Tapper Tells Pelosi CNN Made Him Ask About Tension With Biden

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Nancy Pelosi about any bad blood between her and Joe Biden.

Biden and Anita Dunn admitted that Congressional Democrat leaders (Pelosi and Chuck Schumer) forced Biden to withdraw from the race.

Well, Tapper admitted CNN made him ask the question:

“I know that it was very difficult for him,” Tapper said. “That’s been made very clear by some of his top aides like Anita Dunn and Ron Klain, and there does seem to be- even though Anita Dunn said earlier today, ‘Nobody wants to have a fight with Nancy Pelosi at this time.’ It does seem like there’s some residual bad blood or resentment, and I‘m wondering if you‘ve spoken to him and what your response is to that.”Pelosi replied to the news host by joking, “Sometimes you just have to take a punch for the children.”Tapper pressed further on Dunn’s comments and whether Pelosi had spoken to Biden.”You know what?” Pelosi said as she made a gesture to stop. “I had to do what I had to do. He made the decision for the country. My concern was not about the president, it was about his campaign. As he has seen with the exuberance, the excitement that has come forth in our country.””Nobody is questioning the fact that the Democratic Party seems much better positioned right now than it did 4 weeks and 2 days ago, there’s no question about that,” Tapper said.”So why are we even talking about it?” Pelosi asked.”They put it in my script and made me read it,” he replied.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, CNN, Democrats, Jake Tapper, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi