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Trump Assassination Attempt: Local Police Told Secret Service Days Before Rally to Secure the Roof

Trump Assassination Attempt: Local Police Told Secret Service Days Before Rally to Secure the Roof

CNN got video of the moment officers saw the shooter on the roof.

The Wall Street Journal revealed it received a video of local Pennsylvania police officers lashing out at the Secret Service because they told agents days before former President Donald Trump’s rally the roof needed protection.

I mean, when you think everything has come out, we get so much more.

Unfortunately, the outlet didn’t provide the video (emphasis mine):

“I f—ing told them that they needed to post guys f—ing over here…I told them that f—ing Tuesday,” said a Butler Township officer in audio captured on his body-worn camera. “I talked to the Secret Service guys. They’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem. We’re going to post guys over here.’”

In another video, a police officer told others about “a suspicious individual:”

A police officer in one of the videos at one point refers to a suspicious individual who had been lost by authorities. The unidentified officer referred to “a gentleman with a flat face that we were looking for earlier. He was creeping people out.”

The officer’s account, broadcast over radio, was captured on one of the body cameras. “He was watching people out in the woods by the water tower. I’m not sure he is the gentleman down or not.”

About 10 minutes after the shooting, another officer, arriving at the warehouse, said to a fellow officer, “I thought you guys were on the roof. I thought it was you. I thought it was you.”

“No,” came the reply, with an explanation that no officers were on the roof.

“What the f—,” the officer replied in frustration. “Why were we not on the roof? Why weren’t we?”

CNN got a video showing the police seeing the shooter for the first time.

Other hoisted one officer to the roof, but he dropped down when he saw the shooter:

Approximately 40 seconds later, Crooks turned back and fired eight shots at Trump, who was hit in the ear. Seconds later, a Secret Service sniper shot and killed Crooks.

After the encounter, the officer runs around to another side of the building before running to his police car to retrieve a rifle.

“F**king this close bro,” the officer who saw Crooks says to another officer. “Dude, he turned around on me.”

One officer asks where the shooter is and the officer, panting, says, “He’s straight up.”

“Who’s got eyes on him?” the officer asks. “He was right where you picked me up, bro. He was on that left side.”

Over the radio a voice says: “We have two civilians – tending to them,” and later, “I need an ambulance in the back.”

This video was released by Butler Township Police Department in response to CNN’s public records request that asked for any body-camera video or dash-camera video involving Butler Township officers or personnel related to the rally and shooting at Butler Farm Show on July 13. The township initially declined to release the content but did after CNN appealed.

Local law enforcement has consistently lashed out at the Secret Service for attempting to place blame on them.

Pennsylvania SWAT said the USSS never held a briefing with them or others before the rally. The members never spoke to them until after the shooting.

“They were in place by Butler County ESU [Emergency Services Unit], which I assume was with the approval of Secret Service. Their assignments that day (were) to be clearly defined and in no uncertain terms,” explained Pat Young, the chief of detectives for Beaver County. “Their areas included the entry control point, the area before and after the magneton monitor and then the area in front of the stage. Those are all within the interior and secure perimeter as defined by the Secret Service. That was their locations … and their priority.”

The local police officers also said the Secret Service refused their offer to use drones.

And yet…Secret Service said it didn’t fly any drones due to connectivity issues.

The Trump shooter flew a drone over the before the rally.

It gets worse every time we get new information.


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destroycommunism | August 8, 2024 at 5:08 pm

ss leader cheadle conferred with mayor pete and

thought the building was racist

Look, I’ve never been in the military, never been in law enforcement, have no training whatsoever in personal protection, never worked for the federal government never mind the USSS, and am an average guy intellectual…

You could blind me, puncture my eardrums, get me stoned & drunk and the very first thing I would say if you made me secure the Butler site would be to secure any elevated vantage point.

First. F***ing. Thing.

Texas Schoolbook Depository anyone?

Every single agent working that detail should have been FIRED on the spot.

That they weren’t speaks loudly to the notion that the assassination attempt was an INSIDE JOB.

    Every single agent working that detail should have been FIRED on the spot.
    If you look at the footage of Vance walking over to Air Force 2 to try and get kamala to talk, you’ll see Ms. Can’t Holster My Pistol in his detail. Apparently she was demoted from Trumps detail.
    If I was Vance I’d be demanding she be replaced by someone else.

      GWB in reply to 4fun. | August 9, 2024 at 10:24 am

      If I was Vance I’d be demanding she be replaced by someone else.
      Nah. He’s been giving her Marine training. She’ll be better than any of the other DEI hires in no time. Then Trump can appoint her to run things and humiliate all the other agents.

      I’m not a mind reader. I mostly write test reports and fiction.

    Owego in reply to Peter Moss. | August 9, 2024 at 4:52 am

    Though a vet, I’m with you right up to the “INSIDE JOB” part – I’m not there yet.

    Corruption, ignorance, stupidity, blinding arrogance, even Devine intervention – the “fools, drunks, and Americans” sort of thing – that the cumulative effect of all these was, astonishingly, not worse is astounding. I hope I’m wrong.

The alcove behind the four cypress/juniper trees near the end of the video where the cops are boosted up onto the enclosed passageway roof between building #1/#2.

Near the beginning of the video one policeman is standing on a pretty tall power/utility cabinet. Wooden pallets are placed against the cabinet and then another is placed against the warehouse siding as makeshift step ladders. Did the cops put those there? Or Crooks? It matters.

Daily Mail published a photo showing an 8 foot ladder resting against the enclosure. So the timeline on the ladder getting placed there is after the shooting attempt. Until the release of this latest video it simply wasn’t confirmed one way or the other. It matters.

One could easily hide things like a rifle and ammo in the foliage of those four juniper cypress trees.


Mike Benz @MikeBenzCyber

“Remember the Pakistani guy just arrested for a “plot to assassinate Donald Trump” we were told earlier this week? Well the FBI gave him special permission to enter the country, even though he was on a terrorist watch list.”

    4fun in reply to Tiki. | August 8, 2024 at 9:36 pm

    But at least they put Tulsi Gabbard on the Terror Watch list.

    This story began two weeks ago, when the former Hawaii congresswoman returned home after a short trip abroad. In airport after airport, she and her husband Abraham Williams encountered obstacles. First on a flight from Rome to Dallas, then a connecting flight to Austin, and later on different flights for both to cities like Nashville, Orlando, and Atlanta, their boarding passes were marked with the “SSSS” designation, which stands for “Secondary Security Screening Selection.” The “Quad-S” marker is often a sign the traveler has been put on a threat list, and Gabbard and Williams were forced into extensive “random” searches lasting as long as 45 minutes.

    “It happened every time I boarded,” says Gabbard. The Iraq war veteran and current Army reservist tends to pack light, but no matter.

    “I’ve got a couple of blazers in there, and they’re squeezing every inch of the entire collar, every inch of the sleeves, every inch of the edging of the blazers,” she says. “They’re squeezing or padding down underwear, bras, workout clothes, every inch of every piece of clothing.” Agents unzipped the lining inside the roller board of her suitcase, patting down every inch inside the liner. Gabbard was asked to take every piece of electronics out and turn each on, including her military phone and computer.

      TargaGTS in reply to 4fun. | August 9, 2024 at 7:44 am

      That’s a crazy outrageous story which I cannot believe isn’t bigger. I hadn’t heard anything about it until reading your post just now.

Will we ever learn who told Crooks the roof would be clear?

“Set-up,” with a capital “S,” in bold. This was a Deep State-initiated attempt to assassinate President Trump, through a combination of willful sabotage, dereliction of duty, understaffing, resource denial and/or re-routing; — call it what you want.

    DrNo76 in reply to guyjones. | August 8, 2024 at 6:01 pm

    Reckless indifference to the possibility of an assassination attempt. That’s what it’s called. In the law, it is a form of intentionality.

      henrybowman in reply to DrNo76. | August 8, 2024 at 6:56 pm

      At least the USSS is consistent.
      They swear they had no agents on the grassy knoll, either.

      jhkrischel in reply to DrNo76. | August 9, 2024 at 1:08 am

      So, supposedly Crooks trained rifle at his local range twice a month for 2 years before his attack? Doesn’t that sound like someone was being groomed specifically for this?

      I think feds have their fingers on activating this wind-up toy in the first place.

        Why would him going to shoot regularly be necessarily a sign of conspiracy or plotting? I would love to be going to the range twice a month. I would love to be going once a week. He liked shooting and had tried out for the high school (IIRC) rifle team.

        Also, you really think the three-letters had been grooming him for this for 2 years? I don’t think they could maintain a conspiracy for that long. Maybe if he had taken it back up a month before, after a long hiatus, and gone every day or something.

        henrybowman in reply to jhkrischel. | August 9, 2024 at 4:11 pm

        His dad mentioned that the two of them went to the range together, most recently one or two days before. The gun was dad’s, so it’s not as if the kid was likely toting it out to the range at will. In fact, the dad reported the kid missing with the gun, before the incident, so that wasn’t an SOP occurrence.

Susan Crabtree, a reporter with Real Clear Politics, is reporting (a first, I believe) that the USSS ‘lead site agent’ was a ‘woman who had little to no experience allocating assets and positioning them appropriately for a out-door rally of this size.’

It was a security detail that was designed to fail. Whether or not Crooks was some kind of patsy remains to be seen. But, I think it speaks VOLUMES that such a possibility can’t be discounted. It’s clear that even if Crooks was just a coincidental opportunist or something else, the incompetence of Trump’s security detail was plainly purposeful.

    jimincalif in reply to TargaGTS. | August 8, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    Purposeful indeed. And why would Crooks, or anyone for that matter, think they could get within a mile of a former president carrying a rifle and expect to get a clear shot? The purposeful incompetence itself is the coverup.

    DaveGinOly in reply to TargaGTS. | August 9, 2024 at 12:11 am

    If anything was purposeful, that means there was a plan. If there was a plan, nothing that happened was a mistake, nothing that happened was a coincidence. Plans do not work by relying on mistakes and coincidence. If something happened or didn’t happen, it was part of the plan.

      Ghostrider in reply to DaveGinOly. | August 9, 2024 at 5:04 am

      How did we go from an attempt to assassinate Donald Trump on July 13 to Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democrat nominee and leading in certain polls by August 8th? Why is Harris so overly confident and closely scripted?

      In less than four weeks, why are we led to believe that the race has flipped on its head and a Harris-Walz ticket is now the odds-on favorite to beat Trump?

      Harris has repeatedly said she will only agree to a September 10th debate on ABC. Why is that? What is still looming in NYC on September 18?

      Although the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office agreed last month that Trump’s sentencing should be delayed after the SCOTUS immunity ruling, could it be that the Deep State has influenced Judge Merchan? Has he informed the White House of his sentencing decision where he intends to send Trump to prison?

    Antifundamentalist in reply to TargaGTS. | August 9, 2024 at 7:30 am

    “little to no experience” is one thing, but in order to hold that job, she would have had training. She would have had basic protocols to follow that she chose to ignore. It was, at best, dereliction of duty. At worst, she was following orders.

If you want to know whether of not Crooks was an asset, just ask yourself this: on a scale of 0 (Audrey Hale, Nicholas Roske) to 10 (Connor Sturgeon, Dylan Kliebold), how much interest have you seen by the MSM in interviewing the parents?

My cousin who practices in Butler County, Pennsylvania reported that the District Attorney is seriously considering convening a Grand Jury to investigate the entire incident because he is disgusted with local law enforcement continuing to be blamed for the USSS failures. I support the DA’s decision if he does convene a Grand Jury, and highly encourage him to do so.

You can almost sense the relationship between police organizations here. The USSS is just one more “elite” government organization. They don’t ‘do’ – need – assistance from the locals; if they want something they’ll ask for it; otherwise, just stay out of the way and watch the experts.

One resists the temptation to think conspiracy, one really does.. It’s a normal reaction because there are so many denials, inconsistencies, obvious oversights, refusals to answer questions, denials of the obvious, and outright lies.

It can’t simply be a question of incompetence, these are the professionals. Fast and Furious. Russian interference with the election. The Steele dossier. The Mueller investigation and report. FISA judges. 529 forms. Ray Epps. Missing ballots. Voting machines. Dominion. “Peaceful demonstrations.” Hunter Biden’s laptop. “Sloped” rooftops – my yard and street are steeper; seriously, the yard is mowed regularly and the high school kids jog up and down the street, with great difficulty, for training.

Most of these things aren’t grand conspiracies-they simply aren’t. They’re simple, blind arrogance. Oh, similarity of opinion is at work: they all hate Trump. But otherwise, these are common-as-dirt human actions and reactions. Some just want to get laid. Some are ‘superior,’ just snotty individuals contemptuous of those who surround them. A great many are living examples of the “Peter Principal.” And they-every single one of them-will look you straight in the eye and lie if asked a question because they know they are better than you. They know it because they’ve been taught it and teach each other it’s so.

In fact they aren’t, they’re worse and there’s nothing ‘elite’ about any of them.. It has reached, passed, the point where millions are dying and being killed; countries, societies, civility and civilization itself (Benjamin Netanyahu was correct) are being destroyed. The consequences of the of these people run on a direct line from Davos, through Washington, DC, Ukraine and Israel, to Butler, Pennsylvania.

It’s not some grand conspiracy – it’s ignorance and common, everyday pigheaded arrogance. And it’s going to get worse.

Earlier in April of this year, James and Jennifer Crumbley were both convicted of involuntary manslaughter in a landmark trial in their son Ethan’s deadly shooting at Oxford (suburban Detroit, Michigan) High School in 2021.

Here’s a link to the story:

Using the Crumbley case as a precedent, why can’t the Butler County DA bring charges against Crooks’ parents in the death of Corey Comperatore and the assault and shooting of the two other attendees with a deadly weapon that Mr. Crooks purchased and owned?

    Probably for two reasons:
    The father ostensibly (and legally) sold that rifle to his son at an earlier date.
    The kid hadn’t really been exhibiting behaviors that screamed “Red flag me!” like Crumbley did.

      Ann in L.A. in reply to GWB. | August 9, 2024 at 9:41 am

      But, here, the parents alerted law enforcement after their adult, 21 year old kid left the house for an *hour*. They knew something.

        henrybowman in reply to Ann in L.A.. | August 9, 2024 at 4:17 pm

        It wasn’t just the kid who was gone, it was the rifle. And the fact that they reported it indicates that it was unusual.

    henrybowman in reply to Ghostrider. | August 9, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    “why can’t the Butler County DA bring charges against Crooks’ parents in the death of Corey Comperatore”
    He probably could, but what part of what is wrong with America would that fix? On the contrary, it would be a needless misdirection from the corruption we need to be looking at.

It’s easy to second guess, but why didn’t the officer who saw Crooks turn on him with a rifle just shoot his pistol in the air after he dropped down? Just as a way of raising the alarm? Then the USSS would have known to get Trump out of harm’s way.

Instead the video shows him running to his vehicle and fumbling to get his AR loaded. That’s not the priority. Raising the alarm has to come first.

    guyjones in reply to AlecRawls. | August 9, 2024 at 7:39 am

    My understanding is that there were myriad alarms raised, both by citizens, and, local LEO’s. SS claims — farcically — that it was operating on a separate frequency, and, thus couldn’t be reached. Conveniently, I’d say. And, SS can’t provide audio recordings of its channel communications, from that day. It simply doesn’t add up, and, the impression created is of willful negligence and sabotage.

    WindyHill in reply to AlecRawls. | August 9, 2024 at 9:31 am

    Police officers are taught to never fire shots into the air. Why? Because there is no backdrop. Where is the bullet going after it’s fired?

      Right back down on an innocent civilian is where.
      Yeah, no cop is firing a warning shot into the air. And he was probably standing on concrete or asphalt, so not into the ground, either.

      Ann in L.A. in reply to WindyHill. | August 9, 2024 at 9:39 am

      It’s the sound of gunshots they needed, not invisible bullets in the air. They could have shot into the ground.

ANOTHER ISSUE to consider!! WHY did cnn suddenly feel the need to air this Rally LIVE?? WHO at cnn made that decision? WHO at cnn was CONTACTED and TOLD to do it? WERE THEY CONTACTED?? This entire crapshow needs to be looked at and EVERYONE INVOLVED needs to be scrutinized and/or ARRESTED for their part in this CONSPIRACY to ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT TRUMP!! They ALL need to be held somewhere SECURE so they don’t “Epstein” themselves!!

“Brandon New body camera footage”?
Really? You guys need editors for your tweets.

So, I believe the simple layout of the site was this: the building(s) behind Trump and the buildings the shooter was on. Now, I’m pretty sure that there were countersniper teams on **both** the roofs behind Trump, not far from each other, with almost identical fields of view, and close enough together to block each other’s views.

With two teams, why were they both there?!! and not one on the other set of roofs nearby?

Lesson Learned, Do not allow Federal authorities control the event. Do what you think is the right thing. Tell the feds to stay inside the national parks where they belong.