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Tim Walz Has a Horrible Record on Israel and Antisemitism

Tim Walz Has a Horrible Record on Israel and Antisemitism

“On at least five occasions as governor Walz has also hosted an imam who has shared official Hamas press releases on Facebook, along with blog posts on hate-filled websites.”

Is anyone really surprised by this? He is a creature of the radical left. That’s who he is and who he cares about.

The Jewish Chronicle reports:

Tim Walz’s record on Israel and antisemitism is deeply concerning

The US far left was thrilled when Kamala Harris announced Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her running mate. After all, he’d been their preference, and the Jewish community needs to understand why.

Walz was a fairly moderate Democrat while representing his right-leaning Congressional district for 12 years. For example, Walz called Israel “our truest and closest ally in the region” as part of his speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) back in 2010.

As Walz’s party moved leftward on Israel, though, so did he. Like most Democrats, Walz voted for President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal in 2015. Meanwhile, AIPAC and other American Jewish organisations opposed it over concerns about regional instability.

When Walz won Minnesota’s governorship in 2018, his leftward trajectory continued, both in his actions and his choice of red-green allies. In January 2019, he publicly applauded Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a notorious member of “The Squad”. Walz told an audience that “on a tough day,” thinking about Omar’s being in Congress “just brightens you up”.

In 2019, Walz addressed a conference of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), where he rubbed shoulders with a scholar who launched “Students for Justice in Palestine”, the group behind many of the pro-Hamas and antisemitic rallies across college campuses in the wake of the October 7 attacks.

On at least five occasions as governor Walz has also hosted an imam who has shared official Hamas press releases on Facebook, along with blog posts on hate-filled websites.

Walz’s administration additionally granted over $100,000 to the Muslim American Society Minnesota, this imam’s group, whose national umbrella organisation responded to October 7 by expressing “solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks”.

In touch with the anti-Israel segment of the Democratic base, Walz urged a Middle East ceasefire in March. And when 18 per cent of Minnesota Democrats cast protest votes against President Biden over Israel policy, Walz reacted respectfully: “Take them seriously. Their message is clear, that they think this is an intolerable situation and we can do more, and I think the president is hearing that.”


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Tim walz is the angry white male that Democrats have been screaching about.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 18, 2024 at 12:25 pm

The headline defines the perfect Democrat candidate. Well, not perfect, as he is not a preferred minority.

destroycommunism | August 18, 2024 at 12:35 pm

fdrs people collabed with the nazis of germany

walz is just keeping the tradition going

You don’t have to be a religious American Jew to understand the issue.

“David Mamet in Tel Aviv: ‘Assimilated US Jews gave up the Torah for The New York Times’”

Good analysis.

Next week will wake up a lot more Jews as to where they should be.

    Don’t even have to be a Jew to understand the issues involved. Mamet has been outspokenly conservative for some years now.

    Great article at that link — thank you for providing that.

    Mamet is spot-on in his observations, especially the bit about how American Jews (he doesn’t say leftist, but, that’s the implication) gave up the Torah for the “newer version,” called the “New York Times.”

    I am glad that Mamet came over to conservatism, which is really just common sense, at the end of the day. You can tell that he is liberated, now.

Weird Walz is a rabid leftist on full display during his time in congress, and now 2nd term as guv of Minnesota.

Once again, the voters are the problem; ignorant sheeple addicted to their vices, and comfort. Citizenship is a spectator sport for them. Autopilot its core principle.

Please don’t breed or vote should be impressed upon most of them.

Walz is an unrepentant Hamashole.

E Howard Hunt | August 18, 2024 at 1:36 pm

You are totally mistaken. Walz has a perfect record of antisemitism.

He is a Cultural Marxist so what would you expect from him?

Steven Brizel | August 19, 2024 at 4:27 pm

Walz is more than a cultural marxist-he spend a lot of time in China as a teacher , his honeymoorn and taking groups of students there, His view of the CCP approximates that of Bernie Sanders on the FSU