Texas Sheriff Who Endorsed Harris Once Begged the Biden Admin to Do More to Secure the Border

Texas sheriff Javier Salazar

At the DNC, Texas Sheriff Javier Salazar gave a rousing speech praising Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for their work on the border crisis.

Well, um, first of all, Salazar isn’t a border county sheriff. I have no doubt the border crisis has affected Bexar County, but don’t call yourself a border sheriff, which he did last night.

Second, Salazar begged Biden and Harris to visit the border and do more to fix the border crisis:

Right now what I’m asking for the president or member of his administration that can make decisions to come down and talk not just from me but at least 12 other Texas sheriffs from major counties in the state of Texas that are dealing with this issue firsthand. So I’d like to see somebody from Washington come down here, get boots on the ground, get eyes on the issue at hand, and then talk to us, a bipartisan group of Texas sheriffs that are really taking a common sense approach because we have to.

In his speech last night, Salazar called Trump a “self-serving man.” he also said:

“The border sheriffs that I know, and I, we’re like Kamala. We protect and serve. We enforce the law. We show compassion, and we fight like hell to protect our border,” Salazar said to a DNC crowd numbering in the thousands. “Because as we’ve always known in Texas, cuando luchamos, ganamos. When we fight, we win.”—“He is a self-serving man,” Salazar said of Trump, to audible applause from DNC attendees. “He made our jobs harder.”The sheriff then praised Harris, saying she clamped down on and imprisoned suspected traffickers who continued to come to the U.S. Salazar’s remarks painted a portrait of the presidential candidate contrasting Republican rebukes, including by Gov. Greg Abbott, who took aim at Harris for doing little to secure the border.She has previously been called the “border czar” despite never being put in charge of overseeing immigration policy or security at the border.”She’s gone down to Mexico and worked to stop the traffickers, and when the traffickers didn’t stop, she put them in jail,” Salazar said. “Down in my neck of the woods, we call that fooling around and finding out.”

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, DNC, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Texas