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Tulsi Gabbard Officially Endorses Donald Trump

Tulsi Gabbard Officially Endorses Donald Trump

“We as Americans must stand together to reject this anti-freedom culture of political retaliation and abuse of power.”

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, who once served as the vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee, officially endorsed Donald Trump.

“I am committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House,” said Gabbard.

Gabbard represented Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District from 2013 to 2021.

She ran for president in 2020 and demolished Kamala Harris in one debate:

The then-presidential candidate ripped the vice president during a Democratic primary debate for reportedly jailing hundreds of Californians for marijuana violations, then openly discussing smoking the drug herself.

“She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana,” Gabbard said of Harris during the debate.

Gabbard left the party in 2022, calling it an “elitist cabal of warmongers.”

The Trump campaign asked Gabbard to help Trump with his debate against Harris on September 10 in Philadelphia, PA.

Three days ago, Gabbard told Fox News the debate prep has gone “great:”

“He knows the issues. He is very honed in on her [Kamala Harris’] record in reminding voters… ‘what have you done for the last three and a half years?’ You can paint this rosy picture about what you’re going to do, but we’re paying attention to what you’ve already done and how her policies have destroyed our economy, made us less safe, both here at home and abroad,” she told “FOX & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade.


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Next up, Riley Gaines. I have no idea whom else will surprise us other than L Graham coat-tailing to another term with two years of gushing over his “Newest, bestest buddy and Big Toe…Donald Trump!”

Reasonable… but be wary of the 5th column.

irishgladiator63 | August 26, 2024 at 3:25 pm

Oh no! Where is JR to tell us that Democrats endorsing Trump is exactly what will make people vote for Kamala?

    He’ll be along shortly, I’m sure, with more wishcasting and concern-trolling.
    He’s probably out getting his Democrat talking points updated.

    He is busy crap posting about how awful it is that Trump and Tulsi showed up at Arlington today to honor our hero’s on America’s Most Hallowed Ground.

One thing that Democrats have tried to do is create a high social cost to supporting non Democrats that keeps some percent of visible support suppressed.

Each defection or high profile endorsement helps reduce that cost.

This is the value of what Tulsi, RFK Jr, and others are doing

Good for them. They aren’t perfect but they have crossed that line of “how far do Democrats have to go before they lose me?”[and figured out the cost of voting Dem is too high.

    henrybowman in reply to PrincetonAl. | August 26, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    The first two or three Spartacuses needed real courage.

      Why? Crassus was going to crucify every one of them anyhow. And that’s pretty much the case with wokist “cancel” campaigns, too – apologizing or otherwise showing you take them seriously only encourages them to verbally savage you.

Are there any other Democrats likely to turn sides?

I’m thinking not and I’ll give this to the Democrats, they sure do know how to keep everyone in line.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to mailman. | August 26, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    John Fetterman? Just doing a little bench-racing here, but… you never know.

    Except that Tulsi and RFK, Jr. didn’t “turn sides”. They were too fringe even for the Democrats. Tulsi and RFK, Jr. are doing this because they see MAGA as ripe for the grift and to give them political relevance they don’t deserve.

    They are using you and so many just want to be used.

      destroycommunism in reply to The Political Hat. | August 26, 2024 at 4:31 pm

      you are not wrong

      but its that “fringe” that wants at the least a

      pro american agenda

        DaveGinOly in reply to destroycommunism. | August 26, 2024 at 5:27 pm

        I think TPH Is wrong. Gabbard and RFK Jr aren’t “fringe.” They’re not the same as the rest of the party, but it’s now the official party line that’s “fringe,” not those turning away (being left behind, actually). Gabbard and RFK are outliers. When the the majority of a group are lunatics those who remain sane become outliers by not moving from earlier beliefs (i.e. they’re “conservatives” within that group). The term “fringe” connotes “strange” and “extreme,” and these labels better describe the party as a collective. TG and RFK are “outliers” for not having become extremists. The term “fringe,” when used in this context, does not merely mean “on the edges.” It has more baggage than that, making it an improper term with respect to TG and RFK, because what it suggests (that TG and RFK have moved “out there”) is not an accurate assessment of the situation.

          destroycommunism in reply to DaveGinOly. | August 26, 2024 at 9:35 pm

          tulsi on crime (“ontheissues” website):

          End cash bail; it hits low-income Americans. (Jul 2019)
          Eliminate private prisons. (Jul 2019)
          Abolish capital punishment. (Jul 2019)
          Eliminate mandatory minimum sentences. (Jul 2019

          and I appreciate your post and cant say that you are wrong but to me the hairsplitting on these people ( tulsi/rfk) and then your “fringe” vs outlier” reference

          they do sound like they DID MAKE THE EXTREMIST MOVE along with the other dems..but Tulsi ,in particular, is a very pro military person…whereas the dems fake it when it comes to the love of the military

          I think Tulsi is being honest for the most part,,but to some degree is just saying the right things to make herself relevant

          tulsi on educatoin ( same website)

          Free tuition at public higher education. (Mar 2019)
          Tuition-free community college for all. (Jan 2019)
          No-strings-attached block grant will kill transparency. (Jul 2015)
          Oppose private and religious school voucher programs. (Oct 2015)

          and rfk is mostly just annoying

          but we will take any and allll votes we can get for trump!

      Way off. People like them see what the Democratic Party has turned into, anti-American, approaching Soviet status, and they do not like it. Not everything in life is a grift.

      You are right about one thing in your silly post. Tulsi and Bobby are too fringe for the mad terrorist loving Progressive Facists in control of the Democratic Party. They actually love this country and support our citizens which no current Dem can stand.

      henrybowman in reply to The Political Hat. | August 26, 2024 at 7:18 pm

      But you have no clue what, if anything, the walkaways have been promised for their endorsements. A cushy position where they can’t cause grief to any real Republican would be ideal. If the position allows them to harass Democrats — like FEC — it would be miraculous. Meanwhile, their contribution to mortifying the Democrats has real value. Do not bind the mouths of the kine who tread the grain.

      Smokin’ hot take, dude.
      Your hat must be too tight.

    Demonized in reply to mailman. | August 26, 2024 at 4:16 pm

    You mean the way they tried to get President Trump in line?
    That didn’t work at all. A 5.56mm projectile @ 3200 fps only strengthened his resolve.

    See below. It’s just getting started.

    henrybowman in reply to mailman. | August 26, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    If we send another 50 busloads of Honored Guests to NYC, we might turn Adams.

destroycommunism | August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm


I like her left slanted endorsement more than rfkjr

Trump brings people together FOR THE BETTERMENT OF AMERICA

The Dems?? for Europe

E Howard Hunt | August 26, 2024 at 4:33 pm

Trump needs to appeal to people of color and their worshipers. An easy fix would be to replace those gallons of orange makeup he wears with black.

Carol Swain and Bret Weinstein are two other Democrats/ex-Democrats that have taken the plunge and rightly called out the Democratic Party as far off its moorings. More will follow.

Not a surprise

Oftentimes I only read Powerline Blog for their Week in Pictures segment on Saturday mornings. It can be hilarious.

But I noticed this recent post that drew my attention, because it is not of the usual Trump echo chamber, which I find on many conservative blogs. You can decide to vote for Trump, and still not believe he is the best Republican candidate to win this election:

“That, really, is Harris’s campaign: she is the not-Donald-Trump. Complaints that her current persona is inauthentic, and she has no platform, miss the point. She is perfectly authentic as not-Donald-Trump, and that negation is her platform. Anything beyond that is window dressing.

This approach wouldn’t normally work, of course. If the Republicans had nominated anyone except Trump, Harris’s record, her political views and her platform would be front and center. Against anyone but Trump Harris would be a pitifully weak candidate. She couldn’t run as not-Nikki-Haley, not-Ron-DeSantis, or whoever. It is only the Republicans’ nomination of Donald Trump that makes the Democrats’ strategy possible.

Will the Democrats’ unprecedented strategy work? It may. A year and a half ago, when most anticipated a Biden-Trump rematch, I predicted that neither Biden nor Trump would be on the 2024 ballot. I said that the Democrats would be crazy to nominate Biden, and the Republicans would be crazy to nominate Trump. I was half right: the Democrats were smart enough to switch out Joe Biden. But the Republicans couldn’t resist going with Trump for the third time in a row.

The Democrats couldn’t win if they had to run on the Biden/Harris record, and they know it. By rights, 2024 should be an easy Republican win. The Biden record is far worse than the Jimmy Carter record of 1980. So Democrats have seized on the lifeline the Republicans gave them: they are turning the election into a referendum on Donald Trump.

As such, it is a tossup. Around half the country hates Trump. They don’t care who Harris is, what her views are, or what she would do as president. She is not-Donald-Trump, and that is enough. The Democrats were smart enough to realize they needed a new candidate. The Republicans were not. The future of the republic may turn on that difference.”

    steves59 in reply to JR. | August 26, 2024 at 7:40 pm

    Nice job with your copy-paste effort, Lonejustice. Looks like you’ve got mad computer skillz!
    Too bad your TDS has made you a complete caricature and an easier target than the Italian fleet at Taranto.
    Next time, perhaps you should include proper attribution. I’m sure never-Trumper John Hinderaker would appreciate it.

    henrybowman in reply to JR. | August 26, 2024 at 7:56 pm

    An idiot take.
    Anyone with a brain can see that Kamala’s only real campaign is that she’s not Kamala Harris — the pre-August Kamala Harris, that is.
    It’s an opposition-independent campaign — because she is already her strongest opposition.

      diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | August 27, 2024 at 5:47 am

      Surprisingly, I agree with most of the post. Not an idiot take at all. Kamala is not releasing anything of substance but is running around yelling JOY or some crap and constantly pointing at the boogey man of Trump. I do disagree that if someone else were running she would have to have a platform, answer questions etc. She would just drop the TRUMP! and still not say anything. The press still wouldn’t press her.

    irishgladiator63 in reply to JR. | August 26, 2024 at 8:44 pm

    Summed up: democrats are so stupid and evil, and so full of hatred of America and Americans, they will vote for someone who has been helping to ruin the country, just to spite the other side.

    You could have said all that in one sentence.

    Pretty sad to act as sage, then offer such pablum. A word salad to profess a deep hatred of Trump. Lincoln Project concern noted. Are you hoping he loses just so you can crow?

    You blame him for being called a Nazi, and lament his gall to defend himself. As if YOU would ever defend him? The things that matter to you matter don’t matter to most. Thankfully!