The Point of the 2024 Democratic National Convention was to Rehabilitate the Anti-American Image of Their Party

DNC 2024 American Flags

If you watched the Democratic National Convention this week, you may have noticed a departure from their conventions of years gone by. Speakers emerged on the stage with Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Born in the USA’ playing in the background. People were waving American flags and chanting ‘USA!’ as if they were hardcore America-loving conservatives.

Harris’s running mate was presented as a veteran who loves family, football, beer, and America.

None of this was a coincidence, and none of it happened by accident.

Democrats seem to have figured out that millions of Americans see them as flag-burning, America-hating, radicals. The stagecraft of the entire convention was an attempt to rewrite that history and present Democrats as patriots.

Van Jones of CNN gave the game away.

From FOX News:

Van Jones suggests Republicans have a ‘cheaper patriotism’ than Democrats’ ‘deeper,’ ‘muscular patriotism’CNN commentator Van Jones seemingly suggested Wednesday that Republicans have a “cheaper patriotism” while Democrats have a “deeper” and more “muscular” devotion to their country.”I feel like there’s a distinction between what I would call a cheaper patriotism and a deeper patriotism. This is a deeper patriotism here, it‘s not just the rah-rah stuff,” Jones said on CNN reacting to night three of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.”They are asserting that the value of freedom is not just the freedom to not pay your taxes or the freedom to say get off my lawn, it‘s the freedom to live a full life,” he continued, “and to be able to live a full life, we need each other, we need smart government.””I haven‘t seen so many ‘USA, USA’ [chants]…there is a muscular patriotism associated with Kamala Harris. There’s a musculature to what she’s saying. She wants to fight, she’s not afraid. She wants to fight for this. [She says] ;I believe in this country, I believe in this particular vision of freedom and I am going to fight for it.’ And I think that’s a very interesting new combination that I haven’t seen before.”

Watch this clip:

This is theater.

And while that was going on in the convention, the party’s base voters were up to their usual antics right outside the hall.

CNN’s right-leaning pundit Scott Jennings made the point perfectly, saying “These American flags were sort of startling to me. Normally you guys are burning these things.”

For years now, Democrats have been telling Americans that our flag is offensive, our national anthem is racist song about war and that the nation only exists because of colonialism and horrible slave-owning white men.

Now they suddenly want us to believe they’re all about freedom, God, family, and love of country.

I can’t help but think that this is all based on nothing more than polling.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, DNC, Progressives