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Sweden Confirms First Case of Virulent Monkeypox Outside of Africa

Sweden Confirms First Case of Virulent Monkeypox Outside of Africa

A second possible case is being monitored in Pakistan. Meanwhile, Newsweek decides to declare those who are skeptical of recent WHO move to declare global health emergency “conspiracy theorists”

At the end of 2023, I reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that a more infectious mpox (i.e., the rebranded monkeypox) virus strain had been found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It was spreading and had a higher infection fatality rate than previous virus strains that had spread during 2022’s “Monkeypox Emergency. “

Last spring, the World Health Organization (WHO) sounded the alarm about the DRC mpox outbreak.  Researchers who studied the strain warned that it has “pandemic potential.”

This week, I reported that WHO has officially declared the ongoing monkeypox outbreak in Africa a global health emergency.

Now a case of virulent type of monkeypox is being reported outside of Africa.

Sweden said Thursday that it had confirmed a case of the more contagious version of mpox circulating in central and eastern Africa.

It is the first known infection of the strain outside Africa.

…The agency said in a release that the patient with mpox sought care in Stockholm after having spent time in Africa.

The version of clade I responsible for the outbreak in Congo also appears to be fairly transmissible via routine close contact, such as between members of a household. That’s a notable difference from the clade II strain, which was transmitted primarily via sexual contact among men who have sex with men during the outbreak two years ago.

A second case of monkeypox is being monitored in Pakistan, with concerns it may also be of the more virulent strain.

A health ministry spokesperson said the sequencing of the confirmed case was underway, and that it would not be clear which variant of mpox the patient had until the process was complete.

A new form of the virus has triggered global concern because it seems to spread more easily though routine close contact. A case of the new variant was confirmed on Thursday in Sweden and linked to a growing outbreak in Africa, the first sign of its spread outside the continent.

However, the World Health Organization has advised against any travel restrictions to stop the spread of mpox.

Interestingly, stock prices of a number of healthcare and pharmaceutical companies worldwide rose after the WHO declaration about the monkeypox cade I variant.

Several pharmaceutical companies have seen their shares rise in anticipation of increased demand for Mpox vaccines.

They include include Bavarian Nordic, a vaccine manufacturer based in Denmark, whose Mpox vaccine, JYNNEOS, also known by the brand names Imvanes and IMvamune, has already been approved. The company’s shares jumped about 17.6% on Friday morning.

JYNNEOS is one of the only two Mpox vaccines approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is also recommended by the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation (SAGE).

Meanwhile, Newsweek took a few moments out of the busy news cycle to mock people who expressed doubts about how global public health officials are handing this outbreak.

The publication is even bringing back the term ‘conspiracy theorist’:

A new mpox outbreak is driving a “do not comply” movement among conspiracy theorists who fear that health-related lockdowns will affect this year’s presidential election.

…”Do not comply! We will not comply! Another election, another pandemic scare. Monkeypox – Imagine that. Get out of here with that Mpox nonsense. We will not listen to the WHO,” a MAGA supporter said in response to a video of Valentina Gomez, a former GOP candidate for Missouri’s secretary of state, on X (formerly Twitter).

People have not forgotten the societal destruction wrought by senseless covid policies, which were built on the lies and manipulations of bureaucratic “experts” that remained unchallenged by a compliant press. The pandemic and its response caused $18 trillion in economic losses to this country.

The article itself was mocked on social media. The days of X suppressing challenges to media reports appear to be over.

At this point, a new version of the Black Death could arise, and people may chose to ignore all the medical advice. That is because the global health officials and the media gatekeepers lost their credibility with covid.


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What if they held a worldwide medical crisis and no one showed up?

    diver64 in reply to scooterjay. | August 18, 2024 at 7:46 am

    The “Health Officials” did it to themselves. I for one will not forget.

    Milhouse in reply to scooterjay. | August 18, 2024 at 8:48 pm

    Even worse, what if there were a real crisis and nobody believed them or took the necessary precautions, because they’d been burned so many times.

    That’s the real moral of the fable about the Boy Who Cried Wolf. In the end it wasn’t the boy’s sheep that the wolf ate, it was the sheep of all those people who no longer believed him. So the real moral is that even a liar occasionally tells the truth. and if you dismiss everything he says just because he’s lied so many times in the past, you may end up paying a price.

The quadrennial plague seems to be a developing trend.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 17, 2024 at 3:10 pm

Given the continuous, unfettered third-world invasion of Sweden, does it really count as “outside of Africa”?

2 people outside of Africa have Mpox… time to shut down the economy and lock everyone in doors except BLM rioters and gay bath house orgies.

“Newsweek decides to declare those who are skeptical of recent WHO move to declare global health emergency “conspiracy theorists”
Yay! We win! (Godwin’s Law (c)(3))

E Howard Hunt | August 17, 2024 at 5:39 pm

Those Swedes shouldn’t share a sauna with poxy Africans.

destroycommunism | August 17, 2024 at 5:50 pm

no go zones dont exist

WHO has less credibility than the CDC and they are about as reliable as AP or McClatchy.

At best, WHO is a global servant to Satan and various similar agents of CLIMATE CHANGE. I wonder how much John Fonda-Kerry receives from WHO per year.

All it takes is a couple dozen cases, and the whole world needs vaccination, we are locked down, here and it is election season again…
Gonna have to vote by mail.
But no Fauci this time.

The version of clade I responsible for the outbreak in Congo also appears to be fairly transmissible via routine close contact, such as between members of a household

Sure it is. That’s why 30% of the infected are sex workers, and they won’t tell us what percentage are MSM.

If you didn’t want people spreading conspiracy theories, the first thing to do is to stop conspiring.

destroycommunism | August 17, 2024 at 7:39 pm

the biggest threat to your health is a lefty run government

Dangerous, dangerous, DANGEROUS! The word at risk of another pandemic

And yet
“However, the World Health Organization has advised against any travel restrictions to stop the spread of mpox.

WTF? WHY wouldn’t that be the obvious place to start?

    MK Ultra in reply to Hodge. | August 17, 2024 at 10:02 pm

    Too Trumpy, which would be looked at as worse than any actual health risks.

    henrybowman in reply to Hodge. | August 18, 2024 at 6:20 pm

    They’re happy to lock you in your 1000 ft² house, but unwilling to restrict you to your 100,000 mi² country.

    (Sorry, fat-fingered a downvote while replying.)

Surprised that WHO didn’t recommend euthanasia, for the common good. A corpse, reduced to ashes, will not spread any diseases. Very effective isolation technique.

It does NOT spread through ‘routine close contact’ unless you’re a gay man whose ‘routine’ includes promiscuous sex with obviously infected men.

And believe it or not, that is not an insignificant subcategory in the gay community..

    Milhouse in reply to Azathoth. | August 19, 2024 at 11:26 pm

    As usual, the demonspawn Azathoth is full of lies.

    Clade I (the Congo Basin clade) does spread through routine close contact, that is normal for people living in the same household. That makes it a bigger threat than Clade II (the Western African clade).