Trump Gives Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr. Spots on Transition Team
Both recently endorsed Trump.

Donald Trump announced that he has appointed Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr., both former Democrats, to his transition team.
“As President Trumps’s broad coalition of supporters and endorsers expands across partisan lines, we are proud that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been added to the Trump/Vance Transition team,” Trump campaign senior advisor Brian Hughes told Fox News Digital.
“We look forward to having their powerful voices on the team as we work to restore America’s greatness,” Hughes added.
RFK Jr. wanted to primary Joe Biden, but the Democrats shut him down. He started an independent campaign but suspended it last week and endorsed Trump.
He also wants to remove his name from swing state ballots.
Gabbard, who ran in the 2019 Democrat primary, left the Democrat Party shortly after. She now identifies as an independent.
The veteran and former congresswoman officially endorsed Trump after his team brought her in to help prepare for debates.

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Make RFK the head of the CIA AND the FBI and let him burn those organisations to the ground

My thought for RFK, Jr. is more along the lines of the Director of (the NIH, CDC, and the FDA), the EPA, or possibly the USDA.
NO! He’d make those even worse than they already are. He thinks the problem with all of those is that they don’t regulate enough!
Maybe they can transition Rachel Levine back to a dude.
leave it where its at
Kinda like repainting a condemned house.
What we have shaping up in front of us is a 21st century version of Lincoln’s team of rivals (although I am sure Doris Kearns Goodwin would disapprove). i further think that in a political environment in which there is so much division and the rhetoric towards the Republican candidate so toxic that finding common cause with disaffected democrats serves as a buffer. When people on the left that find themselves aligned with RFK and/or Gabbard see that their candidates have been cast out by the communists (the Obama cabal of traitors) and willing to align with Trump it gives them permission to change their minds.
It’s either that, or we’ll be in a situation much like Europe vis human rights. This Harris woman (and those pulling her strings) is exceedingly dangerous.
I completely agree with your post. It sounds like Trump wants a Team of Rivals.
Conservatives and traditional values are out, but these Democrats go straight to the top.
I see where your going with this
Shiny new object
Donald J. Trump plans to name his former rival, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard, a one-time Democrat, as honorary co-chairs of a presidential transition team that will help him select the policies and personnel of any second Trump administration, according to a campaign senior adviser
Select personnel? after all the back stabbing, you have to be f-king kidding me
Trump recently said that he favors the Cabinet composition that Abraham Lincoln had in 1861 -1865. A Team of Rivals.
“1861-1865”, wasn’t that an unpleasant time period?
Lincoln shot through the hat.
“Last night about eleven o’clock, I went to the Soldiers’ Home alone, riding Old Abe, as you call him (a horse he delighted in riding), and when I arrived at the foot of the hill on the road leading to the entrance to the Home grounds, I was jogging along at a slow gait, immersed in deep thought, contemplating what was next to happen in the unsettled state of affairs, when suddenly I was aroused – I may say the arousement lifted me out of my saddle as well as out of my wits – by the report of a rifle, and seemingly the gunner was not fifty yards from where my contemplations ended and my accelerated transit began.
My erratic namesake, with little warning, gave proof of decided dissatisfaction at the racket, and with one reckless bound he unceremoniously separated me from my eight-dollar plug hat, with which I parted company without any assent, express or implied, upon my part.
At a break-neck speed we soon arrived in a haven of safety. Meanwhile I was left in doubt whether death was more desirable from being thrown from a runaway federal horse, or as the tragic result of a rifle-ball fired by a disloyal bushwhacker in the middle of the night.
Isn’t that exactly what his first caninet was? It didn’t turn out well.
As she did with the idea of no taxes on tips, Kamala has already copied Trump’s move and named Adam Kinzinger to her transition team.
(Really good sarc.)
the gop burnt itself to the ground over 100 years ago…
running on fumes as they pretended to be pro american with their “outrage” over too high of taxation etc while they continued to lead the deprivation of the middle class….
the left always showed its hate towards humans and would have made it easy for an all inclusive gop to take control …but that would have meant work
NOW FINALLYYYYY Trump is showing that inclusivity AND GIVES PEOPLE THE CHANCE AND THEN IS WILLING TO FIRE THEM…a no- no in civil servant land
so while the child care tax credit or otherwise is part of a lefty agenda
ifff thats the trade off to maga ..we will take it
inshalla …I mean maga!!
I have to say… WTF
I didn’t listen to Tucker and RFKjr yesterday… my bad, as I would have heard this doofus say this,
“I just tune the conversation out because the premise is false, like RFK Jr saying yesterday that President Trump is “reprehensible” for what he did on January 6th, and Tucker Carlson just sitting there nodding in agreement like a goofy tool.”
I mean REALLY? You just endorsed President Trump and you call him reprehensible?
How many knifes does Trump want in his back? How many time can he , and through him, Us , be surrounded by traitors?
I am so disappointed in Trump right now amd this look alike not his father RFK jr…
all I can say to that is that he can then force tulsi/rfk to say and do the right thing …and if they dont fire them
but of course I’d rather he never brought them on
say thank you for the endorsement and let them campaign ..from a distance,,
Rather than put them on the transition team, I would have just told them I’d choose an appropriate office for each of them, and rattled a few off, like HHS, or CDC, or FDA…. I’m sure that would have been adequate to satisfy both of them.
Them picking personnell is a bad idea….
Trump has always had personnell issues.
Take a breath. He’s not even elected and there will be plenty of input by plenty of people. Plus, he’s a pretty good study as to what’s needed to be done.
Putting America first means for all Americans, except the deranged lunatics that will do anything to hurt us all. Imagine, someone what will bring the country together. It seems more likely that people will gravitate toward Trump’s American approach, like RFK, Gabbard, Musk, etc., and the numbers will increase as Harris polarizes and shows that she is unfit to lead much of anything.
Correct. We have had nearly 4 years of Biden only working for his side. Everyone else was subject to persecution, prosecution, deplatforming, debanking, and all forms of abuse.
Trump only wins when he Makes All of America prosper.
He won’t get credit for it, but he still has to do it.
Michigan ruled that RFK can’t come off the ballot even though he withdrew because of some stupid rule that minor party candidates are not allowed to withdraw from the ballot (why major party and not minor party?)
Detroit and Lansing are so crooked.
I can’t believe people are mad on here. They supposedly want to court this silent independent group of disenfranchised voters but don’t want to take on disenfranchised politicians. This is the group you want if you don’t want people who are loyal to parties and their corrupted aims.
Excellent response. I have always been an Independent who historically votes Republican. But if I’m not wanted, I am still voting.
I continue to call the Republican Party and the Democrat Party cults, because both have purity tests – and F off to anyone who does not pass the test. But it is the centrists who will decide who becomes president.