Uncommitted Voters Blast Harris for Saying Israel has a Right to Defend Itself
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Uncommitted Voters Blast Harris for Saying Israel has a Right to Defend Itself

Uncommitted Voters Blast Harris for Saying Israel has a Right to Defend Itself

“You’re bombing our families with our money and just one good speech is going to win us over again? I don’t think so.”

Well, I mean, did anyone believe Kamala Harris when she said she “will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself?”

I don’t believe her.

On MSNBC, a Michigan female uncommitted voter blasted Harris (via Mediaite):

“You’re bombing our families with our money and just one good speech is going to win us over again? I don’t think so,” she said.

The Michigan voter added that the pitch by Democrats that voting for Harris to keep former President Donald Trump from the White House is one she completely rejects.

“That’s on them,” she said. “That’s not on us.”

Another voter felt that Harris “downplayed” Gaza while another demanded a permanent ceasefire:

“She walked the line. First, she talked about Israel and how October 7 was horrible. Yeah, it was horrible, but it felt like she kind of downplayed what’s been going on the last 10 months,” he said.

Another voter blasted Harris for not using her speech to call for a “permanent ceasefire.”

“In the Arab and Muslim community, we’ve been voting for Democrats a long time, we’ve hosted Democrats in our homes, we’ve donated to them, we’ve fundraised for them, we’ve knocked on doors for them, but at this point our money is going to our families overseas who are dying every single day,” he said.


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It’s OK Muslims – she doesn’t mean a word of it.

Democrats have dug themselves a right proper hole with this one 😂

They can’t come out and outright say “death to Israel” as that will alienate anyone with 2 or more functioning brain cells yet if they don’t come out proclaiming “death to Da juices” they will alienate all the I love snack bar crowd 😂😂

    Fat_Freddys_Cat in reply to mailman. | August 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    This is what that oft used word “courage” is about. Realistically Harris has to pick a side–and live with the consequences. Straddling the fence won’t work for this issue; the pro Hamas crowd wants Israel obliterated. That’s not terribly compatible with supporting Israel’s right to defend itself.

Palestinian self-determination means no Israel. Will Democrats reconcile?

Uncommitted voters, but very committed suicide bombers.

IMO “what’s been going on the last 10 months” is nothing compared to what Israel could have done in response to the attack from Gaza by its elected government. Look what we did following 9/11 in response to a fraction of the per capita loss that Israel sustained.

    Bruce Hayden in reply to jb4. | August 23, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    What’s misleading is the suggestion that these were run of the mill uncommitted voters. They weren’t. They were mostly, if not all, uncommitted Muslim voters who are not about to vote for Trump, whose SIL orchestrated the Abrahamic Accords. The woman on the right doesn’t look Muslim, and maybe the one on the left. The others? Highly likely to certain.

      Crawford in reply to Bruce Hayden. | August 23, 2024 at 3:27 pm

      There is no Muslim “look” beyond the head coverings, and that’s not universal. It was the exception in Istanbul when I was there, for example, and the woman on the right could easily be Turkish.

      diver64 in reply to Bruce Hayden. | August 24, 2024 at 7:50 am

      Of course not and if anyone thinks people showing up in dish towels are uncommitted voters boy have I got a bridge. This is a perfect example as to why trying to appeal to everyone over 1 issue never works but the Muslim lady said one thing right. Kamala arguing that they need to vote for her to keep Trump out of the WH is not the voters problem. If that’s her only argument then it’s the Dems problem for bad or nonexistent policies.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to jb4. | August 23, 2024 at 8:07 pm

    Israel should have extracted a far higher price, that is the only path to peace for Israel

You have to understand the Marxist mindset when they say people have rights. If you read the 1936 Soviet Constitution, the word ‘right’ appears over 40 times which is twice that of our constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments combined. So what’s the catch? The catch is since the Soviets have so many “rights” any actions you take exercising one right will impact other rights that people “enjoy”. The Soviet’s right to leisure, for example, will impact the rights others, namely the right of the preclusion of the possibility of an economic crisis.

So when Harris says “we respect the rights” she means it in the exact same way — as long as nobody else is impacted when you attempt to exercise those rights. And guess who gets to determine that? Yes, Israel, you have the right to defend yourself but that impact the rights of Hamas to [fill-in-the-blank] and therefore we’re cutting military aid. on behalf of their rights

    fscarn in reply to George S. | August 23, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    When doing statutory construction one rule stands out. Read the whole statute.

    The UDHR lists all kinds of rights. E.g., Art. 18, freedom of thought, conscience and religion; Art. 19, freedom of opinion and expression.

    Now no one in their right mind believes that anyone in the UN believes any of that. The UDHR operates from a faulty premise to begin with. Namely, that rights come from government, not from the Creator. As such, what government “grants,” it can as easily take away.

    This premise is entirely at odds with the thesis of our Founders. We recognize and state that rights, inalienable, come from the Creator and that the sole purpose of government is to protect those rights. The purpose of our Constitution is to limit the government, not the people.

    Contained within the UDHR is itself the trapdoor that effectively flushes all of the vaunted UDHR “rights” away.

    Article 29 reads,
    (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
    (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

    Do you see the “by law” trick? Rights are first granted, but then they’re made subject to limitations as set forth “by law.” In other words, it’s all a charade. In a UN world, which bears great similarity to an Islamic world, government comes first and foremost, with the people “allowed” to exist but only to serve the state.

    The UDHR used as its model not the US Constitution (1787), but the Soviet Constitution which uses that same “by law” limitation trick.

It’s always nice to hear from supporters of Muslim terrorism. Always remember that Diversity Is Our Strength™️.

The Laird of Hilltucky | August 23, 2024 at 2:23 pm

Uh-oh! She has stepped in it now!

“Bombing our families”?

Why do we care what a Gazan thinks? They can’t vote in the US, anyway. Or is this an “American” Muslim who identifies more with barbarians who share her faith than with civilized people, particularly some other US citizens?

The only “ceasefire” that will truly work follows the obliteration of Hamas and all the other Islamists.

Anything else will be little more than a temporary pause meant to give the Islamists time to recover.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 23, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    How many ceasefires, “permanent” ceasefires, have been established since Israel became a nation? And every one of them has been violated by the palistiniams/islamists/arabs before the ink on the documents dried. In fact, other than the Israelis, none of the signatories had any intention of honoring it from the beginning. There can be no peace in the Mideast as long as palistanians, arabs, muslims exist there. Sad, but true.

On MSNBC, a Michigan female uncommitted voter blasted Harris (via Mediaite):

“You’re bombing our families with our money and just one good speech is going to win us over again? I don’t think so,” she said.

The Michigan voter added that the pitch by Democrats that voting for Harris to keep former President Donald Trump from the White House is one she completely rejects.

“That’s on them,” she said. “That’s not on us.”

Oh, stick it in your pie hole, sugar. You will do as your self-anointed moral and intellectual betters tell you to. You always do.

Besides: the Blue Queen will continue the Communists’ efforts to see Iran gets the Bomb, and then your dream of another Holocaust (a nuclear one this time) can come true. So just lie back and think of Jews Zionists being turned to radioactive dust.

    She is correct, however, even if you don’t like her stance. The terrorist supporters in Dearborn care about one thing, destroying Israel. For Harris to make her pitch “support me to keep Trump out of the WH” when she has not come out strongly for what they support is foolish and just won’t cut it.

Subotai Bahadur | August 23, 2024 at 5:12 pm

OK, these are “uncommitted Democrats” on of all places MSNBC. A significant portion of the Democrat party is committed to the extermination of Jews. It is what it is.

Subotai Bahadur

destroycommunism | August 23, 2024 at 5:16 pm

its the actions that count

omar is gaining power

look what it took to defeat bowman and bush


JUST THE LOUD MOUTHS who wouldnt shut up about it

Yes, goose-stepping, genocidal Islamofascists, terrorists and Muslim supremacists can never be held accountable for their violent predations, or, their evil and belligerent ideology of hate that animates them to wage warfare against the indigenous people of the middle east — Jews — who’ve been living in that region for millennia before the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission” was founded; millennia before such a thing as a “Muslim” ever existed.

What part of “From the river to the sea” do people not understand?

You can tell from her waffling that Kamala is doing some arithmetic in her head:
For any state,

Take the total number of Jewish voters;
Subtract the number of Muslim voters; and
Subtract the number of Jews who vote for Democrats regardless.

If the result is positive, talk about how strongly you back Israel.
If the result is negative, talk about pressuring Israel into a cease-fire.

You should all realize there is a 0% chance any of these “uncommitted” are voting for PRO-ISRAEL Trump, and a 0% chance ANY of them will not be voting Kamala right in order to stop Trump from allowing Netanyahu to remove Hamas from Gaza right?

I am sorry but the voting machine doesn’t give a dam how enthusiastic a voter is every voter is 1 vote.

They are going to continue pressuring the person they are voting for in hopes it mainstreams their views more. Don’t delude yourselves, if only Michigan Muslims could vote Trump would be lucky to get 1% of the vote if that.

Trump has a record he is not the pro-Palestinian candidate in this race he is the pro-Israel one.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Danny. | August 24, 2024 at 9:11 am

    Dearborn Muslims may be much like those in the Middle East who murder anyone who doesn’t toe the line.

Uncommitted? They need to be committed.

Uncommitted? I doubt anyone who shows up in a dish towel is uncommitted. What a farce.

You misspelled “terrorist supporting” voters wrong.