Scarborough: Harris’s Policies are ‘Pragmatic Politics,’ Not ‘Socialism’

Joe Scarborough

Morning Joe‘s Joe Scarborough defended Kamala Harris’s proposals as “pragmatic politics” and not “socialism.”

Um, are you kidding me? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not surprised Scarborough said this because the media will do anything to get Harris elected.

The media went off the deep end with Barack Obama, but these next few months will be even more insufferable:

SCARBOROUGH: “Often what’s branded as far left and progressive is right in the middle of where so many Americans are like, for instance, Tim Walz is being attacked as a communist, as a socialist. Why? Because he wanted hungry kids in Minnesota to have breakfast and lunch at school. Kamala Harris being called a communist, a socialist, a communist, because she wants to make it easier for younger Americans to get that first house, which they cannot get now.They are shut out of the American dream that we grew up with. And so Kamala Harris is saying, let’s see what we can all do together. So younger Americans can get that first home. That ain’t socialism. That is pragmatic politics that a lot of Americans support.”[Academic Eddie] GLAUDE: “You know, Joe, you’re absolutely right. Sometimes these labels get in the way of the underlying values that we all share, all that we all share. And sometimes, you know, we find ourselves, you know, defending ideals as if it’s just pure when we’re all complicated. One minute I may sound like I’m on the far left. The next minute I may sound like T.S. Eliot, depending on what we’re talking about. Right. So it’s it’s really an indication of how complex, everyday, ordinary people are and how these labels try to box us in.”

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Joe Scarborough, Kamala Harris, Media Bias, Morning Joe, MSNBC, Socialism