited the rights and protections usually afforded civilians in a time of conflict. And having done so, Israel and the IDF needs to wipe the whole of the Gaza Strip empty and be done with it. There is no real hope of redemption for any of them at this point.

Any Arab in the Gaza Strip is either a Hamas sympathizer or a member of Hamas, be they “doctors”, “journalists” or “children”.

Every Palestinian is Hamas and Hamas is every Palestinian. There is no separation. Any Palestinian who doesn’t support Hamas is killed by Hamas.

Subotai Bahadur | August 3, 2024 at 4:51 pm

Just noting for the record here that Kamala Harris’ VP-apparent is Josh Shapiro. He is of Jewish descent, and therefore is offensive to major Democrat voting blocs. As a child he went to the Jewish equivalent of a parochial school, and one of their requirements for graduation was a period of doing service.

He chose, and volunteered for, time in Israel doing some sort of non-military work for the Israeli Defense Forces. As we speak here, as these atrocities that happened to Jews in Gaza keep coming out, Shapiro and the Harris campaign are desperately trying to scrub his service in Israel from the records so as not to offend those particular antisemitic voters.

One would think his service should be a matter that he took pride in.

Subotai Bahadur

    Every Republican when making a statement about him should thank him for his service. They should be very precise where his service was, shake his hand and make a photo op of thanking him for standing on the wall in Israel against the evils of Hamas.

What will Gov Shapiro do if he finds out that Iran is donating funds to the Harris campaign? She is clearly Iran’s horse in this race.

caseoftheblues | August 3, 2024 at 6:45 pm

Shapiro is more than ready to support this as we can tell by the deleting going on with his social media. Don’t forget he’s a Democrat/leftist… the ONLY thing that matters is power

ahad haamoratsim | August 3, 2024 at 11:31 pm

‘ and will not restrict itself solely to military targets and means.”[…]‘

Military targets like those 12 Druze kids playing soccer in northern Israel?

Herve Montague | August 4, 2024 at 5:40 am

If the gazans thought that they were losing , they would release a few of the kidnapped Israelis. Perhaps a few of the prepubescent children.

Is anybody aware of one Imam or one religious scholar — shiite or sunni — austere or not austere — who has called for gazans to release any Israeli children?

Herve Montague | August 4, 2024 at 5:56 am

This is their way of war — because it works. They pick, pick, provoke, and pick , and usually they do it small enough that they’re allowed to keep doing it.

So — their enemy is allowed two choices:

(1) get killed w/o resisting

Or (2) resist, and be condemned for resisting.

It’s not just Israel. Look at Europe and elsewhere in Asia, Africa, Australia.

Today, you actually have otherwise sane educated people condemning Israel for trying to kill their attackers and free their citizens.

Imho this is an historic accomplishment on the part of the Iranian-Hamas-hizballah-Houthi etc coalition.

You really have to ask yourself when in history such a thing has ever happened before

I do not think it’s ever happened before

Imho, one must really, really respect such an enemy. No sarcasm.

Herve Montague | August 4, 2024 at 6:02 am

Any word yet re: October 7th Rape Babies?

United Nations?
Anal Clooney?
EU Lady?
“Ooh, you’re a pretty one.”

Not a peep

Savages treat enemies better than that. Hamas must be eliminated completely!