Scarborough: Harris’s Policies are ‘Pragmatic Politics,’ Not ‘Socialism’
It is literally socialism.
Morning Joe‘s Joe Scarborough defended Kamala Harris’s proposals as “pragmatic politics” and not “socialism.”
Um, are you kidding me? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not surprised Scarborough said this because the media will do anything to get Harris elected.
The media went off the deep end with Barack Obama, but these next few months will be even more insufferable:
SCARBOROUGH: “Often what’s branded as far left and progressive is right in the middle of where so many Americans are like, for instance, Tim Walz is being attacked as a communist, as a socialist. Why? Because he wanted hungry kids in Minnesota to have breakfast and lunch at school. Kamala Harris being called a communist, a socialist, a communist, because she wants to make it easier for younger Americans to get that first house, which they cannot get now.
They are shut out of the American dream that we grew up with. And so Kamala Harris is saying, let’s see what we can all do together. So younger Americans can get that first home. That ain’t socialism. That is pragmatic politics that a lot of Americans support.”
[Academic Eddie] GLAUDE: “You know, Joe, you’re absolutely right. Sometimes these labels get in the way of the underlying values that we all share, all that we all share. And sometimes, you know, we find ourselves, you know, defending ideals as if it’s just pure when we’re all complicated. One minute I may sound like I’m on the far left. The next minute I may sound like T.S. Eliot, depending on what we’re talking about. Right. So it’s it’s really an indication of how complex, everyday, ordinary people are and how these labels try to box us in.”
Scarborough and guest laughably attempt to spin Kamala’s far-left economic plans and handing out of free money — “That ain’t socialism, that’s pragmatic politics."
Holy moly. Even by MSNBC standards — this segment is a study in dissembling, deception and cynical political…
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) August 23, 2024
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Her politics are feelings without regard for perverse consequences. She’s not smart enough to be a Marxist or even a Socialist, which are more theoretical.
In other words, she is a Marxist.
I thought ignorance and rote stupidity were integral to being a Marxist/socialist; easily led and blind to the truth around them, and especially blind to history.
Truth is not a Left-wing value.
This country is truly awash with evil.
These people are nothing more than propagandists for the establishment!
Like Jennifer Rubin, Scarborough has become so open-minded, his brains have fallen out of his head.
It’s a variation on an angle I’ve been seeing over the past few years, where they define socialism as any activity that is done cooperatively. It’s an approach that probably works on low info voters.
I’m old enough to remember when Democrats would become red-in-the-face angry if you said that Social Security was socialist; now they brag about it, and say that anybody who draws their benefits is a “socialist”.
Is this the same Joe Scarborough that was telling us how “sharp” Biden was, how he was the “best he’s ever been?”
People are not fed, and can’t afford houses, never mind food, because of DEMOCRAT POLICIES.
They really are Beavis and Butthead.
403 Forbidden.
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“shut out of the american dream”
you mean
inundated with the lie that if someone else has something you want
then go take it b/c they are evil and you have been
“shut out of the american dream….you victims for life
“Tim Walz is being attacked as a communist, as a socialist…Because he wanted hungry kids in Minnesota to have breakfast and lunch at school. Kamala Harris being called a communist, a socialist, a communist, because she wants to make it easier for younger Americans to get that first house, which they cannot get now.”
The sentiment isn’t what makes it socialist, it’s the implementation.
I’m all for every kid in America having breakfast and lunch, but feeding the hungry is the proper role of charity, not government.
I’m all for it being easier for young people to buy their first house, but passing off the costs to everyone else is not the solution. The solution is reducing the ridiculous inflation rates (caused by excessive government spending and printing of money) and reducing the government regulations that increase the costs of housing.
No one helped me buy my first home when I was 23 years old. But my first home “only” set me back about $47k…which in 1987 was about 150% of the national median family income. Thanks to inflation and housing policies that have exponentially increased the prices of single family homes, that same house would now cost somewhere around $375k…502% of the current national median family income.
So yea, I’d love to see home ownership be more affordable and for all kids to have three nutritious meals a day. Those are opinions and aspirations, not policy positions. It’s the proposed pathway to achieving those aspirations that make the democrat policies socialist and communist.
But, then again, Joe Scarborough is just a lawyer and previous congressman, I’m sure those concepts are way above his head.
And the problem (with central planners in general, and especially with Marxists) is they insis on forcing a round peg into a square hole by mandating these things via the heavy hand of gov’t.
Yes, sure, the round peg can fit in the square hole – if you shave enough of the round peg off. IOW,the Harrison Bergeron treatment.
Those things we want are best achieved by the people involved. And it’s why freedom (real freedom, not just hedonistic license) is so important – because it’s still the best way to allow people to achieve that.
people with no credit get free shit. meanwhile disabled vets buying power is dropping like a stone.
And Bide was sharp as a tack, too. Honest Joe Scarborough reporting.
The net negatives of the word “socialism” are still quite high, except among the freshly-indoctrinated youth (who like it because they think it means they won’t have to work long hours at boring jobs).
They will twist and squirm to avoid using that word and will instead call it “neighborliness” or “pragmatism” or whatever TF weasel word they can find.
And they will continue to demonize anyone opposed by claiming the Right doesn’t want kids to have nutritious meals or want to strip away Grandma’s social security.
Lies are all they have.
Yes, all that the sagacious, benevolent and magnanimous Dhimmi-crats seek to impose upon the peasants of the proletariat is “Socialism with pragmatic characteristics,” LOL.
Call it whatever you want. Socialism, communism, neighborliness … The way they want to go about it is THEFT.
Sooner or later, they all run out of other people’s money
For some true believers, the problem is they don’t believe it will run out. Because they have no idea where it comes from (other than maybe Auntie Sam’s printing presses). They don’t understand the concept of scarcity and how it operates.
That’s always how socialism/communism is sold: “pragmatism”.
Because that’s what counts for morals in Marxism. Even though it basically denies the reality that might make the occasional “pragmatic” thing work.
Morning Joe wouldn’t recognize socialism if he were strapped to a gurney being prepared for removal of his heart to benefit a “needier”
party donorcitizen.Nope, that’s just “pragmatic medicine that a lot of Americans support.”