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Trump Campaign on Harris Choice: ‘Tim Walz is a Dangerously Liberal Extremist’

Trump Campaign on Harris Choice: ‘Tim Walz is a Dangerously Liberal Extremist’

“By picking Tim Walz as her running mate, Kamala Harris not only bent the knee to the radical left, she doubled down on her dangerously liberal, weak, and failed agenda.”

The Trump-Vance reacted to the Harris-Walz ticket, describing it as dangerous to America.

“By picking Tim Walz as her running mate, Kamala Harris not only bent the knee to the radical left, she doubled down on her dangerously liberal, weak, and failed agenda. Walz would be a rubberstamp for Kamala to wage war on American energy, continue aiding and abetting an invasion on our border, and embolden our adversaries as the world is brought to the brink of World War III. Americans will reject the Harris-Walz ticket and choose to make American Great Again by electing President Trump!” said Brian Hughes, Trump Campaign Senior Advisor.

It’ll be hard for those Republicans for Trump to justify picking the Harris-Walz ticket.

Trump isn’t conservative so let’s vote for the far-left ticket!

“Tim Walz will be a rubber stamp for Kamala’s dangerously liberal agenda, like allowing convicted felons to walk free, embracing anti-American Green New Deal policies, and giving up control of our southern border to criminal aliens and violent drug cartels,” continued Trump’s campaign.

I detailed some of Walz’s far-left policies in my post, including abortion and guns.

The dude set up a hotline so people can snitch on their neighbors during COVID.

“It’s no surprise that San Francisco Liberal Kamala Harris wants West Coast wannabe Tim Walz as her running-mate – Walz has spent his governorship trying to reshape Minnesota in the image of the Golden State. While Walz pretends to support Americans in the Heartland, when the cameras are off, he believes that rural America is ‘mostly cows and rocks’. From proposing his own carbon-free agenda, to suggesting stricter emission standards for gas-powered cars, and embracing policies to allow convicted felons to vote, Walz is obsessed with spreading California’s dangerously liberal agenda far and wide. If Walz won’t tell voters the truth, we will: just like Kamala Harris, Tim Walz is a dangerously liberal extremist, and the Harris-Walz California dream is every American’s nightmare,” said Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign Press Secretary


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thalesofmiletus | August 6, 2024 at 11:41 am

The hard left policies that Harris has promoted her entire life and only now, at the behest of campaign advisors, she’s trying to distance herself from.

He seems much like the Democratic women we have come to know so well, angry and unlikeable. Good choice.

So many people here are criticizing this pick of Walz, but just wait until all the endorsements start coming in from the likes of:

Kim Jong Un

Walz across Minnesota with a BLM flag while playing second fiddle to a fraudulent hag. He’ll be the brakes on the economic freight train and exploit the raging winds of a howling hurricane.
He’ll get up early tomorrow and do it all again ’cause Timmeh is insurance against the next assassain’s aim.

Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite | August 6, 2024 at 12:16 pm

She picked the only person in the VP running who not only to her left but has less charisma than she does. Well done

    thalesofmiletus in reply to diver64. | August 6, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    It would be incredibly awkward for the Democrats to have another “Lloyd Bentsen” situation where voters wonder why the VP candidate isn’t on the top of the ticket.

    Harris sets the bar so low, it’s next to dinosaur bones. The campaign probably counts itself as lucky to find someone so uncharismatic that poses no threat to this election but to any future presidential race who can also help carry MI.

He promises he will Make America as Great as Minneapolis.

Thankfully, MAGA has a candidate focused on message discipline and policy instead of personal attacks.

Vance just showed why he was a terrific pick, and the juxtaposition against Walz will be stark, in a good way.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | August 6, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    The Vance pick shows that Trump is thinking about continuing the movement he’s championed into the next generation.

    Democrats don’t care about that because their office-holder is just a marionette for invisible puppet-masters.

I wonder if Walz was one of the 3 percent of Dems that voted for Kamala in the 2020 Dem primary.

    Paula in reply to Q. | August 6, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    Tim was waltzing around with Joe Biden. He said he enjoyed it, too, because Joe was so slow and leisurely that they moved together in lock-step like true professionals.

If you are old and still a radical, then you are a weirdo.

Just the type of choice one would have expected before she became Wonder Woman.

Guess her powers are wearing off.

“Tim Walz: ‘One Person’s Socialism Is Another Person’s Neighborliness’” Making a gulag your neighborhood.

“dangerously liberal agenda”
Why must Republicans be mealy-mouthed? Socialist is a much more accurate word. Don’t be afraid to use it.

“Tim Walz: ‘One Person’s Socialism Is Another Person’s Neighborliness”
The crucial difference being who PAYS for YOUR neighborliness.