U. Colorado Journalism Prof Says Trump Uses ‘Coded Speech About Race’
“Trump has dramatically shifted the narrative with his coded speech about race—and talent for inserting himself into stories about race to ensure all the attention goes to him”

The left simultaneously accuses others of being conspiracy theorists while claiming Trump speaks in secret code.
The College Fix reports:
Trump uses ‘coded speech about race,’ journalism professor says
President Donald Trump uses “coded” language about race according to a University of Colorado professor.
“Trump has dramatically shifted the narrative with his coded speech about race—and talent for inserting himself into stories about race to ensure all the attention goes to him,” Professor Angie Chuang said for a story on the University of Colorado – Boulder website.
The journalism professor has a book coming out on this topic, called “American Otherness in Journalism: News Media Constructions of Identity and Belonging.
Chuang offered her comments on Trump’s appearance this month at the National Association of Black Journalists. During the appearance, he criticized ABC News reporter Rachel Scott, a black female.
Trump, like former CNN anchor Don Lemon, questioned Kamala Harris’ racial identity. The vice president is part Asian and part black. Lemon has questioned if Harris is “African-American” – her dad is Jamaican.
These identity specific conferences helped Chuan, who is Asian, learn how to exist in the “white world.”
“Going to conferences like that as a young reporter was so important to my career development, my morale and my mental health,” Chuang said in the CU-Boulder story. “They became moments for me to say I existed in this white world, but I can be with a group that relates to this and can get help with things I may not be able to ask about in the newsroom. They were times of revitalization for me.”
Younger journalists are more likely to “challenge lies and hate speech,” whereas older ones are objective when it comes to politics, Chuang said, according to the university’s paraphrase of her remarks.
From the story:
Ironically—or perhaps not—Chuang said an issue worth discussing in a conference like this one is how to cover a candidate with a long history of making coded remarks that are racist or misogynistic. She said there’s a clear generational divide separating older journalists—who see their role as objectively reporting what newsmakers say—and younger ones who want to challenge lies and hate speech.
It is refreshing, she said, to see journalists thinking more critically about their place in writing that first draft of history, and while Trump is causing a lot of professional soul searching, much of that dates back to the 1990s and the establishment of the 24-hour news cycle. Suddenly, the ho-hum became headline news as broadcasters raced to fill airtime.

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what tripe, but not surprising from Boulder.
Or, from a journalism professor.
lefty hates america but if you tell them go find a country /or/ go back to “your” country
the lefty has THAT AS THEIR CODE WORD to launch attacks against civility
Who cares what this fragile snowflake thinks?
Oooohhhh …, Trump uses coded speech only Prof. Angie Chuang can decipher! Because she’s a professor of journalism at Colorado State, so she’s an expert. She can tell the difference between Don Lemon questioning whether Kamala is really black and Trump saying the same thing, but in CODE!!! Apparently, Prof. Chuang confers with the Mother Ship before publicizing her decision. Denizens of the Twilight Zone dwell among us!
This is a form of Gnosticism. Gnostic religions (or Gnostic heresies of other religions) are all about “secret knowledge” that shows the way to salvation or proper worship. Any time someone talks about “coded speech” that’s what they’re doing. (It’s also the general concept behind “expertism” which worked so well during the Wuhan Flu dempanic.)
Only rabid racists can hear and decode it. That must be why we can’t but she can.
It’s so coded that no one recognizes it
If you can hear the dog whistle, then you’re the dog.
So Trump and the Right use coded language, but the Left never does?
Seems like cult thinking rather than rational reasoning.
A Gnostic cult.
Women’s health. Gender-affirming care.
“Coded language” for death and mutilation.
“She said there’s a clear generational divide separating older journalists—who see their role as objectively reporting what newsmakers say—and younger ones who want to challenge lies and hate speech.”
Which means there is a clear generational divide between those wh0 want to report the facts and those who want to report THE TRUTH. Which means there is a clear generational divide between those I want to read and those I don’t.
I took it to mean there’s a clear difference in genuine adults and adolescents who think they’re adults. Being grown up is more than reaching a certain chronological age. Many eventually grow up. Others only grow older.
Not a divide between those who want to report facts and those who want to report the truth, rather there’s a divide between those dealing with facts and truth, and those who desire to publish the approved narrative which is comprised of approved facts and approved truths, neither of which may have basis in reality.
That’s why he capitalized “The Truth.” The same difference between “science” and “SCIENCE!”. You use one as a tool to discover things, and the other to reveal “The Truth” to the followers of the religion (progressivism).
The left doesn’t bother with code any longer. They’re preaching it very clearly. Race based Marxism
Dear God, our once great Republic now imports Chinese J School professors. Until recently immigrants; mostly Christian, White, Europeans; came to our shores in search of the American dream. They embraced the cultural ethos, contributed to it, and perpetuated it. Recently we have imported tens of millions of non-Europeans, the majority who are uneducated, skilless, and looking to increase their standard of living leaching off theAmerican taxpayers and eventually voting Demoncrat to perpetuate their lifestyle.
However, this woman represents a far more insidious danger to our nation. Instead of integrating into her birth country she aggressively tries to destroy it. Her grandfathers didn’t fight for the US in WW II, her immigrant parents didn’t march in civil rights marches, her father didn’t help put man on the moon (my Dad fought in WW II and led the fifth largest NASA contractor for the Apollo Program) and she has been coddled as a DIE student / faculty member her entire life.
She has no skin in the game…yet is an aggrieved racist. Her online American University CV states her research focus includes “Race and identity construction in news media”, In an ideal world she should be sent back to HER HOME. He CV states she’s fluent in Mandarin, and her politics perfectly align with Beijing.