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Secret Service Apologize After Breaking Into Salon During Kamala Harris Fundraiser

Secret Service Apologize After Breaking Into Salon During Kamala Harris Fundraiser

Salon owner Alicia Powers: “But they didn’t even have the audacity to ask for permission. They just helped themselves.”

The Secret Service (USSS) is a mess.

Alicia Powers, owner of Four One Three Salon in Massachusetts, said USSS apologized after an agent broke into the business to allow people to use the bathroom during a Kamala Harris fundraiser.

Powers closed her business when asked by USSS.

The USSS also said the agents “would not enter” the salon without Powers’ permission.

But security cameras caught one agent applying tape over the camera. From Business Insider:

At 8:10 that Saturday morning, a Secret Service agent — wearing a dark suit and open-collared white shirt, but no pin on her lapel — walked up to the salon’s front entrance while swinging a roll of masking tape in her left hand. She looked at the door. Then she looked at the security camera on the porch. Then she looked at the door again.

She walked away. When she returned two minutes later, she grabbed a chair from the porch, stood on it, and taped over the Ring security camera that had been watching her.

The door was locked. But later that afternoon, another security camera, pointing at the door from the inside of the building, spotted four other people over the course of nearly two hours.
Two people wearing emergency medical services uniforms and one person in a camouflage law enforcement uniform walked in. The fourth person, wearing a dark suit and white shirt like a Secret Service officer, stood by the door.

No one bothered turning off the security alarm, which blared the whole time.

Powers told BI: “There were several people in and out for about an hour-and-a-half — just using my bathroom, the alarms going off, using my counter, with no permission.”

After two hours, the agents left the “building completely unlocked, and did not take the tape off the camera.”

The cameras caught two people wearing emergency medical services uniforms, one wearing a camouflage law enforcement uniform, and a person who looked like a USSS agent by the door.

An EMS worker told Powers that the person in charge of security told “people to come in and use the bathroom.”

The situation bothers Powers:

When Powers returned to the property later that day, she found the door’s lock looked like it had been picked, she told BI.

The people who entered the Four One Three Salon didn’t do much damage aside from leaving an untidy bathroom behind, Powers said.

But what bothered her was what she saw as sheer disregard for her business, by entering without permission and leaving the place unlocked when they left, she said.

Powers said she felt “violated.”

“Whoever was visiting, whether it was a celebrity or not, I probably would’ve opened the door and made them coffee and brought in donuts to make it a great afternoon for them,” she told BI. “But they didn’t even have the audacity to ask for permission. They just helped themselves.”

Brian Smith, the landlord, also said, “he didn’t give the Secret Service permission to use the property.”

The USSS told Powers to contact the local police department, which had no idea about the incident.

Pittsfield Police Captain Matthew Hill: “I know for certain none of our members were involved in this.”

Seems like the USSS has a habit of passing the buck to local law enforcement. The agency has done this numerous times for the failed security at President Donald Trump’s rally.

The USSS apologized to Powers:

The day after BI initially reached out to the Secret Service for comment for this story — more than a week after it entered the business — an agency spokesperson said it had “since communicated” with Powers.

“The U.S. Secret Service works closely with our partners in the business community to carry out our protective and investigative missions,” McKenzie wrote in an email to BI. “The Secret Service has since communicated with the affected business owner.”

“We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission,” she added.


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Drag their a**es into court to face the music.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to buck61. | August 12, 2024 at 4:09 pm

    It’s ripe for an inverse condemnation lawsuit

    MarkS in reply to buck61. | August 12, 2024 at 6:37 pm

    can’t, they have immunity

      buck61 in reply to MarkS. | August 12, 2024 at 8:01 pm

      they did not identify themselves as any form of law enforcement before breaking into the property. As far as I know she is a private citizen trespassing onto her property., Tampering with video evidence as well. Criminal or civil, get me the sleaziest contingency lawyer anybody can find.

      diver64 in reply to MarkS. | August 13, 2024 at 11:40 am

      I don’t think that holds up in this case. This does show how out of control the Secret Service is. When your core mission is diversity you do not get the cream of the crop

The owner should consider filing a criminal complaint against this breaking and entering & trespass.

Throw the perps in jail!

A national embarrassment. Strip this entire organization from the ground up. Can’t get anything right, big or small

DeweyEyedMoonCalf | August 12, 2024 at 12:33 pm

So, they are saying that they would never do the exact things that they were caught doing on camera? Don’t believe your lying eyes?

UnCivilServant | August 12, 2024 at 12:37 pm

Appology is not enough, there needs to be criminal charges for breaking and entering and vandalism.

    Fred Idle in reply to UnCivilServant. | August 12, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    You could make a case that this intrusion is a violation the Third Amendment, which bars the quartering of troops on private property.

      CommoChief in reply to Fred Idle. | August 12, 2024 at 1:31 pm

      B&E + criminal trespass and maybe theft for the water used on the crime side then conversion + mental trauma on the civil side seem appropriate.

      George S in reply to Fred Idle. | August 12, 2024 at 1:43 pm

      Why complicate matters? Covering the camera is consciousness of guilt, meaning he knew he was breaking the law and not acting under any permission or authority to enter.

      OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to Fred Idle. | August 12, 2024 at 4:10 pm

      I think it could be construed as a taking without just compensation

      Milhouse in reply to Fred Idle. | August 13, 2024 at 12:24 am

      The Third amendment does not apply any time the USA is at war. I don’t think there has been a time when the USA was totally at peace in many decades.

        Azathoth in reply to Milhouse. | August 13, 2024 at 12:02 pm

        Can you not find a fire to f off and die in?

        The US is not at war NOW. The US has not been involved in a declared war in a long time.

        You endless excusing of leftist perfidy seems to have no limit.

          Milhouse in reply to Azathoth. | August 14, 2024 at 9:27 am

          Azathoth continues to lie and lie and lie.

          The USA is at war now. The AUMF of Sep-18-2001 is still in effect. Last I heard the ones from 1991, 2002, and even 1957 were still in effect too, the various repeal attempts having so far failed.

          And calling me a leftist is pure libel.

Louis K. Bonham | August 12, 2024 at 12:38 pm

But will the agent involved (apparently another one of Kim Cheatle’s DEI hires) face any consequences. Or, like the agent in charge of the Butler site, will Rowe just stiffarm all efforts to identify her lest the object shortcomings of the USSS DEI hires be brought to light?

For crying out loud, this is unlawful breaking and entering! Under Texas law, it would be felony burglary. Why hasn’t local law enforcement charged her? Why hasn’t the USSS fired or at least suspended her?

A USSS badge is not immunity from the law.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Louis K. Bonham. | August 12, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    The argument can be made the functionally the coercive organs of state power are above and outside the law and the Constitution. What will be interesting to see will be if in a couple of weeks Ms. Alicia Powers finds herself in the middle of a federal felony investigation for speaking out.

    Subotai Bahadur

      Louis K. Bonham in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | August 12, 2024 at 4:38 pm

      The argument can be made, and it loses.

      The doctrine of qualified immunity may well make it difficult or impossible to get recompense for illegal acts by government official in many / most instances. In this case, there’s no way breaking and entering with no exigent circumstances is anything other than pure scofflawery by the agent.

      We need to see this video at a Congressional hearing and Rowe forced to identify who this is and explain why she has not been fired and why no criminal referral has been sent to DOJ.

      I’m sure the IRS is already doing their investigation

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Louis K. Bonham. | August 12, 2024 at 1:57 pm

    Why hasn’t local law enforcement charged her?


    A USSS badge is not immunity from the law.
    Ah, you naive soul, you. Under progressive legal systems, it most certainly is. Unless, of course, you’re shooting a miscreant of the wrong victim group. Equality under the law? Pfft.

“Sorry we got caught. We promise to be more clever next time.”

Grant’sGhost | August 12, 2024 at 1:19 pm

isn’t this type of things supposed to be prevented by constitution – at least 2 amendments 3/5?

The salon owner seems naive and meek, happy to resolve this brazen criminal activity with the receipt of an apology and a coffee from the head of the SS’s Boston office.

Absent her loudly pushing for criminal charges, as well as filing a civil lawsuit, there will be no accountability, here, for this brazen act of imperial lawlessness and criminality, from yet another federal agency/department.

The salon owner’s cowed and submissive posture is precisely why these types of incidents occur, in the first place. When citizens are held in contempt by the federal apparatchiks, and, citizens don’t take steps to demand accountability, tyranny is the end result.

    CommoChief in reply to guyjones. | August 12, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    Hmm corrupt cops…..maybe a neighborhood coffee house, a ‘family place’ whose owners mind their own business… they got an old fashioned toilet where Clemenza could hide a ….

    diver64 in reply to guyjones. | August 13, 2024 at 11:43 am

    To press charges you not only have to find a law enforcement officer to file them but a lawyer to go after them
    Good luck in Mass especially Pittsfield on that one

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 12, 2024 at 1:55 pm

Secret Service Apologize After Breaking Into Salon During Kamala Harris Fundraiser

Apologies are absolutely worthless. Actions are the only things that really count. WHO WAS FIRED?

And if no one was fired, then who decided not to fire the people responsible – the one who taped the camera and broke and all of the secret service personnel who used the broken-into shop. Fire all of those people and fire ALL of the people up the chain of command who decided not to fire the person below them. All the way up to Mayorkas.

It is really unbelievable that Mayorkas has been allowed to remain as the Sec of DHS all of these years. Unbelievable, really. He should have been impeached and thrown out and currently be sitting in criminal court having his treason charge be tried.

Sounds like a third-rate burglary! The sort of thing that kills the careers of presidents… and presidential hopefuls!

The plumbers are back in business again, but they don’t work for the CIA this time.
Or …do they?

nordic prince | August 12, 2024 at 2:11 pm

D motto:

What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine.

Is breaking and entering still a crime in MA? Assuming it is, the responsible agent(s) should be arrested and charged with B&E.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to jimincalif. | August 12, 2024 at 2:39 pm

    It’s not a crime if you’re a democrat. Or are doing the bidding of a democrat. It’s only illegal if you’re a Republican, Conservative or other disfavored person and/or group of people. Then the book will be thrown at you. Guaranteed.

Lucifer Morningstar | August 12, 2024 at 2:46 pm

“We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission,” she added.

Well you stupid byotch, your “personnel” vandalized private property (taping over the outside security camera), broke into a private business (breaking and entering) and allowed others access to the private business all without the owner’s permission. So when are all those involved going to be publicly reprimanded for their behavior and/or fired for their complete lack of professionalism and judgement. Please do tell. All those involved in this incident were or are going to be punished, right? Right?!??

irishgladiator63 | August 12, 2024 at 3:08 pm

Imagine if this happened at a Trump event.

If “alarms were blaring” non-stop, why didn’t the local police show?

They must have forgotten that SS is the Secret Service here, not Schutzstaffel

destroycommunism | August 12, 2024 at 4:43 pm

as nancy pelosi sated when busted for getting her hair done at the salon during covid lockdowns:

I was tricked to coming in here

the ss will see it the same way

then you have to deal with the retaliatory nature of the lefty government

So who ordered this? I would say Kamala or some other higher up that didn’t want to have to use a porta potty.

did the usss lick spits wipe her behind for her as well?

Gestapo means never having to say you’re sorry.

“We’re sorry we got caught.”

Entering private property minus a warrant is a B&E violation and should be prosecuted as such. Over the past few years we have seen serious law enforcement overreach such as heavily armed tactical squads carrying war weapons to arrest citizens for minor offenses in the dead of night, wives and children left in the cold while the operation was in progress etc. During one of these operations a woman lost her unborn child. This must stop. Law enforcement is not above the law.

    It would be in Florida. But this is Massachusetts, where anything goes as long as it’s Dems doing it. Two-tiered law enforcement is not just a thing in the UK.