Tim Walz’s Wife Gwen Kept Windows Open During BLM Riots to ‘Smell the Burning Tires’
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Tim Walz’s Wife Gwen Kept Windows Open During BLM Riots to ‘Smell the Burning Tires’

Tim Walz’s Wife Gwen Kept Windows Open During BLM Riots to ‘Smell the Burning Tires’

“And I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was — what was happening.”

We all know that presumptive VP candidate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz allowed Minnesota to burn during the 2020 BLM riots.

His wife Gwen enjoyed the destruction so much that she kept her windows open to smell the burning tires:

“I would say those first days, you know when there were riots, I could smell the burning tires, and that was — that was a very real thing. And I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was — what was happening.”

Could you imagine how you would feel if those rioters burned down your business, home, or any property?



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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 6, 2024 at 3:19 pm

Tim Walz’s Wife Gwen Kept Windows Open During BLM Riots to ‘Smell the Burning Tires’

It’s just a shame Winnie Mandela wasn’t hanging out in the Walz household to give Gwen the ultimate experience in smelling burning tires.

    Ouch. A bit too personal.

    I don’t think you have any idea what it is like to have a burning tire put around your neck. To say that this is what the Walz campaign would do to Americans is insane. You hurt the Trump and all Americans when you post such insane comments. Rest assured, your comments here on LI will be posted far and wide by Harris and her supporters as indicative of Trump supporters.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 6:07 pm

      It was for the Walzes, Einstein. The “hanging out in the Walz household” was the gieaway on that.

      English isn’t your forte, I see.

      Go pester someone else.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 6:43 pm

      Concern troll is… concerned.
      I don’t think YOU have any idea either, Chum.
      Rest assured, your comments here on LI will be posted far and wide by normal people as indicative of complete and total moronic gasbags.

      Danny in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 7:01 pm

      Did you read the article?

      She was so excited about the rioting she opened the windows in order to smell it.

      There may be no way to actually use this story to change minds (2020 is very far away, I want advice on how to bring it up without being tuned out, but just as importantly this woman is a spouse not a candidate and going after spouses has a tendency to backfire dramatically) but it shows exactly how radical that couple is.

      Being excited to have that level of riot is truly radical.

      Actually, it IS what they would do to America, figuratively speaking. Pretending as you do to be the conscience of LI is pathetic! Karen could not have said it better.

      Milhouse in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 8:11 pm

      To say that this is what the Walz campaign would do to Americans is insane.

      1. He didn’t say that.
      2. Considering what Walz did to Minnesotans, a claim that Walz would necklace Americans — metaphorically, of course — would not be far fetched.

      guyjones in reply to JR. | August 7, 2024 at 6:56 am

      Prominent Dhimmi-crats in office have already stood by and failed to support or provide a robust federal (or, other) law enforcement response to, and, full-throated condemnation of, innumerable attacks on American Jews, by goose-stepping Islamofascists, Muslim supremacists, and, their non-Muslim, useful idiot fellow travelers.

      You’re so naive and stupid as to think it’s a stretch to have even more violent pogroms against American Jews and allies carried out, when the federal government and Dhimmi-crat politicians sit by and do absolutely nothing about the current level of vitriol and violence? You’re a dim-witted and myopic fool.

    I can’t imagine the stupidity of Trump supporters here who think that what Tim Walz’s wife Gwen Kept said is relevant to this election. You are the stupid Republicans who will lose this election. You are worse than the GOP elite.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 6:46 pm

      Want some cheese with that whine, Toolbag?
      The Dems sure think that Usha Vance and Melania Trump are fair game, Dickhead.
      You assholes were told you wouldn’t like playing by your new rules, so here we are.
      Begone. You’re WAY too much of a pusscake for the work at hand.

      geecheeboy in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm

      Sadly, I have absolutely no trouble believing they would put burning tires around their “enemies” necks. Many have made no secret of their disappointment Trump was not killed. To an extent I would rather not ponder, we are dealing with a lot of very, very sick people.

      irishgladiator63 in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 7:11 pm

      Given that Jill is running the White House…yeah…what spouses say/do/believe seems to matter.

      You adopt the title of fool more each day, and your sanctimony is performance art.

      Milhouse in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 8:16 pm

      How are Mrs Walz’s views not relevant? Walz himself may not necessarily be quite as radical, but she must certainly have influence on him.

      diver64 in reply to JR. | August 7, 2024 at 6:12 am

      Someone sounds a little nervous about that crank being given the VP nod. Wait until America gets wind of his cowardly ass retiring from the NG when he heard they were going to be deployed. Nothing like a banding your troops to instil confidence in your ability to lead

      Evil Otto in reply to JR. | August 7, 2024 at 6:36 am

      Troll harder, fuckstick.

Let’s get a few things straight:
1) George Floyd is no hero. He was a violent criminal that died as a result of a fentanyl overdose.
2) Comments like this from Mrs. Walz are deeply sociopathic, and that’s being generous.
3) The selection of Gov Walz is in perfect congruity with the policies philosophy of VP Harris.
4) If these two people somehow manage to seize (word choice deliberate) the White House…

Well, I think we all know.

    From “UC Berkeley History Professor’s Open Letter Against BLM, Police Brutality and Cultural Orthodoxy”

    “As a final point, our university and department has made multiple statements celebrating and eulogizing George Floyd. Floyd was a multiple felon who once held a pregnant black woman at gunpoint. He broke into her home with a gang of men and pointed a gun at her pregnant stomach. He terrorized the women in his community. He sired and abandoned multiple children, playing no part in their support or upbringing, failing one of the most basic tests of decency for a human being. He was a drug-addict and sometime drug-dealer, a swindler who preyed upon his And yet, the regents of UC and the historians of the UCB History department are celebrating this violent criminal, elevating his name to virtual sainthood. A man who hurt women. A man who hurt black women. With the full collaboration of the UCB history department, corporate America, most mainstream media outlets, and some of the wealthiest and most privileged opinion-shaping elites of the USA, he has become a culture hero, buried in a golden casket, his (recognized) family showered with gifts and praise. Americans are being socially pressured into kneeling for this violent, abusive misogynist. A generation of black men are being coerced into identifying with George Floyd, the absolute worst specimen of our race and species. I’m ashamed of my department.”


    Governor Walz’s hero.

    Olinser in reply to Peter Moss. | August 6, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    He was a violent criminal that died of a fentanyl overdose, and the only reason the cops were there was because he had just tried to pass counterfeit money.

    Danny in reply to Peter Moss. | August 6, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    You forgot point 5

    What do we say to people who are on the fence about this to try to sway them, and lets start asking people like the professor here and others who have a good idea of what the answer is?

    I have looked through a bunch of places but so far there is no advice about what to say in order to avoid being tuned out.

    It isn’t just that 2020 is a long time ago, it was also a year people generally want to forget.

They love the smell of livelihoods being destroyed

    alaskabob in reply to geronl. | August 6, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    Dreams and hard work ….. many being small minority owned businesses. Total disconnect with reality.

    diver64 in reply to geronl. | August 7, 2024 at 6:15 am

    So do Democrats and especially Watz. Cruise over to Powerline for a good history of what he did to the state of Minnesota

But tell me more about how ‘weird’ J.D. Vance supposedly is.

You should have asked her if her husband is still a drunk!

    irishgladiator63 in reply to olafauer. | August 6, 2024 at 9:39 pm

    He’s married to a psycho who likes riots and the smell of burning tires. Who can blame him for drinking?

It was surreal watching Leftists cheer on the looting of Target in Minneapolis during BLM riots. It was almost as if they thought Target did something to kill george floyd?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to smooth. | August 6, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    Most inner city blacks will riot and loot because they felt dissed. In California, there are hordes of black youth looting stores because they can.

    Let’s not even discuss ChiCongi, BalleeMoh, and Filthadelphia.

    Yeah. Go ahead. Some will call me racist. The truth does not make me a racist. It makes the denier of these facts a racist.

Does anyone have a link to the full interview? Or at least a longer clip?

E Howard Hunt | August 6, 2024 at 3:58 pm

Touchstone? No lady it was Bridgestone.

So she might want to smell a Civil War Ii, well it won’t be as nice as burning tires I am sure.

Tag her as a Cultural Marxist

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Skip. | August 6, 2024 at 5:57 pm

    If she loves burning tires so much, wait until she smells the death and destruction in the aftermath of a civil war, with burning and rotting flesh, and all that comes with it.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Tsquared79. | August 6, 2024 at 8:15 pm

    Thank you for sharing this. It is good to see fellow E-9s stand up to those who fail in their duty to their country and their unit. This is especially important when a Sergeant Major, who is the senior enlisted advisor for the enlisted to the commander.

    Then to claim he retired as a SGM when in fact he didn’t.


I live just outside the Atlanta city limits. During the most intense BLM riots, dumpsters and some cars were set on fire not even 400-meters from my house. They were attempting to loot the two nicest malls in the south…because reparations, or something. As the acrid smoke eventually engulfed our neighborhood and then our home, my wife was upset, to say the least. She asked me if this is what Iraq smelled like. I said, ‘Not really. But, it is exactly like what Mogadishu smelled like.’

The worst place for Floyd to die was the city that is home to the largest Somali diaspora in the world. No one destroys their own neighborhoods like the Somalis can….except the Haitians.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to TargaGTS. | August 6, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    I can attest to that.

    When I arrived in Mogadishu, I wrote a letter to my wife and said this place smells like death, and these people are going to start killing us as soon as we feed them.

“I could smell the burning tires, and that was a very real thing. I kept the windows open because I felt like that was a touchstone of what was happening.”

She embraced the smell of napalm in the morning?

There’s something deeply wrong with her and how she gets some sort of vicarious fulfillment from chaos and destruction. I wonder if she’s on mood dampening psychotropic medications.

I still remember seeing the video of an elderly woman crying because her grocery story was burned down and no longer could walk to get her food.

Unfortunately, there were many victims of the burning of the USA.

How in the world could MN reelect this bat shit crazy nut?

destroycommunism | August 6, 2024 at 5:33 pm

she is also know to not flush the toilets in their house so she can think of her husband

destroycommunism | August 6, 2024 at 5:34 pm


if you havent read george floyds uncles statement ( he runs the gf foundation)

he stated:

george gave us the opportunity to advance ( the cause)

destroycommunism | August 6, 2024 at 6:04 pm

she loves the smell of

rubbers in the morning


Of more interest, at least to this retiree, is the fact that he “served” in the NG up until the time they were alerted for deployment to Iraq, whereupon he immediately retired. Per Breitbart, he also claims that he retired as an E-9 but actually was retired as an E-8, although he did serve briefly in an E-9 slot.

Harris and the Democrats are not clever enough to have chosen Walz as political bait.

But plenty of Republicans are oblivious enough to take it.

Out of all the things to politically attack Walz on, “mostly peaceful” mobs associated with the 2020 election isn’t the political winner so many people think it is.

Is there a way to bring this up without people tuning you out on account of well how long ago 2020 was?

    CommoChief in reply to Danny. | August 6, 2024 at 7:29 pm

    What we can do is point out the facts and if folks choose to stick their heads in the sand …that’s not something we can control. If the mere mention of ’20 and ‘mostly peaceful but fiery summer of love’ as bands of racially motivated grifters set loose chaos in urban areas is gonna send them to the fainting couch I don’t see how we convince those namby pamby sorts in the first place.

      Danny in reply to CommoChief. | August 6, 2024 at 7:43 pm

      My issue is I have tried to bring up the covid issue a lot of times, particularly the developments that have more and more established (well you know already) and what I have observed is the tuning out. It isn’t true of a lot of other things I bring up to people on the fence, but you could see why I am a tad afraid to bring up this one after seeing how Covid is going for me (in bringing it up).

        CommoChief in reply to Danny. | August 7, 2024 at 8:11 am

        What you are describing seems like an audience you are engaging doesn’t want to view the facts. Perhaps b/c they co-signed those Cray Cray polices and accountability is kryptonite to leftists. Plenty of folks are incapable of self assessment or a good faith critique. They ain’t ready to be honest with themselves much less you about the facts re the senseless BLM grifter rioting nor the govt totalitarianism run wild during Covid. We ain’t gonna win those sorts of folks over between now and when they cast a ballot. IOW find an audience at least willing to honestly consider the idea they might have been mistaken who will accept evidence that shows their error and are capable of not only admitting their mistakes but who will correct them.

          Danny in reply to CommoChief. | August 7, 2024 at 4:33 pm

          That sounds reasonable but a lot of them are willing to hear other issues (i.e. the illegal immigration surge).

          I also think they know they were in error which unlike illegal immigration is painful to them.

          I will give the BLM riots a try with them, I do trust your judgement on it being a winner.

    henrybowman in reply to Danny. | August 6, 2024 at 11:46 pm

    Yes. When Walz make a campaign visit to your city, burn some tires in the main square to make his wife feel at home, while you hold “Harris/Walz” signs..

      Danny in reply to henrybowman. | August 7, 2024 at 4:30 pm

      Once again you are great at being a jackass.

      I am not a Democrat, I have never been a Democrat, I made it clear a trillion times during the primary I supported DeSantis over Trump but would vote Trump if he won, I voted Trump in his prior presidential runs, donated to the Trump campaign but to an asshole like you if I don’t worship Trump as my god, vote for him in primary and lie about what I think his chances are during primary I am a Democrat because you don’t actually believe in anything besides idolatry.

      I am so sorry I said I didn’t think Trump could win when that is what polls showed and backed someone I thought could win in primary……actual sentient people (which isn’t you) don’t give a dam about who people voted in primary.

      By the way please under no circumstance engage anyone outside of LI.

      If you can’t forgive a card carrying Republican who donated to the Trump campaign for not backing him in the primary I can’t imagine you are anything other than yelling at someone on the fence and getting them further into the Democrat camp.

      Yes offense intended.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 6, 2024 at 7:09 pm

Maybe these people need a summer camp where they can play riot and burn all of the stuff they want. They seem to exist in another reality.

Makes you wonder about the house’s normal smell.

destroycommunism | August 6, 2024 at 8:50 pm

tim waltz

He taught in China in 1989 and speaks some Mandarin. He went to China for a year after graduating from college and taught English there through a program affiliated with Harvard University.

These people are sick. Another reminder that white, malignantly narcissistic, virtue-signaling Dhimmi-crats who are eager to receive plaudits and attention are as cancerous as the racial arsonists and demagogues “of color,” in that wretched and vile Party.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | August 7, 2024 at 6:51 am

    One suspects that Gwen Walz wouldn’t have found the aroma of burning materials so intoxicating, if it had been her own home that was set on fire by the “Anti-fa” and “Black Lives Matter” insurrectionists, terrorists and thugs.

Check out the terrace in the background. It’s always ironic to see socialists discussing destruction from their rich suburban back yards.