Reuters Rides to Kamala Harris’ Rescue on the Border Crisis As Criticism Ramps Up

It goes without saying that whenever a Democrat is on the ropes, the mainstream media and their purported fact-checking divisions will inevitably swoop in to try to rescue them.

That has certainly been the case with Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who has been hit with a constant barrage of criticism from Republicans over her disastrous handling of Joe Biden’s border crisis since he made her his point person on the southern border in March of 2021.

That criticism has ramped up in the aftermath of Democrats coalescing around her after Biden was essentially forced to withdraw from the presidential race last month. And because her critics have been unrelenting, the Usual Suspects have been trotting out the woman/sexism/racism cards in an attempt to ward off legitimate criticisms of the vice president.

And when they haven’t been doing that, they’ve been trying to erase or gloss over her history as Biden’s border czar, falsely claiming for instance that Biden never actually put her in the position when he in fact did.

Reuters, though, has taken somewhat of a different route, claiming that in addition to allegedly not actually being the border czar “the facts” prove Harris’ detractors wrong on how she has handled the border crisis:

And the people they got to refute the claims? Other Democrats, former and current Biden administration officials, and so-called “experts” who of course all conveniently agree that Harris has gotten a bad rap on the issue:

From the article:

“She was given a very hard, difficult, convoluted portfolio,” said U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee and an architect of a bipartisan border security bill introduced earlier this year.[…]Despite Harris’ efforts, some 7 million migrants have been arrested illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border under Biden, according to government data, all-time highs that have fueled Republican criticism.The reality of Harris’s record on migration is far more complicated, according to interviews with three current Biden officials, 13 former officials and others tracking the issue.

In response, Rep, Chip Roy (R-TX), a leading critic of the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of the border crisis, took the so-called news outlet to task for trying to make Harris look like a success on an issue where in reality she’s been a miserable failure:

Would Reuters ever try to refute Democrat claims about a Republican using Republican officials and experts? Of course, they wouldn’t, but because the liberal media are what they are, we get this type of gaslighting, which is an insult to the American voter – especially when one considers the extent of how bad the border crisis, and the violent crime that has followed here in the U.S., has become under both Biden and Harris’ combined “leadership.”

The good news is that in November, voters will have a chance to reject the ridiculous media spin with their choices for president and Congress. The bad news is that the media is still gonna media, regardless of the actual facts on the ground, which is why alternative news sources must continue to do the work of bringing the real and unvarnished stories to light regardless of who wins.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Democrats, Kamala Harris, Media Bias