RFK, Jr. On What MAGA Really Means
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RFK, Jr. On What MAGA Really Means

RFK, Jr. On What MAGA Really Means

“‘Make America Great Again’ recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself.”

RFK, Jr. quit his own bid for the presidency and enthusiastically endorsed President Trump, but he didn’t stop there.

He’s working hard to get the message out from behind the Intel-Democrat media blue wall to the American people.

The full text:

What “MAGA” really means

The phrase has troubled liberals who think it is a call for a return to an America before civil rights, gay rights, and women’s rights. But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today.

“Make America Great Again” recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself. It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes. It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and a idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology. And it was the healthiest country in the world.

I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. This is the America they want to restore.

Democrats are even more terrified today of the “Make America Great Again” slogan than they were when Ronald Reagan first used those words in his landslide 1980 campaign. Democrats have gained so much ground that they can almost taste their victory over a beaten, defeated, and destroyed America.

But that’s not how America works. We Fight! Fight! Fight!

RFK, Jr. eloquently expresses both that American spirit and the American ideal.


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Boy, Thanksgiving at Hyannisport is going to be awkward.

Good on RFK for articulating what many of us have been instinctively feeling about the descending malaise of progressivism in America.

America under Reagan and Trump was infinitely better than the Carter-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Biden parade of losers.

    Brodirt in reply to Peter Moss. | August 25, 2024 at 2:44 pm

    I tell everyone that I discuss this with that the Bushs, Clinton and Obama 1, 2 and 3 (Biden) are all just the same Neo-cons. The only distinction was that Clinton gave word service to a balanced budget partially due to Gringrich’s congress. We’ve been a Bush country since the last 2 years of Reagan’s second term (other than PDT’s 1st term) and we need to change course.

    henrybowman in reply to Peter Moss. | August 25, 2024 at 10:34 pm

    “Thanksgiving at Hyannisport is going to be awkward.”

    America has no shortage of patriots fired for speaking out, and vax-refusers cancelled by their families, that RFKJ never need fear having to spend Thanksgiving without ACTUAL stimulating company at the table.

And MAGA people are tired of being called every name in the book for wanting such an American way.

America first means negotiating actual deals where both sides benefit, in particular America. The other side benefits too. Trump is the master of the deal, adding stuff that was off the table, to make it work.

To me MAGA means no “soft landings” on American Exceptionalism, that’s it; everything else is wrapped up in that.

Kennedy is eloquent, expressing what we all feel , especially President Trump

Trump is the fighter however and it is through President Trump America has a chance

I recently rewatched the HBO series Rome, Cesar blew my mind, in that he reminded so much politically of Trump.
Despite going to war with fellow Romans, Brutus /Pompey, he immediately wanted to remake friendships with them, much to their surprise I might add… he clearly saw the problems with Rome and knew it would take at least 10 years to turn things around and therefore declared himself a dictator… but he was right, and the fools in the Senate couldn’t see through their jealousy… and killed him

You really should watch the series, unfortunately only 2 seasons, clearly rushed to end as HBO/BBC thought it was too expensive, only to later acknowledge what a huge mistake it was.
I also heard the set, which was incredible, has now burnt down.

RFK Jr. explained that Hope and Change MAGA is an empty canvas for the gullible to project their desires onto instead of paying attention to the actual candidate and the actual socialism that was enacted last time?

HAhahaha! Of course not. Is he the latest victim or just another perpetrator?

    henrybowman in reply to GravityOpera. | August 25, 2024 at 10:36 pm

    Well, we can’t have socialism! You’d better vote for Kamala instead.

      GravityOpera in reply to henrybowman. | August 26, 2024 at 5:00 am

      There’s only one reason for that response. I am 100% correct and the two politicians I referenced are indefensible, but you refuse to admit it.

        LibraryGryffon in reply to GravityOpera. | August 26, 2024 at 8:52 am

        What s

        Please explain how we got more socialism under Trump than we did under Biden and will under a Harris figurehead.

          GravityOpera in reply to LibraryGryffon. | August 26, 2024 at 10:06 pm

          Can’t defend DJT so you wave the bogeyman around instead as a distraction. “Look over here” is a basic magician’s trick.

          The last I checked Biden hasn’t been bad enough to sign universal direct payments to the entire population like Trump did.