Video: George Stephanopoulos Attacks GOP Rep. Byron Donalds Over Whether Kamala Is “Black”

Democrats are obsessed with race. Obsessed. They see everything — and I do mean everything, from roads to being polite and on time — through the lens of race. Black = good, and white = inherently, irredeemably evil. It’s absolutely insane, and it’s destructive, divisive, and very damaging to our country as a whole.

But it works for them, so they continue to focus on race to the exclusion of pretty much everything and anything else.

This was played out again this week as the Democrat media complex got their knickers in a twist over Trump pointing out that Kamala used to trade on her Indian heritage more than her Jamaican heritage. It’s true. She did. And the media helped her along in an avalanche of artcles about her being the first Indian senator, blah blah blah.

So of course, the only thing on Clinton stooge George Stephanopoulos’ mind when he had the chance to interview Florida Rep. Byron Donalds was to score a “win” for Team Blue by nagging and haranguing him into confessing Trump’s sins. Whiny old George just kept brow-beating Donalds in an often high pitched squeak, apparently trying to get this struggle session to end with the requisite self-flagellation over something Donalds didn’t even say.

It didn’t go quite as planned.

Here’s the full segment in question.

Here’s a partial transcript of Donalds’ response (via Red State):

STEPHANOPOULOS: Why is former President Trump questioning the vice president’s racial identity?DONALDS: Well, first, George, in Chicago he was responding to a question from, I believe, Rachel Scott. Like, this is really a phony controversy. I don’t really care. Most people don’t. But if we’re going to be accurate, when Kamala Harris went into the United States Senate, it was AP that said she was the first Indian American United States senator. It was actually played up a lot when she came into the Senate. Now she’s running nationally. Obviously, the campaign has shifted. They’re talking much more about – about her father’s heritage and her black identity.It doesn’t really matter. The president mentioned it. What he also talks about far more frequently is the fact that Kamala Harris is the person who created this massive inflation which is destroying black families, white families, Hispanic families. It’s her failure as border czar that has left our southern border wide open. More than 10 million illegal immigrants coming into our country. Record fentanyl coming into our country which has killed more Americans than at any other point in the history of our country with respect specifically to fentanyl.STEPHANOPOULOS: OK.DONALDS: And the fact that she and Joe Biden have unleashed one of the worst foreign policies in the history of our country that has us on the verge of World War III. That is Kamala Harris’ record.President Trump talks about that frequently. But, yes, he did mention it in Chicago, in response to a question from Rachel Scott.

Squeaky George keeps badgering Donalds for some minutes, convinced that if he screeches “that’s a slur” often enough, he’ll get Donalds to back down. He’s wrong.

DONALDS: George, you asked me the question three times, I responded but –(CROSSTALK)STEPHANOPOULOS: And every single time you repeat the slur, that is my — exactly my point. You simply can’t say that it’s wrong.DONALDS: George, so then what you’re saying — so then what you — and I want to get off this topic because it’s not the only thing that’s going on. But, George, now you’re saying that “AP” is the one that slurred Kamala Harris? Because those are the facts.You can go to the Internet and look at the clips, George, if you want to or we can talk about this now.I prefer to talk about the future of our country because the American people are struggling. The American people do need serious policy decisions to be made and they need serious leadership on the world stage.Kamala Harris has not proven that she can do that. Donald J. Trump has proven that he can do that.STEPHANOPOULOS: “AP” did not say that Kamala Harris is not Black. She is biracial. She is Indian. She is Black.You continue to repeat the fact that you continue to repeat the slur. I don’t understand why you and the president do it.But it’s clear you’re not going to say that it’s wrong. And you’ve now established that for our audience.

Needless to say, people have thoughts.

Tags: Democrats, Media Bias, race card