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Tim Walz Buzz Fading Fast

Tim Walz Buzz Fading Fast

WaPo claims ‘Walz’s first day keeps Democrats’ buzz going’; His second day may have killed it.

The Washington Post, clearly delighted with Vice President Kamala Harris’s choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as a running mate, published an article on Wednesday morning titled, “‘Bringing back the joy’: Walz’s first day keeps Democrats’ buzz going.” The selection of Walz, according to the authors, “gave Democrats a second burst of energy after President Joe Biden’s decision to end his reelection campaign.” 

While the Post’s claim that Walz’s enthusiastic reception on Tuesday means the Harris honeymoon will continue is open for debate, it can’t be denied that his second day on the trail was a disaster. 

Talk of Walz’s stolen valor dominated the airwaves on Wednesday. If there’s one thing Americans, particularly those with military connections, won’t tolerate, it’s when people embellish or lie about their military service. 

As the uproar over Walz’s military service reached a fever pitch on Wednesday evening, Professor Jacobson conducted a flash poll among our readers. He asked: “Will Tim Walz Make It To Convention As ‘Stolen Valor’ Scandal Grows?” As of Thursday afternoon, 66% of readers believe he will, while 34% think he will be replaced before the convention.

While the revelations about Walz’s military service were embarrassing, he will likely survive this. He’s a Democrat, after all. And although I wouldn’t put anything past the Democrats, the optics of sacking their newly minted vice presidential pick so soon after forcing President Joe Biden to withdraw from the nomination would be terrible. 

There’s also no guarantee that Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro would accept the position after having been previously passed over. In fact, he may not have been too keen on becoming Harris’s running mate in the first place. 

Sources “involved with the vetting process” told Politico on Tuesday that Sunday’s one-on-one meeting between Shapiro and Harris at the Naval Observatory did not go particularly well. According to the sources, after the meeting, “Shapiro called Harris’s team and made clear that he was struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor in order to seek the vice presidency.”

At any rate, the Harris campaign released a statement on Thursday morning that signaled they were circling the wagons around Walz: It read

After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he chaired Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families.

In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times. Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way. 

So the question becomes how will Walz’s presence on the ticket impact the race? The current uproar will likely fade as the news cycle moves on. But the impression it will leave on voters will remain. The problem for the Harris campaign is that most voters knew nothing about Walz before this week. 

Prior to appearing on Harris’s short list of potential running mates, Walz was largely unknown outside of Minnesota and its neighboring states. ABC News/Ipsos released a poll on July 28 which showed that 87% of U.S. adults either didn’t know enough about Walz to form an opinion or simply had no opinion. Six percent viewed Walz favorably and 7% viewed him unfavorably. 

This was his introduction and he certainly didn’t endear himself to voters by starting off with a material lie. As they say, “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,” or “false in one thing, false in everything.” 

Pundits were widely expecting that Harris, already surpassing Trump in many national polls, would receive a further bounce in the polls when she revealed her vice presidential pick. We’ll have to wait a few days to see what impact, if any, the choice of Walz has had on Harris’s polling results. 

Making matters worse is that lying about his military service isn’t Walz’s only negative. Investigators have turned up disturbing connections between the governor and China. According to the Washington Examiner’s John R. Schindler, a former senior intelligence analyst with the National Security Agency, Walz has traveled to China 30 times. 

Schindler noted that Walz’s deep affection for China began when he traveled there in 1989 to teach high school. Upon his return, he and his wife set up a “company called Educational Travel Adventures centered on taking American students to China. Together, the couple visited China every summer until 2003, including spending their honeymoon there.”

In 1993, Walz admitted that these trips were “funded by the regime.” Schindler pointed out that “a young American with an affection for China, who was also a part-time member of the U.S. military, would have been a tempting recruiting target for Chinese intelligence.”

“Put simply,” he warned, “the Chinese communists aren’t running a holiday charity for American tourists. For those communists, nothing comes without a quid pro quo.” Schindler concludes that Walz’s “long history with China raises uncomfortable questions for anybody who understands how China works.”

And, of course, Walz’s is one of the most liberal governors in the U.S. During a call with the group White Dudes for Harris last week, Walz told supporters, “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

The truth is that Walz embraces every radical position that Harris has spent the last two weeks trying to run away from and scrub from the internet. To name a few, he supports abortion up until the moment of birth, the Green New Deal, open borders, and taxpayer-funded services for illegal immigrants.

The Associated Press reported Walz turned Minnesota into a “trans refuge.” In April 2023, the state passed legislation encouraging out-of-state minors to come to Minnesota for gender-affirming treatment.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of Walz’s selection is what it tells us about Harris’s judgment and her future plans. While this pick may excite her base, it is also likely to alienate many independents. This presents Republicans with an opportunity to stop the momentum and start winning again.


Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.


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JackinSilverSpring | August 8, 2024 at 7:07 pm

If Walz stays on, this might prove to be the Harris campaign’s undoing, we can hope.

    henrybowman in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | August 9, 2024 at 11:33 am

    On the other hand, do you think Kamala deliberately chose him as a Human Shield? While people are flinging darts at him, nobody’s paying attention to her.

      Evil Otto in reply to henrybowman. | August 10, 2024 at 7:43 am

      I doubt it very much. She’s not that smart or politically savvy. No presidential candidate deliberately chooses someone to draw fire because that person becomes a stone around their neck, dragging their polling down. A VP choice won’t win an election, but it damn well can hurt the chances to win.

      It’s likely a combination of things: Poor vetting, limited choices, and the refusal of many potential VPs to tie themselves to her campaign. Walz was likely way down on the list, but potential popular (OK, debatable) running mates like Newsom and Whitmer weren’t about to tie their 2028 chances to a hack like Kamala Harris. Shapiro was (to borrow a line from Blazing Saddles) “too Jewish.” So they did some basic vetting on Walz that failed to notice (or take seriously) his military record, and said “Yeah, sure, that guy.”

      Ultimately it’s incompetence.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | August 9, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    Nah. Her undoing, if she has one, will be her debate with Trump. That is the only time she has to do something unscripted.
    There is also the possibility that she becomes President (or Acting President) if Biden strokes out, which has a significant probability of happening. He apparently has TIAs all the time. Then she has to make real presidential decisions, which could involve war.

Conservative Beaner | August 8, 2024 at 7:16 pm

Time to stop pounding on Walz’s military service and start pounding on his far left record.

He may have served, but his record as Governor is abysmal.

    He abandoned his comrades, and has profited from stolen calor

    Not to be dismissed so lightly

    I don’t care why people choose not to vote for him as long as they choose not to vote for him

    ChrisPeters in reply to Conservative Beaner. | August 8, 2024 at 9:26 pm


    Doing as you suggest will set the right tone not only for Walz, but for every other Democrat who has instituted or promoted such policies.

    The attacks on his embellished service record are valid, but they are limited to Walz only, just as the attacks on Biden’s health were limited. Attack the policies!

    Pounding? Has he answered any questions about it? It’s not like it’s a beaten horse.

    When people find out about stuff like this, which does go to character, they usually do not like it, especially when the fraus comes off as the opposite.

    This is one part of a pattern, and it’s an important part.

    Absolutely not. Do you recall the 2004 DNC convention in Boston? John Kerry told the world about his Vietnam War experiences, only to have the Swift Boat veterans come to the GOP’s rescue by refuting Kerry’s claims. Whether this is Swift Boat 2.0 twenty years later or not, the fact remains that Walz lied about his command master sergeant’s ranking at the time of his abrupt retirement. He failed to qualify for the promotion and was ultimately demoted after discharge.

    Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to Conservative Beaner. | August 9, 2024 at 7:21 am

    We need to pound him on everything!

    Bravo! And don’t let anyone forget he’s also a confirmed anti-gunner.

    That’s always been a special combo — fail to stop rioters from burning down a city, but deny honest citizens the means to defend their homes and families from violent leftists and other criminals.

    irishgladiator63 in reply to Conservative Beaner. | August 9, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    Walz tries to base his credibility for some of his policy stances on his lies about his service (ie weapon he carried in war). Going after his lies helps take away his credibility on those issues. It also shows his bad character. He’s not just a politician with bad stances. He’s a scumbag who abandoned his unit then lied about it for his own benefit, who also has bad stances.

    We can multitask. Everything about Walz is abysmal.

No way they are going to do an Eagleton. That would be a sure fire way to lose.

This guy will bury himself because he’s a fraud.

That said, can you get his mug off the front page?

“Socialism = “neighborliness” for the freakish Left. . . Shows how far we’ve fallen that the Governor of one of our states feels free to say this.”

I don’t know how many leftist loons have presumed to lecture me on how Christ was a socialist because he told us to engage in charity. It absolutely never registers with them that engaging in charity with anybody else’s money but your own is nothing but embezzlement.

nordic prince | August 8, 2024 at 7:37 pm

Walz also signed legislation redefining the term “sexual orientation” to include pedos. He’s a real tool.

healthguyfsu | August 8, 2024 at 7:59 pm

When you say it’s all over the airwaves, is CNN reporting it or not?

Also, most polls now say Trump is losing to Harris?? When did I miss this news?

    TargaGTS in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 8, 2024 at 8:46 pm

    There have been two LIKELY voter polls in the last 8-days. The most recent one shows Trump up +5 and the slightly older one (last week) shows Harris up +3. There’s been a tightening in the Battleground polls as well. But, there are even fewer Likely Voter polls done in the states, so whatever polling is available, it’s not the more reliable variety.

    While Harris may have (or may not have) made this a horse race, the underlying metrics still favor Trump. For instance, while the recent NPR poll shows Harris leading Trump by 3-points, she’s trailing Trump on the issue of the economy by a staggering 17-points. That just doesn’t make sense. It will probably be after Labor Day before we get a better idea of where things really are….but, they’re probably closer than we’d like.

      Ironclaw in reply to TargaGTS. | August 8, 2024 at 9:24 pm

      After the last three and a half years this shouldn’t even be a contest. Nobody should be looking to vote for a communist

        TargaGTS in reply to Ironclaw. | August 9, 2024 at 7:43 am

        She’ll still win no less than 49% of the popular vote. I’m not sure if most on the right truly appreciate how tenuous our relative political stability is. At least a third of voters are receptive to the idea of true Socialism and that number increases substantially when looking at voters <32. Some of the self-identifying Dems who left Biden, left because of his age. But, there was a percentage of them who left because he wasn't progressive enough. The polls have tightened because they know they have a fellow-traveler in Harris and have 'come home' to their party. This is why the Socialists for America have triumphantly reacted to Harris' ascendance.

          The_Mew_Cat in reply to TargaGTS. | August 9, 2024 at 6:59 pm

          She will win no less than 49% of the 2-party vote. We don’t know what low single digit % will go to minor candidates. One way of attacking Harris/Walz is to put them on the spot and force them to take positions on the Israel-Palestinian war. Regardless of what they say, someone in their coalition will get pissed off. Hopefully, Trump will get to debate Harris more than once.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to TargaGTS. | August 9, 2024 at 4:09 pm

      The election is a pure turnout battle. single women v. Trump voters. So-called “likely voters” are irrelevant. Lots of unlikely voters will be voting on both sides. Turnout could easily be the highest in history and also be the closest election in history. We could have disputes like FL-2000 in half a dozen states simultaneously. Just imagine that GA has a margin of <1000 votes between Trump and Harris. They are so sloppy at counting in Fulton County they could have totals that differ by more than that with every count, making the true winner undeterminable. The electoral vote may be disputed past the Dec 18 deadline, and GA doesn't submit electoral votes to Congress. Just imagine the same thing happens in half a dozen other states as well. The Democrats are sure preparing for a presidential election to be decided by Congress as they are putting huge sums into retaining the Alaska House seat. Currently held by a Democrat, that seat could be a crucial state delegation if the election goes to the House.

        TargaGTS in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | August 10, 2024 at 8:13 am

        I don’t think you understand how polling works. There’s a reason why ‘likely voter’ polls dominate all polling in the last two weeks: They’re historically more appreciably more accurate. It doesn’t matter if turnout is very low or very high. They were more accurate in 2000 when turnout was barely over 50% and more accurate in 2020 when turnout was the highest it’s been in 50-years. Unfortunately, many pollsters don’t conduct ‘likely voter’ polling until the very end (when they want their poll to be as accurate as possible) because it’s more laborious and thus more expensive. You simply have to have a lot more total respondents to get an accurate ‘likely voter’ sample.

    CommoChief in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 8, 2024 at 8:51 pm

    It’s all over social media and all over alternative media. Both of which have a bigger reach than CNN these days. Even CNN took his embellishment of his military record to task for what that’s worth.

      healthguyfsu in reply to CommoChief. | August 9, 2024 at 11:54 am

      Even though CNN has lower ratings, it’s important to see whether those that typically cover the leftists in power will have the guts to put out the truth.

      Unfortunately, I don’t see it because I refuse to watch them…even in an airport.

    gonzotx in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 8, 2024 at 9:04 pm

    don’t t believe those ridiculous polls

    Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 9, 2024 at 7:32 am

    Remarkably, CNN fact checked him and found his claims were “absolutely false.”

Mauiobserver | August 8, 2024 at 8:03 pm

It the words of a Hollywood legend


This guy Walz was not a good pick. The Harris campaign failed hugely at due diligence, aside from his repeated embellishment of his military service which is bad enough. The guy let Minneapolis burn for 3 days. He supports trans so much he wants Parents separated from their children if they refuse ‘transition treatment’. He supports abortion on demand. Bottom line is he is a very radical leftist not the ‘Minnesota nice moderate’ he billed himself to be or that the d/prog convinced themselves he was. They are gonna regret this decision.

    TargaGTS in reply to CommoChief. | August 8, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    Yep. I’ve said from the moment he was announced that we dodged a bullet when she didn’t pick Shapiro and we dodged a mortar round when she didn’t pick Kelly…who has none of Shapiro’s ‘baggage’ plus has Gabby Giffords he can roll out on the stump. It would have been a nightmare.

30 trips to China, no big deal. After all, the Biden family also has a special relationship with China.

    Hominem Humilem in reply to jb4. | August 9, 2024 at 9:57 am

    It bothered me that he referred to working full-time as a Guardsman; there are a few positions in National Guard units that are truly full-time (i.e., civil service jobs, where the incumbent works a regular 40-hour week as a civilian specialist, then puts on the uniform to fulfil their reserve component responsibilities)–and the ones I’m acquainted with are Intelligence professionals. At least some Guard units have access to the broad range of U.S. intelligence information that their active duty counterparts do–and China having someone with routine access to much of the Intelligence Community’s collection (and plenty of relative privacy to gather it for their benefit) is awful to contemplate.

    Fortunately, I think his references to full-time service probably refer to his time in Italy after 9/11 and perhaps a few training courses where he would have spent a few weeks to a couple months on extended active duty orders. And artillery units don’t usually need to provide the most sensitive intelligence information to their “rank and file” troops anyway.

    What bothers me now are the casual lies (like allowing himself to be referred to as a retired CSM, talking about carrying weapons in war when he never entered a combat zone at any point in his career, and being listed as chairman of a committee in which he was a member of the minority party–and thus the ranking member, not the chair). It’s not ethical behavior, and is especially annoying from a senior enlisted leader, whose role would be to enforce standards on the enlisted cadre of the unit.

      First, I think your last paragraph absolutely nails it. This guy is full of it. With respect to his claims about ‘working full time’ in the Guard, I have no idea what his military CV really is. But, the Guard & Reserve components both have full-time support personnel (FTS & ADOS) working in a variety of billets. Many of them work in maintenance roles in the Air wing and infantry (to include artillery & mechanized unites) doing the maintenance work that just can’t be done in 2-days a month and some work in comms and intelligence, as you say. Interestingly though, these FTS Guard employees (I’m not sure what the term is the Guard uses) are just that, employees not uniformed service members. Outside of the intelligence/comms billets, they’re working full-time for their respective states; they’re state civil-servants who happen to wear military uniforms. It’s kind of an odd dynamic.

    WTPuck in reply to jb4. | August 9, 2024 at 11:32 am

    As does Kamala’s husband.

Don’t the Democrats think Walz don’t work?

Acid, dude… Not crack…. 🙂
It don’t cost very much, but it lasts a long while…. -John Prine- Illegal Smile

After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he chaired Veterans Affairs
This too is a lie. He was a ranking member but not the chair.

Am I nitpicking too much to note that Walz was never the Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee?

Would they know the truth if it bit them in the butt?

“Buzz Fading Fast”
Eagerly awaiting the nausea, vomiting, and night sweats.

inspectorudy | August 9, 2024 at 1:43 am

My take on this is that Walz will drop out for some fake reason and they will find a new VP at the DNC. He has too much baggage to campaign with and when her baggage is thrown in, it becomes a loser for them.

    henrybowman in reply to inspectorudy. | August 9, 2024 at 11:42 am

    The Democrats don’t have a ticket so much as they have a claw machine.
    They need two Minions, but can only grab the plastic dog poop.

    Evil Otto in reply to inspectorudy. | August 10, 2024 at 7:52 am

    I think they’re stuck with him. The Democrat ’24 campaign is already in shambles because President Drooly McHairyLegs was forced to drop out. The party decided Harris was their candidate, but if her chosen veep drops out then many of their supporters won’t be able to even pretend she’s competent.

    But who knows. It’s such a shitshow anything can happen. If aliens invaded before the election I’d probably shrug and tell them to get in line behind the other sort of aliens that are already invading.

Team Obama initiated the coup to get Joe to drop out. Barrack Obama reportedly wanted an open convention, but Joe Biden thwarted that plan by endorsing and selecting Harris.

However, Obama got his way by having Eric Holder vet Harris’s VP candidates, whom Team Obama drafted.

Either Holder failed in vetting Walz, or his recommendation to KH was intentional. Could Obama know she will lose and Walz is a throwaway candidate?

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Ghostrider. | August 9, 2024 at 4:13 am

    Obama, and all of his people, are incompetent morons. Don’t you remember that joke when Barky first slimed into office:

    What’s the difference between Jesus and Obama?

    Jesus could build a cabinet.

    Barky and his people were awful. At everything. There was no competence in his junta – anywhere.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to Ghostrider. | August 9, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    You are reading too much into it. Walz and Harris are peas in a pod. They believe the same things and get along well. Harris obviously doesn’t think Walz’s flaws will hurt her ticket in the campaign, and I think she is right. Most people who look at this website would never vote for this ticket in any case. We are not the target audience. They have no real interest in courting swing voters and neither does Trump. Swing voters appear to be exactly evenly divided, which means their votes all cancel out to zero. The 2024 election is a pure turnout battle. This is the Black Lives Matter-Feminist ticket. It is all about getting blacks and single women to the polls in the 7-12 states (and one district) that matter. Period.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 9, 2024 at 4:10 am

I won’t be satisfied until Weirdo Walz is in the recovery room after his “gender-affirming” surgery. Walz deserves to as a fat, bald chick. He can become play-lesbian lovers with that Pritzker monster in the wig.

Walz deserves a healthy dose of his own deranged “medicine”.

Why are we acting as if the Democrats inserting candidates when and as they see fit is normal?

No one voted for either of these.

And the fact that the Democrats seem to be holding on to the option to replace either of them –at will– at any point in the election process, up to election day is just insane.

We seem to have gone straight from the leftist coup in November 2020 where they had to fake it to a point where they think they can just decree who the president is.

We don’t need a civil war, we need a war of restoration.

And we need it fast.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Azathoth. | August 9, 2024 at 11:58 am

    One small point of correction: no one in either party “votes” for the VP.

    Other than that, carry on as you are correct.

    Also, there’s been a tendency to NOT pick a VP candidate that ran against the POTUS nominee in the primaries so the VP candidates own words can’t be used against the POTUS candidate.

    Kamala is an exception to that rule because unsurprisingly, the media worm has turned so sour that allied networks won’t even report on those issues if it serves their backers’ ends to ignore it.

    henrybowman in reply to Azathoth. | August 9, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    Just keep in mind that nowhere in the Constitution is there any requirement that parties’ nominees have to be approved by ANYBODY, much less voted on by citizens.
    The original concept of parties were that they were private interest groups that would submit a ticket of like-minded candidates that would pursue policies that would advance the group’s interests. How these candidates were selected was entirely a matter internal to the party, and whatever rules they set.
    But now we enter Alinsky terrority. This is precisely the same type of authoritarian s*t that the Democrats pulled in 1968 — and lost the election disastrously. And there were riots over it — in Chicago, no less. And it was then the Party “promised” that they’d never do it again — it would be “democratic” primaries from here on out. Of course, it hasn’t been (Hillary and then Biden being the most egregious examples to date before Kamala), but they’ve kept it off the radar with the connivance of their whores in the MSM.
    This is the year (especially given the Chicago connection) for the right to hammer them on this anvil. Create dissension, strife, and maybe even rioting, between the oligarchs and their voters.
    (Of course, their first defense will be that they never made that promise, so bring the receipts.)

destroycommunism | August 9, 2024 at 10:30 am

the buzz may be fading

but the STENCH lasts a lifetime